Friday, May 18, 2012

What do we Deserve?

Adam & Eve were created to live in the Garden of Eden. A paradise created by God Almighty. I don’t think that in our minds we can really ever imagine what the garden must look like. They were told they could have whatever they wanted in the garden except they couldn’t take from one certain tree. Some people teach that the one tree they were told not to take from was their tithe.

The devil tempted them and it was all over. God’s love was rejected by a piece of fruit. The flesh is weak and they partook of the fruit they were told to leave alone. The devil deceived them and told them that if they ate the fruit they would be just like God. Funny thing is they were already just like God. They were created in His image. So they got kicked out of the garden and there life of sweat and toil began.

The question is what do we really deserve? A life of sin, sweat and toil just like Adam & Eve. 
Let’s get personal about it. As you read this put your name in the blank.

What does _____ deserve in this life? _____ was born with the sin nature so _____ is going to sin. _____ is not perfect nor will _____ ever be. If Adam & Eve had that whole garden in paradise and couldn’t keep from eating from one tree by God’s instruction that means _____ also has a flesh that sin’s daily.  Because Adam & Eve were kicked out of the garden they lost God’s blessing so _____ will live poor and broke. _____ deserves to live in fear and bondage with sickness and disease. ______ deserves to labor so hard that I don’t feel like doing anything else. _____ deserves to have a husband and children that don’t know how to love _____ the way _____ needs to be love. _____ has no respect and honor from any of them. ______ deserves to go to hell after ______ short life on this earth is over.
What does Jesus deserve? He is God so He deserves everything that is good in heaven and earth. He is a king, royalty. He should never have a need or a want. He should never have a sickness or disease touch His body. He should never ever know what it is like to be poor. He deserves love, honor and respect. He should have not had to leave heaven.
So this is where we have to take what we deserve and what Jesus deserves and turn it around. Because of what Jesus did on the cross ______ deserves to be set free. _______ deserves to be free from sin. In this world our flesh is still weak but now when we sin we have forgiveness in Jesus. ______ deserves to be free from sickness and disease. The Bible says nothing shall by any means hurt us. ______ deserves to not be poor or ever live in poverty. The Bible says we will have every need met. _______ deserves to never have to be afraid. The Bible says that we don’t have a spirit of fear but of power and love. Notice it says a spirit of fear so we know that comes straight from hell. ______ deserves not to ever live in bondage. Bondage is sometimes in area’s that we don’t see it. We have to look closer because sometimes I think bondage is worse than sin, poverty & sickness. Bondage creeps in without us even knowing it. _______ deserves a home in heaven when _______ long life on this earth is over.

E.W. Kenyon says it like this the present ministry of Christ has been neglected by most Christians. So many, when they think of His giving His life for us think only of His death and Resurrection.
They do not know that when He sat down at the Father's right hand, that He began to live for us in as much reality as He died for us.
He is no longer the lowly man of Galilee. He is not the Son made sin for us, forsaken God.
He is the Lord of all. He has conquered Satan, sin and disease. He has conquered death.
He possess all authority in Heaven and in earth. (Matt. 28:18)
We can act fearlessly upon His word, because He stands back of it....He is the Surety of it.
He is the surety of this New Covenant. (Heb. 7:22)

So I don’t know about you but I need help everyday seeing that what I deserves and what Jesus deserves needs to be switched around. I need to see what Jesus deserves on me and what I deserve on Jesus.

As you read this today make the switch. See what you deserve on Jesus and see what Jesus deserved on you.

My friend if you don’t know Jesus as your Savior you have to first take care of that. Ask Him into your heart for He loves you more than anyone else in this world could.

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...