Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Blessed Christmas!

Christmas week already. The best time of the year to preach Jesus. My prayer for all you is that you personally know the babe in the manger that came to us through Christmas.

The Jesus that left His home in heaven at His Father's request. He was born. He came to this earth. He died a brutal death on the cross. He went into the pit of hell because He needed to take the keys of the kingdom that the devil posses away from him.

Then God raised Him from the dead and He sits at the right hand of the Father with the holes in His hands and side as a witness.

The Bible says that Jesus makes intercession for all of us. What He did on the cross is what makes intercession for us. He gave us the full package. Salvation, Healing & Prosperity. Don't just trust Him for your salvation but take all He offers.

If we don't walk in the fullness that Jesus died to give us it is taking His name in vain. We always think that when we hear someone swear God's name they are taking His name in vain. I believe that to be true but also when we take for granted what Jesus died to give us we also take His name in vain.

Ricky Van Shelton a born again believer sings it so well.

C is for the Christ Child born upon this day.
H for Herald Angels in the night.
R means our Redeemer
I means Israel
S is for the stars that shown so bright.
T is for three wise men they who traveled so far.
M is for the manger where He laid.
A is all He stands for.
S means Shepherds came.

My friend Father, Son and Holy Spirit love you so very much. They are reaching out to you. All you have to do is reach back to them. May your Christmas be the best blessed day and go on with you forever. Remember Christmas isn't just a one day gift the gift goes on and on and on.

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...