Thursday, October 6, 2011

Debt Cancel

My husband and I were in Michigan for a three day weekend. The colors were changing so the ride was very pretty. While we are there we always go to Agate Beach. I love walking by the water it is so romantic and soothing.

I hadn't been to the beach in a long time but I noticed the Agate's were still plentiful. So if God multiples the agates and He does what do you need multiplied? Your job, your business, what do you want? It is just like the mustard seed. The bible says to have faith like a mustard seed. We all know how little a mustard seed is. There were stones every where you looked. Piles of them. That is God multiplying. He will do that for us. Multiply whatever we need. Our problem is that we have small thinking.

In 1 Chronicles 4:10 is the prayer of Jabez. It's a good prayer and I am going to put the Scripture below but leave the name space empty so you can put your name in it. It says: Now ___ called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that Thou would bless ___ indeed, and enlarge ___ border, and that Thy hand would be with ____, and that Thou would keep ___ from harm, that it may not pain ___!" And God granted ___what she/he requested.

Now that is a prayer that will get results. So what borders do you need to have enlarged? No matter what it is just believe God will do it for you.

Believe your Mortgage will be completely paid off or cancelled. Believe every bill gets paid as it comes in. When your bills come in just tell Jesus He has mail. If you are giving your tithes and offerings you have a right to ask God for money. I believe that you will be blessed even if you don't give but I believe you will be blessed more if your a giver. Believe your body is healed. Believe you family is saved. Whatever border needs to be enlarged just sit down and talk with God about it.

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." Verse 9-10 says "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. "See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over kingdoms, To pluck up and break down, To destroy and to overthrow, To build and to plant."

Psalm 139 says God knew us in the womb and ordained our days. He appointed us prophets to the nations. He put His words in our mouth. When we speak His word we get results. He appointed us over nations and kingdoms. We have authority over darkness to destroy and overthrow. Remember also that Psalm 103 says the angels hearken unto the voice of the Lord. They are on assignment when we open our mouth and speak what God says.

We are prophets. A prophet tells of future events. So if we are prophets what are we saying? We need to be saying just what we want. I am sure most of us want the same things. So we should be saying we want to win the lost, we want to have enough money to live in this world, we want to walk in divine health, we want to treat others as God treats us, and we need to be debt free. Believe God He will cancel debt if you believe.

My husband always said that you don't get anything for nothing. Well let me tell you he can't say that anymore. Years ago we went to the store and bought a thousand dollar stereo. I think we had six months to pay for it before the interest was tacked onto it. Anyway we made a couple of payments.

One day I received a check in the mail for fifty dollars. I didn't know where it came from but the bank told me it was good. I cashed it thinking God just blessed us. When the second one came I checked into it a little bit more. The checks were the payments that we had made. I asked why are you sending our money back and to my surprise they told me our account was paid in full. I told them no it wasn't and told them what we owed. I got no where so we went to the store. The store just put us on the phone with the same company that I talked to earlier just a different person. We tried to tell them but it fell on deaf ears. We left it at that and never heard another thing.

God blessed us. I know some of you are thinking God doesn't work that way. Remember I tried to tell them we owed the money but nobody listened. God owns everything in this world and He can do whatever He wants to.

I have heard about mortgage's being canceled the same way. Computers are great but you know as well as I do that all the person behind that computer has to do is touch the wrong key and whatever you were working on could be gone. That is what happened at the time of buying the stereo. They were switching over to another credit card company and somewhere we got lost in the shuffle. God gets the glory anyway you look at it.

I find it amazing that people have so much debt nowadays. What we have to remember as Christians is that we have the answer in God. God doesn't want us to have debt. Sometimes we can't get away from it but other times we shouldn't buy things we can't afford.

We need to always be dreamers. See yourself with what you want and need. Years ago my husband and I would go into this furniture store to just look. Before we went in I told him while we are in there let's pretend that we can have whatever we want. It was a fun game. I have a friend that cuts out pictures in magazines of what she wants. It's her vision. Do whatever you have to do to let yourself dream.

Joel Osteen tells the story of when he was trusting God for two acres somewhere. Joel was on a plane and the Lord was talking to him and said look down. What does two acres look like to you. Well from a plane it doesn't look like much at all. God owns it all.

So what are you in need of God to do? Enlarge your border in your business, your health, your family. Pray that Scripture in 1Chroncile's and just have the faith of a mustard seed. Watch God multiply for you like He does the Agate's on the beach. God is amazing. Full of surprises. Tell Him what you need. After He gives it to you be sure to wear your blessing well. Let the glory of God be known.

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...