Thursday, September 10, 2020

Northern Ave Sept 2020

 I was in the old neighborhood buying Hansen’s pizza’s the other day. As usual I rode by the old homestead. To my surprise hanging on the 24 by 32 garage we built was a great big Trump flag. I rode around the block just hoping someone would be out so I could take a picture. 

That home at 515 was just the best starter home for the four of us. We had purchased a Mobil home but decided that wasn’t the best fit. Kim was born when we lived in the Mobil home and I was a stay at home mom. Lots of memories. 

Since I rode by been thinking about the home. Butch had built me these big deep cabinets for the bathroom since it was so huge. I recall the birthday I bought him a new fishing pole and was able to hide it on him on top that cabinet. Come his birthday I told him to go get it. After that though he started looking for presents on top of it. Lost a great hiding place. 

I still to this day miss the three seasons porch that is still on the front of it. When the kids were younger they played out there a lot. Kim could be left unattended out there too even though she was little. There bedroom window was off the porch so with no screen on it they would crawl back and forth through the window and make forts. 

We built Jodi a bedroom in the basement. She enjoyed that but now realize she should of stayed upstairs and shared a room with Kim.

We went through an open house years back and the concrete still has Jesus loves you engraved in it. And I believe where the kids put there names and hand prints on the outside was still there. We thought we would live there forever. Next home for us will have a screen in porch. 

The 1989 and 93 grand ams were bought at this home.

Such great memories. Jodi and Kim were younger. Butch at that time driving for Mangers was out of town two days a week every week. It was a treat for us if he was gone just one night. 

Since then I have been thinking about the things we still have from living there all these years later. We have our glider rocker. Kimberly's acrylic mickey mouse blanket and her blessing dolls along with Joseph, Tracy and Gerbert. The Terry Redlin I bought Butch for Christmas is now hanging in the man cave. We have the food dehydrator and still use it. I have some Christian books too. We have one dresser left from a bedroom set. We actually have both dressers but gave one to Mom. Kimberly just painted the dresser green. It looks very nice. Jodi has one from when butch was a boy. I am sure there is more stuff and will add as I think of it. 


 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...