Sunday, January 19, 2025

 Noah’s Ark and Now

Hebrew 6:13-

Noah warned for about 125 years about a flood coming. At that time their was no such thing as rain. The mist would come up from the ground and water everything but rain never came from the sky. 

Noah is talking about a rain from the sky. He’s warning people of rain that they knew nothing about. They thought he was crazy. What's rain? What’s a flood? He’s crazy. They tuned him out. They mocked him they laughed at him. They ridiculed him. 

He was the prophet in that land at the time. He was there to warn a evil dark dying world that a flood was coming. What was the flood for? To destroy the evil that was there in the world but also to cleanse it of all the destruction.

 Right now God has been talking to us about shakings. Something significant is coming He says. He’s been talking about bracing for impact. He’s been warning over and over again. And just like the days of Noah the prophet’s are still mocked by some. Not just prophet’s but people too. We are told we’re crazy when we try to tell some people what’s coming. People didn’t listen then and some aren’t listening now. 125 years is a long time to warn about a flood. (Noah that darn conspiracy theorist. Lol.)

Matt 24:37 is a warning. 

We all have been eating and drinking and enjoying our life. But one day everything is going to change just like in Noah’s day. 

 Noah wanted to help these people. Even though Noah did what God was telling him to do the people didn’t listen. The only people saved were Noah, his sons and their family. 

People right now are blinded by truth. It’s right there in front of there face. The truth is out. It seems everything regarding truth right now is conspiracy. 

The Bible says in the last days good will be betrayed as evil and evil as good. If you can’t see that you are a sleeper. 

Romans 12:1-2 renew our minds. 

Without renewed minds we will believe anything we’re told. That is happening right now. Proof is in 2020 and the lockdown.

We’re living in a time where God is warning the world about something coming that will change the world. Just like Noah warned about a world changing event and no one paid attention. Right now there are people paying attention to warnings but not everyone. 

There is another world changing event but of course not a flood. God promised He would never flood the earth again and gave us the rainbow. Rainbow isn’t for what the world is saying. 

God says evil is coming down and His glory will fill this earth. Get ready My children for these great changes which are about to take place. God doesn’t tell us dates but He tells us seasons. We are in that season. Something is coming so big that the world will take notice that God is not dead. God is still sitting on the throne. He is still the judge over all the earth. Some in this world think justice is not being served but God says things aren’t the way they appear to be. 

God is bringing down everything evil. It’s in the news that our three letter agencies are corrupt and were never meant to be anyway God said. We have been living in bondage just like the Israelites. 

Pharaoh taxed the Israelites right into slavery. They came from the land of Canaan extremely wealthy. No one cared to find out why they came in wealthy and then they were enslaved. They had nothing. Sound familiar? What’s going on in this world today is nothing new under the sun the enemy just calls it something different. It’s the same strategy. Same tactic of war that he’s been putting on Gods people and the world for a long long time. Since Adam and Eve. 

He’s trying to overthrow Gods people. The serpent deceived Adam and Eve by making them believe that they didn’t have something they already had. Eat this fruit you will know something you don’t know now. 

Same thing now with the children of God. We all know what we have in Christ but the world wants us enslaved to their power.  They keep trying to take God out and His people. God calls them the Pharaohs of today. They are trying to take complete control of what they want upon this earth. 

God has a army. It’s us and our mouths. God has been giving us marching orders. Tear down with our words. We have learned our words are powerful. God has His military too. 

It’s time to continue to fight. Democrats- Republicans doesn’t matter. They have fooled us all these decades. There all the same. There are a handful of politicians that do work for us the people.

Everything is changing. Some people say nothing is changing. Complaining just like the Israelites in the Bible times. 

God has said whistle blowers are coming forth and they are. God says we will find out everything.

So be ready. Be prepared for this shaking God talks about. I can’t say enough that if the internet goes down it will be hard to buy anything since it all works together. Millions of us have been waiting for this and it’s here. Remember too that when God was delivering the Israelites from the Egyptians He locked them in for there safety. Yes He said it’s coming. God says not to fear. He warns us He says it will look really bad but He says things aren’t as they appear. 

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