John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Fall in love with the ordinary. Dare to believe that the minor details of your life matter to God. You are much more than pretty…you are wonderfully made. You are much more than likeable…you are deeply loved. You are the spice of life, created to bring zest and flavor to the world around you just by being yourself.
I believe that people don’t know the love God has. We all believe in God in some form. You need to fall in love with the Word of God to see His love like never before.
In the bible is everything we will ever need to live in this world. When you know that God loves you it just makes your life different. Nothing can happen to you that God can’t handle. Thing is we don’t let Him handle it. We try to handle life on our own. That old saying let go and let God is so true.
Most don’t know either that the Creator of the Universe wants to take care of you. He says give Him all your burdens. When you give your burdens to Him though remember to leave them there don’t take them back.
If you are not convinced of His love just look at what He created. Watch a sunset it is beautiful.
My prayer for you is that you know His love and give Him all your burdens.
Talk to God from you heart it will heal you.