Sunday, December 15, 2024

New Neighbors

December 15, 2024

A bit over a year now that Butch has been retired. We both are enjoying it. Some people think it's all fun and games. Not saying it isn't because we enjoy not having a work schedule to follow. Someone said to us Butch could do whatever he wanted now that he is retired. I said no he can't. I think when people retire and have nothing to do that isn't good for them. They lose part of the life they have been living. 

We still have sort of a schedule. Butch still likes to make the urns and he has been making other things too. He made some outside planter boxes. Now he brought some bark from Andrews and Jodi's to make me a candle holder. Plus, he has been playing on the 3D printer. We have never been lazy people, and we don't intend to start now. 

Does God talk about retirement in the Bible. I never saw it. Over the years the term "working for a living" has changed for the worse. With all the evil politics and what they have been doing to use for years or should I say decades stealing our money and such. God says in His prophecies that He never intended for us to live this way. God is healing our land. Enemies of Almighty God as He calls them don't stand a chance. Every one of them is defeated. 

So, we still sell our urns and such, but it is nice to go out shopping or to lunch whenever we want.

Butch didn't get to go deer hunting last year. He did this year, and he shot a buck fawn and a doe. Andrew shot a 4-point buck, Foz shot a 6 pointer and a nubby buck. Very successful hunting year.

We are done with Christmas Shopping. We just buy for the grandchildren mostly. Little things for our girls and their boys. We also downsized our Christmas tree this year. We have 9-foot tree and now we have a 5 foot. Next year we can do both or just small one. Choice is ours. 

We are having Christmas eve with Kim, Travis and the kids. Spaghetti and meatballs. 

We so enjoy having Willa every other week. She is growing up. Jordon too when they come to get her, we can see he is maturing. I told Willa when you sing praise songs to Jesus and lift your hands up and put them flat in the air God will touch you. When she sleeps over on Wednesday, she starts out in her bed but always ends up in our bed (and no I will not tell her she can't). So, this week I asked her where she wants to sleep, and she just said with you. So that means grandpa in spare bed. Anyway, we go to bed and the room was dark because if she is with me, I don't bother with the candles. So were laying there talking and she says to me I touched God. I asked her how she did that and she said she lifted her hand. She is so learning about Jesus. She tells me all the time Grandmas I just love Jesus. Willa loves to sit by Grandpa with one of our Bibles and ask him what this says. I did have to tell him she is five so make up things she will understand like it says: Jesus loves everyone, Jesus died for your sins, lying and stealing is a sin, God wants us love everyone, and so on. He gets the picture. 

In the summer the house next door went up for sale. As always, I pray and believe for the right neighbor. After talking to the Jeanne the realtor, I added the right neighbor at the right price. I always love to hear and know how God does what He does. Anyway, in Il there is a person interested in the home however her realtor shows her all the spec sheets to show her the home is overpriced. She waits and waits and finally came down to a price that was doable. We have been helping them get settled and getting to know them. Also getting to know one of their good friends as she is helping too. God has done it again.

Imagine that I pray for friends that live closer to us and God gave us three all at once. They are an added blessing to us and our neighborhood. 

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...