Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gold Oil

I heard Joseph Prince teaching today about gold oil. He said that he had a vision one time of these soft pipes flowing from heaven. Their was more than one. He said one for your marriage, children, money and so on. He said that the oil was flowing but he noticed that when he got worried or concerned in one of the area's the pipes were still there but their was a kink in the one where he worried so oil would not flow.

What does that tell me? It tells me that if we want the oil to keep flowing we need to keep trusting God and not worry.

Hebrews 4:9-11 talks about entering God's rest. If we do that our pipes won't kink and the gold oil flows all the time.

He talked about when you worry about someone you really do them harm. Using his daughter as a example he said that when he would get concerned about her he noticed that she would get sickly. Someone in his church said that if she started to worry about anything in general and try to fix it she couldn't. She said it just kept getting worse.

We need to cast our cares on Jesus and have perfect rest. The devil can't do anything to us unless first we worry. If we have rest in God his hands are not tied.

So again he said we have to fight to be peaceful. Not always easy in this world. God has showed me over and over again He has it all in control. I am going to try harder to walk in His rest and grace.

New Neighbors

December 15, 2024 A bit over a year now that Butch has been retired. We both are enjoying it. Some people think it's all fun and games. ...