Sunday, May 19, 2024

Forgot my Purse

Our Willa is so cute. It's amazing to me how much she knows at her young age. We left home the other day, and I realized I forgot my purse. It wasn't a big deal. We seldom use our credit card but Butch had his if we had to. Willa said if we don't have your purse how can we go shopping? She knew without money we would not have been able to buy anything. We did come back for my purse, and she now knows though that grandpa has money too. 

It made me think back to when Jodi was that age. We were at Kmart and Butch and I were dating. Jodi saw a strawberry short cake blanket set. When she asked me for it, I had to tell her no that I didn't have money for that. Her cute answer was but Butch does. Yes, he bought it for her. 

Back then, I wasn’t born again. I didn’t know about the things of God. We got born again shortly after we got married (41 years ago). I never use that phrase anymore that I don’t have enough money. The Bible states that God will meet all our needs.  Salvation means more than just asking and receiving Jesus in your heart. It's the full package. Salvation, healing, and prosperity.  That promise belongs to us.  

All these years later we still have every need met. We live daily on His blessings.  

The Bible says we must know Jesus and have a personal relationship with him. Lotta people know Jesus through their religious beliefs, but there’s no relationship there. There’s no believing there. Everyone believes in God the Bible says, even the devil does. 

In these days we need Jesus more than ever. He is knocking at your door just open it and let Him in. 


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

 January 27th, 2024

Butch has been retired two months’ now. It’s nice. We had a couple winter days where even he was happy to stay in. Otherwise very mild warmer winter. 

People say well Butch how is retirement? I said how come nobody ever asks me. Things are very different for him but also for me. For 41 Years I have taken care of everything. Now Butch is home and he must think I forgot how to do it. He wants to always help me, and I understand that but go do your own stuff.  

Three months already with no Zoe. I miss her. I want another dog but for all the wrong reasons. I will wait and see if God puts a special dog in our path. 

I think Jodi and Andrew might start building their new home soon. I really wish they would wait till the housing crash and prices are the way they should have always been.

Gods hand is moving in this world, and we are about to have an exodus moment. Then things change for our good. 

He has been building urns and working on a bigger project he wants to finish. 

I think Willa is getting use to him being here when she comes. She likes to sneak up on him when he is relaxing in his man cave. He joins us too on our once a week out to lunch. 

Travis and Kim got engaged at Christmas. Not sure when the big date is but thinking they will make it a small one. Then they all move into Kim’s small home. It won’t take long, and they will know a bigger home might be required.

Jordon enjoys kindergarten. They grow up so quickly. Eden is twelve now. She was here with Willa one week and I taught her to sew. She had told me when she was eight or so her grandmother gave her a sewing machine for Christmas but still in the box. Well, I pulled out mine and we made some purses. She was so happy. 

We have no real plans right now to go anywhere. Trips are more for the warmer weather. However, we might take a ride to Janesville to see my sister and her husband.

 God is so good He never stops taking care of us. Blessings.

 By our Jodi December of 1995 after my dad her grandpa Bob died. 

I watch the trains as the last car goes by and after it's gone, I can't move. Cars beep, people pass but I still can't move. 

I remember as a child being excited to see the last car of the trains. Waiting to see if he would be on it. Even if he wasn't there was always the possibility, he could be on the nest one. I'm an adult now and that excited feeling has turned into emptiness because I know he won't be on the next one. He's at home waiting to leave us forever. The train is long out of sight and still I can't move. 

It's been six years since you've been gone. Memories of you are still so clear. How you loved to sing and what a great voice you had. If only I could hear it once more. The way you made people laugh. I don't think I'll ever meet someone quite like you. How you loved to be outdoors working in your garden. What pride you had in your roses. Your patience in teaching me how to drive a very treasured memory. How lucky I am to have had you in my life. Not a day passes when I don't think of you. I miss you grandpa. 

My mother her grandma Joy died April 7, 2021. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

 November 9, 2023

Even though Butch needed to put new lights on the Christmas tree I still got it up like I normally do. The whole house is decorated. I normally do fall decorations for two months and then Christmas for two months.

