Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wear God on the Outside

This morning I was listening to a sermon talking about wearing your cloths inside out. By doing that the label of the person that made the product will show. As Christians we should always let others see our label. We should always desire to show this world that we belong to Christ.

He took a can of coke and asked a few people in the front row if they were afraid of the can of coke. Of course they said no. He asked them again but this time he was shaking the can of coke. We all know what happens if we shake a can of soda and then open it. The people in the front row thought he was going to do that so they were all leaning away from him. The example was to show us that we need to shake up the devil and not be afraid of him.

If we are wearing our God label on the outside the devil knows we have authority over him. He can roar all he wants to but he knows the blood of Jesus defeated him.

God gave us a manual it is call the Bible.  We buy new vehicles that come with a manual and we read it because we want to know about that vehicle. Same with God. We need to read His manual to find out how much He loves us and what He gave us. We need to shake up the devil using that manual. That manual tells us all about our authority over the devil. The devil keeps us from reading it. He knows what is in it.

So let's dust off our Bible's and dig in. It is amazing what we find in there.

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...