Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Bank

The other day when I was at the bank they were having trouble with their computers. Not a big deal it all worked out. I was standing there thinking though every time we have checks we run to the bank to deposit them.

We trust that we can put it in the bank then they will let us spend it. How simple is that? Let's change that now and think about trusting our God. If we can trust a secular bank how much more can we trust God whose loves us and gave us His Word packed full of promises.

Learning to trust God is a everyday occurrence. We have to wake up every morning and put Him in charge and trust Him. God wants to bless us not because of what we have done but because of what Jesus did. What we deserved (sin) went on Jesus at the cross. What Jesus deserved (King) went on us as He died on the cross. If your born again though you are no longer a sinner. Jesus blood gave us right standing. We are made the righteousness of God!

So meditate on that and trust God more and more. You are blessed let's act like it!!!!

I heard another teaching about giving your receipt to God.  When the bill comes in the mail just lift it up an say Jesus you got mail. Then trust Him for the money to pay for it...

God loves you!

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...