Thursday, December 26, 2013

Joseph the Dreamer

Joseph was a dreamer. Because he was such a dreamer and told his brothers about his dreams they were jealous and hated him.

Joseph was the son of Jacob. Jacob had Joseph in his old age along with brother Ben. Of course that made Jacob love the two of them much more than the others.

One day when all the brothers were out with the flocks Jacob sent Joseph to check on them. They saw him from afar coming and started plotting against him. You can read it yourself in Genesis 39. Most of the brothers wanted to kill him but the oldest one said no we won't take his life. So they threw him into a pit then they sat down and had a meal.

In the distance they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming. So they decided it was much better to sell him. So they pulled him from the pit and sold him. Then they took his tunic and killed a male goat so they could dip the the tunic in the blood so they would have a story to tell the dad.

So Joseph sold and on his way to Egypt. Potiphar, an Egyptian officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the bodyguard bought him. Joseph was in charge of everything.

Now the Lord was with Joseph so he became a successful man even in his situation. The Lord caused all that he did to prosper. Wherever you are God can bless you.

Now here comes trouble. Potiphars wife wants him. Read it yourself in Genesis 39 but she framed him and Joseph got thrown in jail. Was God still with him. Of course. In jail Joseph found favor and was put in charge. He wasn't even supervise while in there and whatever he did the Lord prospered it.

He even interpreted some dreams while he was there. Guess what the dreams came true.

Pharaoh had a dream one night and guess what even Pharaoh's magicians couldn't figure out what the dream meant. Someone told Pharaoh about Joseph. Up from jail and at the side of Pharaoh he came. He interpreted the dream. Read it yourself in Genesis 41.

Joseph was set over Pharaoh's house to take charge of everything. Only Pharaoh was greater than Joseph.

Want the end of the story. Read Genesis 42. It was a happy reunion.

Do you have a dream? If you don't you should. The bible says God is no respecter of persons. What he did for Joseph He will do for you.

The dreams Joseph had came from God. God had a plan for Joseph.

Do you know how much God loves you? When you believe that love it is easy to believe that God will always take care of you.

Are you a beleiver? Just ask Jesus in your heart and you can be one.

The one thing that I am going to concentrate on in 2014 is God Loves Me!! When I do everything I set my hand to will prosper.

Happy blessed New Year!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Your Flesh always wants it's way

We have so many choices in this world. What we eat is a big one. Go to any grocery store and there it is in the front aisles everything you don't need. Take a ride down the highway and just look at all the billboards of choices you have. Billboards are funny things. Nothing ever looks like it appears. You want the sandwich because you just saw it on the billboard but order it and it looks nothing like the picture.

Even though our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit God doesn't care what we eat. He doesn't stop loving us because we ate the wrong thing.

The world is changing and so is the food. Nowadays food isn't as safe as it use to be. Take soda for instance. Do you know that because of the chemicals in soda other countries don't allow it.

Anyway you get the picture. Read the ingredients.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to you body, And refreshment to your bones. Proverbs 3:5-8.

So we have to be wise in God's eye's. Lots of labels to chose from like fat free, reduced fat and more. They all make you think you are doing something good for your body.

Pray over your food. Thank the Lord for it and ask His blessing.

Then there is water. We all need to drink it. Make sure you are drinking a good water. Even the water in the bottles isn't always good. Don't be fooled by the picture of the clean stream on the bottle. I drink alkaline water. To me it's the best. Taste good too.

This year our harvest from the Lord was plenty. We don't spray anything. We have a small strawberry area but it was plentiful. I had told my husband that if we didn't get enough strawberries for a pie they were being pulled out. Well we had enough for many pies. I did share them but they were so good might not share this year. We had apples, pears and plums from our tree's. From our garden we had tomatoes, broccoli, onions, carrots, beets and cucumbers. It's winter her but I sure could go for some fresh veggies. I did can tomatoes and we enjoy them mostly in chili. I do my own herbs on my patio too. Praise God from Whom all MY blessings flow.

So in this world we need will power. Only God can give it to us. Does my flesh fight me? Yes it does. I win though through Christ who gives me strength.

Blessed Day!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


We have been in our wonderful blessed home a little over nine years now. Where does the time go? We sold our 16 year old Chevy Lumina and now we have a 2012 Chevy Equinox. What a ride. It was a big decision to make since it had been so long since we had a vehicle payment. I have decided that it's time to believe God for everything we need to be paid in cash. No more loans.

Life in the Lord just gets better and better. I really do mean that. Of course that doesn't mean that I don't struggle in some area's. I do. I have to learn though that nothing changes unless the Lord changes it. He has it all in control. We can't worry about it. Our job as Christians is to just know His love for us and trust Him. I am getting better at doing that.

It is just like when you are not feeling well. You can go to the doctor and he might give you some medicine but know this the Lord is still the healer. Trust is always the biggest part of being a believer.

In all things we have to always give thanks to our God. He is worthy of our praise.

Turn all your struggles over to Him. He cares for you and like I said you can't change them only He can.

Don't worry, Jesus has gone ahead of you, prepared the way and supplied you with whatever you need. Step into His endless supply today!

What a promise. We are saved by grace and grace is the person Jesus Christ. Grace means unmerited favor. Send God's favor ahead of you today so when you get there it is already there.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gold Oil

I heard Joseph Prince teaching today about gold oil. He said that he had a vision one time of these soft pipes flowing from heaven. Their was more than one. He said one for your marriage, children, money and so on. He said that the oil was flowing but he noticed that when he got worried or concerned in one of the area's the pipes were still there but their was a kink in the one where he worried so oil would not flow.

What does that tell me? It tells me that if we want the oil to keep flowing we need to keep trusting God and not worry.

Hebrews 4:9-11 talks about entering God's rest. If we do that our pipes won't kink and the gold oil flows all the time.

He talked about when you worry about someone you really do them harm. Using his daughter as a example he said that when he would get concerned about her he noticed that she would get sickly. Someone in his church said that if she started to worry about anything in general and try to fix it she couldn't. She said it just kept getting worse.

We need to cast our cares on Jesus and have perfect rest. The devil can't do anything to us unless first we worry. If we have rest in God his hands are not tied.

So again he said we have to fight to be peaceful. Not always easy in this world. God has showed me over and over again He has it all in control. I am going to try harder to walk in His rest and grace.

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...