Friday, May 27, 2022

Zoe and Ali

 Our Zoe isn’t feeling well. She has medication now but last nights first dose wasn’t a lot of fun. We literally pried her mouth open stuck it in there and then had to hold it closed so she would chew it. 

Makes me think of Jodi when she was a young child. She had to have her eyes checked and the doctor wanted us to put eye drops in before appointment. I had to call grandma for backup. I don’t even recall right now if we were successful or not. 

Zoe can’t tell us how she is feeling. She keeps wanting to go outside thinking she has to go. A dog that only goes out three times a day is wanting to go out way to often. 5AM here and I put her out the patio cause that was the door she was at. Bring her in then find her at the front door. 

When we got our first dog Ali many years ago she was like that as a puppy. She would be at the patio door go out come in and go to front door to go out. She was having a ball enjoying both font and back. The things we remember. Good memories. 

So I sit here asking the Lord how can I give her medication today. Butch is at work so I am on my own. She is refusing food or it would be so simple. She did drink water today so things are looking up. 

Date night but not to sure we can leave her alone. We put her in a kennel at home when she was a puppy and came home to a wet dog and the bottom of the kennel all scratched up. She doesn’t go in kennels anymore. Well she does for a short time maybe when she gets groomed. I normally don’t make her wait. I do errands then wait in there parking lot. I am a good dog mom I take her early in the morning so she is basically there an hour or just a tad longer. What we don’t do for our doggies. I try to remember she is just a dog. Our animals touch our hearts. She is older so I gave her permission to go join Ali and Oliver in doggy heaven anytime she wants. Yes she will be missed but she will have more fun there.

I am thankful for Jesse DuPlantis letting us know in one of his felt like real visions he saw the dogs in heaven. Animals not just dogs. God is so good.

Out first dog Ali pictured below then our Zoe. 



 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...