Yes, every year I hear from some people, but we haven't had Thanksgiving yet. The two go together and to me it doesn't matter what you think. I don't listen to what anybody says anymore or what they think I should do. 

We are truly blessed no matter what day it is. God says Blessings will chase us down if we believe. 

We just started our sixth year in this home a few months back. It's still new but we have changed some things that never should have been. Like wire shelves in our pantry. Thanks to my talented husband I now have wood shelves in there. 

We said goodbye sort of to and old friend. Butch got himself an almost brand new 2022 Nissan Frontier. He loves it. He put a tonneau cover on it himself as well as running boards. So, we said goodbye to the Ranger but actually we have visiting rights since Jodi and Andrew bought it from us. 

We said goodbye to our Zoe a couple weeks ago. We sent her to heaven and told her to go find Grandma, Oliver and Ali. Words can't describe how we miss her. I am crying as I write this. She was a great dog as was Ali. We will not be getting another dog though even though my heart says to. Both dogs gave us about 13 years. Ali had cancer and Zoe lost the use of her back legs. She had other issues too.

Butch is retiring today from Graybar. It's his last day. It's one of the reasons we will say no to another dog. We will have more time to do different things. It is not my dream to do much traveling but maybe a few places. We will see. We will start by going to different towns for Christmas shopping, lights and such. 

Butch will still make urns but now even more things. I will finally get some tables I have wanted. God gave him such a blessing working with his hands. 

Jordon is enjoying Kindergarten, and I am enjoying have Willa four days a week. It reminds me so much of Kim when she was little. They are so cute. Blessings.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Our Wee Ones

May 2023

My youngest grand child Willa who is 3 and a half try’s to sing a song about Jesus. Of course it’s cute .

but makes No sense. 

I am teaching Jordon and Willa about Jesus. The Holy Spirit gave me a cute little song to teach them. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart all your heart all your heart trust in the Lord with all your heart each and everyday.”

They have learned it quickly along with other Childrens gospel songs. They sing them around the house. 

Children learn what they live so be sure your teaching them Gods Word not religion.

They grow up so quickly. I miss when my girls were little. Those were the days I would take back in a heartbeat. The cute stuff that they do and Willa knows in this home we love Jesus. One day she is just sitting there when she says to me - you don’t say go to hell? I said no and explained it to her. Then of course asked her who said that to her. She told me and I just told her to tell that girl Jesus loves her.

Willa instead of saying Yesterday says "last morning" its so cute. 

August 26, 2023

Butch and I learned how quickly children grow up as we watched our two. Jordon and Willa are no different. Right now we see them every other week for a couple of days. Each time they come you can see they are growing up. 

Jordon starts school next week. Not sure Kindergarten is ready for him but oh well. Willa will be coming by me now every other week for the full week. I will love that. I am buying things so we can have preschool. They are quick learners both of them. We had gotten some puzzles from a neighborhood rummage sale. They were easy for them and both of them love to put them together over and over. Then I bought a bit tougher one. Now when they come Labor Day we have a sixty piece puzzle waiting for them. They will love it. 

Last night Travis calls and says the kids are telling him about marbles where we took them. They said it has the best chocolate milk. Told him we have only taken them to arby’s so far. To funny. Next time they are here I will have to give Jordon milk with my homemade chocolate sauce. Willa likes collagen so she drinks that it’s chocolate too. 

Those two are not perfect by any means but they are a joy. They are learning about Jesus. I found classic super book on YouTube. That’s what Kim watched and they watch the same. They now sing the  bible songs around the house. They love grandma’s and grandpa’s. Willa never wants to leave. 

We took them to the beach a few weeks back and they had a great time. Then of course for ice cream. It doesn’t take much to entertain them. Yesterday when they were here they were in their little pool and they found a baby frog. Of course grandpa came home and said that’s a toad. They didn’t care. They had a ball but of course killed it I am assuming from handling it to much. 

When they first started staying overnight here Willa woke up to lightning and thunder that morning. Her and I came out of the bedroom to the living room where we could watch it. I explained all about it to her and told her grandpa was working and watching it to. He likes it. When Butch came home she ran for the garage and said grandpa did you see the light up? She also told Jorden when he got up all about it and said they didn’t have to be afraid. Those are the moments moms and dads. Don’t be to busy to miss And when God says they learn from what we say and do never be mistaken they truly do.

