Sunday, November 21, 2010


Thanksgiving is this week. A time for family and friends to get together have a big meal and visit. My girls are grown and as of right now are not married so there are no grandchildren either. They are doing there own thing for the holiday.

My husband and I are on our own to do whatever we want to do this Thanksgiving. Maybe we will take in a movie or wonder a store that might be open.

I celebrate thanksgiving everyday. I am thankful to my God for every good gift from above.

Sometimes I think we get so wrapped up in the things that we don't have in life that we forget to be thankful for the little things we get everyday. I try to remember the little things. A gallon of milk, loaf of bread, soap and hot water. The little things that help us to get through our day.

My husband went hunting this weekend and I put aside everything that I might of been planning to do to spend the day with my daughter. Then since my husband was hunting on her property I rode back with her to ride back home with him. Life doesn't get any better than that. The little things.

With God all things are possible. I know that I love that and enjoy that.

Anyway I am thankful for you that might be reading this right now. I pray that you will always have everything that you will ever need in this life. Remember God loves you and wants to give you what you need.

Have the best Thanksgiving ever!

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...