Friday, January 13, 2012


It is the middle of January here in Wisconsin. Between yesterday and today we just had our first snowfall. It is so pretty. The fresh snow covering the dirty ground makes me think of how much Jesus loved me. He covered my dirty sins with His precious blood.

Through the shed blood of Jesus I became the righteousness of God when I believed. I will never let anybody talk me out of that and believe me when I say some have tried. You will always be a sinner they say. I am so glad the Bible tells a different story. I was a sinner serving satan. I got saved by grace by asking Jesus to be my personal Saviour. After doing that the Bible clearly states that God made me the righteousness of Himself. The Bible says when I receive the gift of grace and righteousness I now reign with Christ.

Singer David Ingles says it so well in a song. I am the Righteousness of God in Christ a brand new creation in Him. I can now approach the presence of God with no condemnation of sin.

My friend what Jesus did for me He did for you. Invite Him today so you can reign with Him.

Forgot my Purse

 The other day when Butch and I and Willa left home, I got a little bit away from home and I realized I forgot my purse. Not a big deal came...