Saturday, October 8, 2022

Where are the Joshua and Caleb's

 In the Bible Joshua and Caleb were the two spies who brought  back a good report and believed that God would help them succeed while the rest of them the ten said there are giants in that land and we can't go in and take it. Joshua and Caleb entered the promise land the others didn't.

In this time of the great awakening we have to decide what our part is and what we should be doing. We need God and we need truth on what is really happening. 

We have learned that the news media hasn't told the truth for many many years. In the last couple of years however it got much worse because it was there job to divide the people. Did they succeed? Yes but the percentage is low. 

The Bible says the government will be on His shoulder's. We were never meant to be so controlled and programed by man. Everything we do in this world is controlled by government and laws. If you don't believe that try going fishing or hunting without a license. Drive a car with no license's plate on it or no driver's license while holding a child on your lap. The list goes on and on. Everything in this world cost us money. We work just to pay taxes, health insurance, life insurance, property taxes you get the picture.

We have elections and the person we vote for doesn't get in we just say oh there will be another one in four years. Folks that is as Jesse would say that is stinkin thinkin. 

We have learned so much in the last few years. The biggest is that people we thought were working for our better welfare ARE NOT. Some of us have learned much much more. As Robin said people have no idea how evil this world is. We have learned more then I care to know. 

Right now the decision is ours. Are we going to be a Joshua and Caleb or will we be of the other ten that said were afraid of the giants. 

God doesn't need a election to put the rightful president where he belongs. He said so Himself.

They have proven whether or not you believe it that we haven't had any fair elections for a very very long time. Elected officials (cause there are only a few we can call leaders) should only get to hold one or two terms just like the president then out. Our world might of been a much brighter place and easier to live in. Only God knows. 

The great awakening is here. An awaking that we need God more then ever and a wake up call to us Americans that we need to stand up and be heard. It's happening. Many patriots all over this world and other countries are standing up and being heard. We have heard so much good that is going on all over the earth. These patriots are also spending their own money as they take America and our freedoms back.  

Since 2020 and what we let them get away with we have been under the worst of the control. What happen in 2020 was also meant to divide us. Did it happen? Yes it did. People that voted for "the Biden" wouldn't talk to those that didn't. People that got the jab came against those that didn't. Then there is the conspiracy theory. Yes there are millions of us out here. We have been following lots of truth that is out there. BUT the prophecies coming from God some of them are info we already had. God is absolutely good.  

So if you have lost some people along the way its okay. We think of the many we have helped. I have people I check in with just because they are fearful of what it looks like out in the world. It never is like it looks and even God said so. The truth will set you free. 

So what are you doing in all of this? Are you with the patriots? Are you standing for freedom? Are you just waiting for another election? Are you letting others do all the standing and fighting? Its never to late to get involved. Praying and praising is most important. 

We are excited about what we know. What God is doing using all of us is so exciting. As Elvis's song My Way says and now the end is near and God did it His way. There final curtain is here.

Then there's Christmas as was said in an old prophecy by Kim Clement. I am excited. Tree is going up end of this month. 

If God be for us who can be against us. We have also learned that things aren't always as they appear. Go down the rabbit hole and make sure its truth. 

Remember God says don't be moved by what we see or hear. 

Blessings and more blessings......

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...