Friday, August 17, 2012

Hate the Sin

The question of the day? Love the sinner but hate the sin. Not as easy as it sounds. We that love God know what the word says about sin. We know that the devil is our enemy but yet we are human enough that we hold the person at fault also.

My husband's dad decided from the start when he met me that he didn't like me. My husband telling me that his dad never liked anyone he dated didn't make me feel better about the situation either. His dad also had a very foul mouth.

God knows all so I was always completely honest with God. Since I would never want to see anyone go to hell since I know what hell is now my prayer was like this. God I can't stand my father in law but You love him so I pray for him. Simple prayer I prayed for him and I was honest with God about it. He is gone now but not sure which way he went. Only God does.

So not easy to love the sinner and hate the sin. As Christians we think that we should just spend time with unbelivers who have there own life style because we can be a witness to them. I have to disagree with that. I think sometimes we have to love people from afar while praying for them. We all have people close to us that need us to pray for them but at the same time we might have to not chum so closely with them.

God loves everybody. I am so glad He has plenty of grace for me because I sometimes fail in the area of loving others. I always try to remember that no matter what anyone does God loves them as much as He loves me. I never quite understood that either. How can God love that person as much as He loves me. That person doesn't live for Him while I do.

When I received Jesus years ago God made me the Righteousness of Himself. That is the difference. I believed and I recieve. The unbeliver that God loves doesn't recieve unless he gets saved. God doesn't love me anymore than He loves others I just feel the love more than they do.

I pray that you know Him. If you don't just invite him into your life and repent of your sins. You will feel His love like never before.

I will work harder on love the sinner and hate the sin. With God's help I can and will do anything. He has shown me time and time again how powerful it is to just trust Him.

I am blessed beyound measure!!!!

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...