Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I had been babysitting for my niece so my husband and I decided to buy a brand new car with the income I was making. Right after the decision to do that the babysitting job ended. Oh well my God supplies my every need.

I ran a add to find another child to sit for. Meanwhile we went and brought ourselves a 1989 Pontiac Grand Am. That was an exciting moment in our life. The car was great and the first time either one of us had a brand new vehicle. When no calls came on the babysitting ad I wasn’t discouraged about it.

Standing on faith isn’t always easy but it will always work. When waiting on God for anything be careful because the thief may interfere with thoughts of doubt. The Lord always provides. Remember doubt comes but just keep speaking faith words. Whatever is in your heart will come out your mouth.

 Ruth chapter 2 says that Ruth went to the fields to glean among the ears of grain and the owner of the field Boaz saw her and asked who she was. They told him and Boaz told his servants to make sure that it wasn’t hard for her to find food but to leave it right out there so she could easily find it. God has given all of us a Boaz and maybe more than one. You just have to pray for God to send yours. Little did I know mine was on the way.

 Since know calls came in on the babysitting ad I decided to go another route I ran an ad to do housecleaning. Since we were enrolling Kim into a Christian school the following year they let me run the ad in there school paper. It wasn’t long and I received a call from a builder that had some new apartment buildings that he needed to have the hallways cleaned once a week. I took the job and went to work for him but I did it self employed. God sent my Boaz. While looking for domestic cleaning God gave me commercial cleaning which makes more money.

Kim my daughter went with me to work and we met this young woman that lived there that took care of Kim while I was cleaning and they did all kinds of fun things together. Holly enjoyed having somebody to visit with and Kim enjoyed doing things with her. She was a blessing to both of us.

When I started cleaning there was only three apartment buildings that needed to be cleaned. I got paid by the month so on payday I would pay our tithe and car payment. The builder was still building and every time a building was completed I would clean it so when Kim started Christian school I paid tithe, car payment and school payment. Soon there was enough cleaning that once tithe, car payment and schooling was paid for I could do whatever I wanted to with the rest of the money.

Owning your own time by owning your own business is a good way to go when you have young children because you set your schedule to the school schedule. I was able to do field trips, have lunch with the kids or whatever came up. In the end the builder had twelve apartment buildings in all. He also built new homes and duplexes which I cleaned with the help of my wonderful husband. Those apartments are still there and when I see them since now I am older all I can say is Lord how did we ever clean all those buildings? I believe that that builder taking me under his wing and giving me all that work is how God opened the door to real prosperity in our life. Increase and blessings just kept coming.

God is so good and so providing that I received a call on that old ad that I had run for the babysitting long after I ran the ad. The woman was looking for a babysitter for her child that was the same age as Kim and lived right in our neighborhood. My God had it so she still had the newspaper with my ad in it. God will move heaven and earth for you if that’s what you believe.

Since I love to clean and my daughter needed a playmate none of this was really work yet I got paid. Praise my God! I worked in the morning cleaning hallways and was home in the afternoon with the children. This is one of my many testimonies from my journal. My prayer for you is that you know God loves us all the same. What He does for me He will do for you.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Do you know how to pray? Are you hard on yourself when you think that you aren't praying enough? God's grace and mercy is new every morning so stop being so hard on yourself.

I was watching one of my favorite Christian speakers the other morning on TV. He is a man of integrity and I believe and respect what he has to say. He said that he doesn't pray very often. He just talks to the Lord. That took a load off of my shoulders because I don't always pray as I should and then I condemn myself about it. I do however talk to the Lord all day long. God is a fellow shipping God, He longs to talk with us. He is the only one that you can count on all the time. Just reach out and talk with Him like you would talk to a friend that you can see. God is unseen but always there. He loves our fellowship and you will feel better when your done.

I had somebody tell me in my own home that she didn't think we should talk about religion. First off when she said that to me I hadn't been talking about religion I had been talking about Christianity. There is a big difference between the two. I might be stepping on toes now but I need to. Religion is mans way and Christianity is God's way.

My prayer for you today is that you just let go and just talk to God about everything. Cry if you need to but just let go. He wants all your burdens, wants and desires. He is waiting on you.

 January 27th Butch has been retired two month’s now. It’s nice. We had a couple winter days where even he was glad he didn’t have to go out...