We started out all sleeping in the king size bed with Butch in the queen bed. We bought a single bed but the two of them fit but it’s tight. We kinda sleep all over now. Of course now Willa will be the only one sleeping over. They have both slept in the adjustable bed and have no idea it moves. Even Eden the oldest at age 11 she slept in there and has no idea. If they knew they would want to play with it. 

There all coming for Labor Day and Travis is in charge of dinner. He is making his famous ribs. 

More later. 

Sept 8, 2023

We had a very nice labor day. Travis made his famous ribs. I made coleslaw and chocolate cake. The kids don't really eat the ribs except for a tiny bit I make them eat or no treat. Eden loves the ribs. They are good. Tina and Mick joined us. Its always fun but can be exhausting in a good way. Willa spent the night.

I have always tried to get out of making a turkey for thanksgiving. Kim never lets me though. This year starts a new tradition though. We will be having ribs. For me thanksgiving has always been making a meal that takes less then a half hour to eat and then I have to clean up. NO MORE.

The puzzle that we had bought they were not interested in yet. Thats okay though.

Jordon has started school now. He seems to like it. Willa is has been here with me all week except Travis doesn't work on Mondays. I do enjoy it. 

I made chili on Tuesday. Jordon loves my chili except this time Travis told him to crumble crackers an put them on top. He didn't like it. He never did that before. He eats crackers on the side. Right now I am planning every Tues. making chili. Willa likes my soup. Chicken, rice and carrots. She loves carrots so I put alot of them in it. I made chicken noodle one and she didn't care for it. Says she prefers the rice.  She is picky what she eats but does eat the right things. She love my collegan and my smoothies. Of course she never saw me make the smoothie so has no idea what I put in it. She did however ask what is the green stuff. I couldn't tell her spinach so I told her the cherries have leaves on them. I won't lie to her cherries do have leaves. We get these healthy orange packets that we add to water. She will ask me for it. 

Willa and I went out on my errands on Tuesday. We got stopped by a train. She enjoyed herself. On Thursday we went to dollar store after seeing Kim for my adjustment. Only a child would think a game called candy land would be a game where you play with candy. We stopped at marbles as the kids had told there dad but of course it's Arby's. This time though I just got a meal and she ate the meat from the sandwich and the curly fries. I don't give them soda much and neither does dad but she had some coke. Of course she likes it. 

As I said its every other week. It’s mommy's turn on Sunday. 

November 2023

This week when we had Willa we had to make a delivery to NewLondon. On the way out Butch saw some deer in the woods. Willa missed them. I prayed and asked the Lord on the way home if He could bring a deer closer for her to see. I was driving on the way home and I could see the deer ahead. Nobody was behind me. The deer was standing right in the middle of the highway. We drove pretty close to it before it took off. Willa saw a deer or as she says a reindeer. 

February 9th, 2024

The kids have two cats at daddy’s. Kevin and Clayton. Well Kevin decided he wanted to explore the outside. The children won’t say who let him out. Travis got a trap and set it on the patio to catch him. He put his food and water in inside cage. He also put his liter box outside. I guess a cat can smell that from quite far away. It was 1:30AM when Travis heard the cage shut. The angels as I told Willa brought him home. 

Jordon is learning new things in kindergarten. He seems to enjoy it. Willa comes by me and we have our own learning. Her and I and now Butch go to Arby’s one a week it’s her favorite place. 

We go browsing through stores too and yea I do say no most time. In fact when we were leaving Unity consignment shop she says to us look look. There was a plane really low coming in for a landing. 

She now watches the new edition of super book. She loves Jesus and makes up her own songs as she sings to him. 

Eden is twelve now and I taught her how to sew. She was happy. 

Kim and Travis are now engaged. Not sure when date is though. When they marry Kevin and Clayton the cats will go and live at aunt Mary’s. As well as Henry Kim’s dog will go back and live with Scott. They will move in at Kim’s house and be one happy family. 

