Thursday, February 24, 2011

Child like Faith

The Holy Spirit is challenging us to get back to the place in our lives when we dared to believe God’s Word no matter what anybody else thought or said.
Do you remember those days, especially when you first came to the Lord? Even though you may not have known a lot of Scripture back then you just believed at that moment God could and would do anything.

God says to come to Him as a child. Forget everything man has ever taught you and let me teach you.

So let me ask you do you remember when you first got saved? I do.

I remember that when I got saved I just took God at His Word and went about my life living for Him. I would pray and ask and receive. Nothing was too hard for God.

I call it baby faith or child like faith. When your child comes to you and wants something to eat you give it to them. Same way with God. When you first got saved you believe you could just asked Him and He would delivered.

Why is it so hard then now after we have all been Christians for a longer time. Sometimes we feel like what we are praying and asking for doesn’t come so quickly. I think it is because we walk away from part of the child like faith we had when we were first saved.

We grew up. We need to mature as Christians and grow in our faith but we need to always use our faith as a child. We need to just ask and God will answer.

I think we don’t know any better when we first get saved so we let God do it His way. Once we are saved for a while and we pray our flesh gets in the way and we try to help God. We pray and then we give God idea’s on how He can do it for us. It doesn’t work that way. We have to let God be God and continue with child like faith and believe He will always come through because He will. We need to grow in our faith but we have to always remember that child like faith that knows God can and will do anything.

God gave us the ability to pray and believe but He gave us the Scripture in Romans 4:17 to call those things that be not as though they were. Abraham did that and if he did that we can also. So whatever you want your day to be call those things that aren't the way you want them to be the way you want them.

 According to Psalm 103:20 if we are speaking words of faith our angels go to work for us. Speaking words of doubt we tie there hands.

Your words have heaven behind them, God's authority, Jesus backs them up.

Positive minds produce positive lives. Negative minds produce negative lives. When you are positive you are full of faith and hope. When you are negative you are full of fear and doubt. If you are negative so will your thoughts, mouth and life be. (Your thoughts become your words and you are what you think.)

Speak this from your mouth: I will cause a revival of joy and peace and financial blessing that follows me wherever I go. My finances are going from the pit to the palace. I walk in love. I unleash people to work for me. I will speak God's word from my mouth. I don't care what others think of me.

What do you need in your life? Make your own confession to speak from your mouth. Put the angels to work on your behalf.

Feed your faith and starve your doubts the victory belongs to you. 

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...