Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Are you set free

You know with all the different Religions, Faiths and Cults a person wonders is mine the right one? Is mine the one that will give me a home in heaven when my life is over.

A simple answer to that question is does what you believe in set you free? Do you have confidence that when you die you will be present with the Lord as the Bible puts it? Or are you afraid of death? If you wonder about the after life and where you will go then I have to say you are unsure of your belief. It doesn't set you free.

Jesus said the truth will set you free. What is the truth? Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Him according to the Word.

Reading the Bible over and over again doesn't mean anything to God. Head and heart knowledge is two different things. Head knowledge is just memorizing and knowing what you just read. Heart knowledge is reading and letting it sink into your heart. The Word says that out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks. That means whatever is in your heart will come out your mouth.

It's funny to me when someone says something to you that isn't good. After they say it they say I was only kidding. No they weren't. What they just said to you they wanted to say. It was in their heart.

So what is my truth that has set me free. According to John 3:3 Jesus says you must be born again to enter heaven. He didn't say if you are a good person, or you read your Bible straight through four times, or you live in poverty for me you will be saved. He said be born again.

If you don't like the saying born again then you can go to Romans 10:9-10 where it says that if you confess with your mouth Jesus and believe in your heart you will be saved.

People say that the Bible is to hard to understand. Some of it maybe. Some of it is in such plain language that you can't misunderstand it. Like the ten commandment. We all understand them.

So are you set free in you belief? Jesus is coming soon so if your not I suggest you better figure it out.

I eat well

Joyce Meyers says that every morning she confesses I eat well, I look good, feel good and I will do what God has for me today.

I have always said that our words are so important and they are according to God. What is your confession? You can make it what ever you want. So today sit down and think about what you want from God and line your words up with it. Confess it every morning.

Here is a good one for Born again believers. Every morning when you wake up say I am born again, spirit filled, tongue talking, devil chasing, prayer warrior child of the King. I guarantee that you start your day confessing that you will never be the same.

Are you born again? Did you make Jesus your Saviour? He is waiting just ask Him to forgive your sins and come and live into your heart. Then live for Him.

May your day be all it needs to be. Be blessed.

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...