March 18, 2024

They moved in at Kim’s house. This is there second week over there. This will be good for the kids. They need stability. Scott has Henry but on the off weeks Henry might come back to Kim’s. Henry was there and Kim wasn’t and Henry let Eden pick him up. Henry isn’t use to the kids and I don’t think ever will be. 

Hard to believe it’s March already and Jordon will be out of school. Willa will be starting pre-k this fall. I remember how quickly they grow up and Willa and Jordon and Eden are no different. It’s like you blink and there driving the car. 

Willa enjoys coming here on her week. She plays so quiet it’s easy to forget she’s here. She still sleeps over on Wednesday night. We always start our morning with mother goose Christian  songs. She really relates to what she hears me say about Jesus. Summer will be here before long and they will both be here. We don’t see Eden much but maybe one of these Mondays she will come over and we can sew again.

July 6th, 2024

There was a wedding today. Kim and Travis said I do. They had an outside wedding ending with fireworks. The wee ones enjoyed the bounce house. The food was good too. I got a bee sting near my eye. All was well. It was a long happy day.

Aug 2024

The Kim and Travis got the kids a dog. Or did they. They seem to be enjoying the dog more. They named him Tommy. A picture on FB the otherday showed Tommy loves the car. 

Aug 28, 2024

School started for Jordon today. I am sure he enjoyed it. Will ask him tomorrow when I see him. That means just Willa for the fall. She comes tomorrow. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

2003 Ford Ranger

On special occasions like our 40th wedding anniversary we like to go and buy something special. Who would ever think it to be a new vehicle. We would. The home we live in now we purchased on Mother’s Day. The last home on McRae Pl we purchased on Butch’s birthday. The home on Erie Street we sold on my birthday. So yes, we have a habit of doing this. 

Butch drove our Ranger 20 years. Still only 125,000 miles on it and runs like the day we bought it.  He always confessed he wanted a bigger truck someday.

As usual we went that day to look at vehicles not necessarily buy one. We test drove a couple of SUVs thinking maybe we wouldn’t get another truck. 

There was a Nissan Frontier sitting up in the corner of the Lot. Butch said I don’t want black it will be too hot in summer. I noticed though that it only had 15,000 miles on it. Well after driving a few vehicles I said to salesman we want to drive the Frontier. 

Butch has always been the quiet one. We talked as we drove it and what he thought about it. So, we got back to dealership, and I said we will take it. 

Even though the Frontier isn’t the bigger truck it’s bigger than the ranger. So, he got his big truck. Still learning things about it as he drives it. 

Dealership offered 2500.00 for trade in on Ranger. Forget it. All these years later certainly worth more than that otherwise we would have just given it away ourselves. We talked about keeping it and parking it up north by the kids. However, they wanted to buy it. We would however have given it to them. We raised them right though she said we can pay we have money. So just like our riding lawnmower I have visiting right. 

Our ranger has been around so long the memories are many. We drove to Florida with it one summer and Dallas another summer. We visited KCM with the ranger. The ranger has been around for the last three homes. I still remember when Kim was somewhere under five and we were going to trade in our ford super cab the only vehicle she knew. She cried when we left it there and said why daddy. The ranger is sentimental to both of us. Butch said update Chevy next year. We will see. 

Friday, November 25, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022

 We certainly miss some of the stores that have closed down. Thanksgiving was yesterday and I was just telling Kim how we would put the turkey in the oven and head for K-Mart. She didn’t remember it. Butch reminded me she was just a little girl at the time. I am sure Jodi would remember though I will have to ask her. 

It was much fun. K-Mart had their blue light special, and you just waited for the announcement and what they were advertising to see if you needed it. We always used their layaway program. 

So many other stores we miss too. Shopko, Montgomery wards, sears, Elder-Beerman, and Kmart to name a few. How times change. 

No matter what changes in your life we have the promise God doesn’t. He is the same yesterday and forever. We have so much to be thankful for in this world. I am so grateful for God and His promises. 

Thank You Father. Blessings….

Forgot my Purse

Our Willa is so cute. It's amazing to me how much she knows at her young age. We left home the other day, and I realized I forgot my pur...