Friday, August 3, 2012


It is amazing to me how one day your grass is brown because of lack of rain and the next  day the rain comes and it is already greening up. We started the spring here with lack of rain. Then July came and so did the rain.

I like the rain that comes down slowly. Just a even slow down fall from heaven. I like to call them spot free rinse like you get at the car wash. It comes down slowly and waters and washes everything away.

That is what Jesus did for us at the cross. Took all of our dirty sins and washed them away. Not with water but with His precious blood. I don't think we truly understand that.

We must not take His name in vain by not walking in everything He died to give us. The more I just believe that God loves me and wants to take care of me the more He does just that.

We have to rest in His provision. We can't change a thing by worrying about it. Give it all to God.

In this day and hour is there anybody else you would like to trust your life with. I know I am in good hands. God holds me in the palm of His hands.

Be blessed!!!!

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...