Wednesday, February 28, 2024

 January 27th

Butch has been retired two month’s now. It’s nice. We had a couple winter days where even he was glad he didn’t have to go out. Otherwise very mild warmer winter. 

I think Jodi and Andrew might start building their new home soon. I really wish they would wait till the housing crash and prices are the way they should have always been.

Gods hand is moving in this world and we are about to have an exodus moment. Then things change for our good. 

A friend of ours told me when he retires it will be something new for him so don’t nag him, be nice to him, don’t make him mad and all that other crap. Well I ain’t doing that. I don’t necessarily nag him but if there is something I need done he has to get it done. He actually since he has more time now does things when I ask him. And just to set the record straight this is all new for me too. We both have to adjust and we’re doing just fine. 

He has been building urns and working on a bigger project he wants to finish. 

I think Willa is getting use to him being here when she comes. She likes to sneak up on him when he is relaxing in his man cave. He joins us too on our once a week out to lunch. 

Travis and Kim got engaged at Christmas. Not sure when the big date is but thinking they will make it a small one. Then they all move into Kim’s small home. It won’t take long and they will know a bigger home might be required.

Jordon enjoys kindergarten. They grow up so quickly. Eden is twelve now. She was here with Willa one week and I taught her to sew. She had told me when she was eight or so her grandmother gave her a sewing machine for Christmas but still in the box. Well I pulled out mine and we made some purses. She was so happy. 

We have no real plans right now to go anywhere. Trips are more for the warmer weather. However we might take a ride to Janesville to see my sister and her husband.

 God is so good He never stops taking care of us. Blessings.

 By Jodi December of 1995.

I watch the trains as the last car goes by and after it's gone I can't move. Cars beep, people pass but I still can't move. 

I remember as a child being excited to see the last car of the trains. Waiting to see if he would be on it. Even if he wasn't there was always the possibility he could be on the nest one. I'm an adult now and that excited feeling has turned into emptiness cause I know he won't be on the next one. He's at home waiting to leave us forever. The train is long out of sight and still I can't move. 

It's been six years since you've been gone. Memories of you are still so clear. How you loved to sing and what a great voice you had. If only I could hear it once more. The way you made people laugh. I don't think I'll ever meet someone quite like you. How you loved to be outdoors working in your garden. What pride you had in your roses. Your patience in teaching me how to drive a very treasured memory. How lucky I am to have had you in my life. Not a day passes when I don't think of you. I miss you grandpa. 

 January 27th Butch has been retired two month’s now. It’s nice. We had a couple winter days where even he was glad he didn’t have to go out...