Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Faith Confession

Below is a confession of faith that I wrote out and thought I would share with all of you. Read it daily and you will have what it says. God wants you saved, healed and prosperous.

My steps are ordered by the Lord. I have more than enough time to do what needs to be done. I will learn to delegate as I need to so everything gets done.

I am totaling trusting God for everything. I am not settling for where I am. I’m a child of the Most High God. I’m full of His can-do power, and I’m going to rise up to become everything God has created me to be.  He holds me in the palm of His hands.

I am talented. I am creative. I am greatly favored by God. I am equipped. I am well able. I will see my dreams come to pass.

Jesus is my source! As I live by faith, He supplies all my needs, my wants, my health care, my finances and my eternal future. My life is built on the sure foundation of God’s Word… I live according to Faith, Hope and Love! My life is easy and light… Jesus has made it so!

I am a tither and a sower in the Kingdom of God so nothing can limit my income. The blessing is a heavenly empowerment and it’s on me for the rest of my life. Proverbs 10:22 The blessing will make me rich. 
I am wealthy, well off, well to do, prosperous, loaded, successful, I have plenty, I have abundance, I live ravishly, I am very productive, I am rich in resources and capable of producing an abundant harvest.
I am supposed to be healed! I am supposed to prosper! I am supposed to triumph in Christ Jesus! I am supposed to overcome the world! I look up and I cheer up!
My Lord has everything in control. I won’t be afraid. I cast all my cares. Jesus is in me therefore I will be successful. Devil you are already whipped.  I am clothed in a heavenly empowerment that enables me to excel and to go beyond all limitations in Jesus name. God has a wonderful plan for me in Jesus name and it came to pass.

Thank you Lord that this is all possible by Your grace and Your promises. When I say Amen You say done...Thank You for everything and loving me as You do.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Change! What can I say about it. I can say we don't like it. We all have our own habits what we are use to so when change pokes it's head in we don't want anything to do with it.

My husband use to walk outside all the time. In the morning he would get up and go for a two mile or so walk before he went to work. He walked the same way everyday. Through downtown and over the bridge. When he would get accross the bridge there were some old taverns. One day when he was walking in front of the taverns he found two twenty dollar bills. He was so excited. God blessed him on his walk. After that when I wanted to walk some other way he didn't want to. He always wanted to walk in front of those taverns looking for more money.

I believe God blesses us over and over again. Not to often though does He bless us the same way twice. Change is good and comes from God. Over the years I have watched my husband be blessed again and again. I catch him watching for the next blessing the same way the last one came. It never happens that way.

I believe when we think that we have God all figured out He will change things to show us we don't.

To me it shows God has a sense of humor. I pray and believe Him for things and I think about how He might bring it to pass. It never comes the way I was thinking.

I am glad of that because even though the bible says we have the mind of Christ God's mind is much better than ours.

So the next time God upset's your comfort zone for change just let it happen. Change comes to improve our lives.

I am so glad that God never changes. The bible says He is the same yesterday today and forever.

If your looking for a change in your finances be sure to check out my business. Click on the link on the right side of page wealth in today's world.

Have the best day!

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...