Tuesday, November 17, 2020

She’s Using that Name

 I love the Word of God. I love hanging with people that are word believers. Anyone can say the sinner prayer and except Jesus as their Savior. But a person that digs into the Word and acts on it and believes everything in the Bible those are the people where you will find me. 

There is a Scripture that says you shall live and not die but tell of the works of the Lord. If you are old old and you go home to glory it is not Gods will that you go home sick or diseased. Close your eyes on earth and open them in Glory is His will.

The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. We have proof of that in this world right now with evil trying to steal the election from our President. 

So when your body as an example is acting up you don’t have to put up with that. You don’t have to go to bed and be defeated. I speak to my body at times and tell it to line up with Word. Their is nothing at all wrong with God and I am His child so nothing should be wrong with me. 

I was with my friends when one was telling a story about something that happen to her. She was preparing dinner and started not feeling good. She believes the Bible to be just as true as in the days of Jesus. So speaking and praying is always coming from her mouth. Long story short is you shall live and not die is a very powerful scripture if used correctly and from your heart. The devil didn’t win. There was rejoicing instead of a funeral. You get a room full of faith believers where Jesus is present miracles will happen. 

The other part though is when someone see’s Jesus they want to stay with Him. To be absent from your body means your present with the Lord. One of my favorite singers sings a song she’s using that name. The song is about a man dies leaves two children and his wife behind. He see’s Jesus and wants to stay. Back on earth his wife is believing and praying the Name of Jesus. He’s told then you have a right to be here but she’s using that name and you must go back. It’s a nice song. The name of Jesus is power. There is power in His blood. He died to give us that power and salvation. 

I am so glad along with a lot of other people that she our friend decided to stay on earth. She is such a blessing. So many need her and what she brings to the table. 

It’s so simple to have a relationship with Jesus. Just ask Him into your heart. You ask Him because you want to not because someone told you to. You always hear me say there is difference between religion and Christianity. Gods way or mans way. Choose God. Blessings to all of you. 

New Neighbors

December 15, 2024 A bit over a year now that Butch has been retired. We both are enjoying it. Some people think it's all fun and games. ...