Saturday, August 6, 2011


I read so many good articles. I wanted to take time to put a few of the nuggets from a article by Terri Savelle Foy.

Matthew 9:28, two blind men asked Jesus to give them their sight. Jesus responded by asking them, "Do you believe I'm able to do this?" Jesus put the responsibility back on them. Without hesitation they answered, "Yes, Lord!"

So when you are asking the Lord to do something for you make sure you really believe He will do it for you.

Before you pray and ask for anything you have to see yourself with it. Faith will see the end result before it is manifested to you.

What is you mind thinking? What are you saying? Terri says that research indicates that people talk to themselves 50,000 times a day! But what they are saying to themselves is negative. Things like: "They don't like me." "I shouldn't have said that." "I am never going to amount to anything." "I'll never lose weight." You get my drift. So what are you saying?

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Get into the Word and change your thoughts and words.

We need to do as Romans 4:17 calling those things that be not as though they were. Make your mouth say the right things. "Thank you, Lord, that people always like me." "Thank you, Lord, I will not say things that I shouldn't." "Thank you, Lord, I will amount to what you want me to be." "Thank you, Lord, I will lose weight." All of this is possible when you change your thought life and control what comes out of your mouth. Speaking the right words will make you stronger in your faith.

Use the right words to talk back to the devil. He is the one that puts them bad thoughts in your mind so they come out of your mouth. Your words will make you or break you.

Clean up your life. Make a choice that you will be a winner not a loser.

We need to pray and then say: 'I trust you Lord!' Say it with an exclamation point not a question mark.

So you have to ignore your feelings, your emotions, and your thoughts. Say what the Word says. Fear comes from the devil. God put fear not 365 times in the Bible. That means we can take a fear not Scripture for every day of the year.

The greatest expression of your faith is praise! When you begin thanking God ahead of time, it opens the door for Him to begin moving in your life. Confuse Satan by praising God. It makes him mad. The devil hates praise.

Magnify God. Give Him more attention. I will tell you that everything will change for the better if you do that. Whatever you magnify becomes larger than anything else. So magnify God!

Sow seed toward your dreams. God wants you to have the desires of your heart. God loves you and will take care of you if you believe and trust Him. Reach out to Him today. You will see that He is reaching back for you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Do we blame God?

I have never been one to blame God for anything. I know about the devil and his evil scheme's. Let me tell you that his name fits him well. He is the deceiver.

It wasn't to long ago and the Lord showed me that I was blaming Him without realizing it. I have been trusting the Lord for something the last two years. I would say to God why haven't you done this for me. I think that is the same as blaming. I quickly said I was sorry and what I was trusting Him for has come.

I do believe that you can ask God things about your prayer while you are waiting. Remind Him of His promises. Believe Him for it.  We must remember never to blame Him.

So if your waiting for a prayer to be answered check yourself. How have you been talking to God?

Be blessed!

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...