Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dream Stealers

  1. Temporary circumstances. Don’t allow your present circumstances to name your future. They are only temporary.
  2. Divine delays. It doesn’t happen quickly for you. We live in a microwave world but most of the time God works like a slow cooker. Hang in there. God will work in His own time.
  3. False evidence. That is FEAR. False Evidence appearing real. Don’t fall for it.
In Genesis 37 it talks about Joseph’s dream. Joseph’s brothers hated him because he was favored more by the dad and because Joseph told his brothers his dreams. In verse 8 the brothers said “Are you actually going to reign over us? Or are you really going to rule over us?” and of course they hated him ever more. It goes on to say that he had another dream and he related that dream to his father and his father rebuked him.

I have learned that family will always try to steal your dreams. Don’t let them.

The brothers left to pasture the flock in Shechem. You can’t believe it then the dad sends Joseph to check on them. Knowing how they felt he sends the boy he loves to check on all of them. Joseph couldn’t find them and had to inquire about there where abouts. The brothers had moved on to Dothan.

Seeing Joseph from a distance the plots started about putting him to death. Here comes the dreamer they said. The older brother Reuben must have had some fear of God for he said shed no blood instead throw him into this pit. Reuben intended to rescue Joseph later. Didn’t happen.

All that plotting happen while Joseph was still in the distance. When Joseph reached the brothers they stripped him of his tunic and threw him into the empty pit. Then the brothers sat down and had a meal. Amazing to me that families back in the Bible days were just like families now.

While eating they saw the caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead on their way to Egypt. Now here is where everything starts working to Joseph’s good. They think wow lets make some money instead of having his blood on our hands. So they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites. They made twenty shekels of silver.

Now they had to go and tell the dad something. They took the tunic and dipped it in to the blood of a goat and returned home. They just gave it to the dad saying we found this. The dad figured a wild beast devoured him. He just didn’t know it was many of wild beasts and they all belonged to him. Jacob was letting false evidence appear real.

Joseph suffered other hardships but God delivered him out of them all. In the end he is second in command in Egypt. His brothers come to buy food from Egypt and Joseph see’s them and tells them who he is. The brothers now have to go home and tell the dad. The dad didn’t believe them. Wouldn’t it of been nice if he hadn’t believed them the first time.

They all lived happily ever after with every need met.

Don’t let anybody steal your dreams! God gives them to you for a reason. He will always fulfill what we believe Him for. Believe Him that your later shall be greater than the past. Who knows what God wants to put you in charge of. Our dreams never have to die. As long as we believe in them and believe in God we will have them.

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...