Monday, December 13, 2010

Two weeks till Christmas

What does Christmas mean to you? I pray that to you it means Jesus born in a stable.

Some look at Christmas as the busiest time of the year. All the baking, shopping and decorating. All that is good as long as Jesus is remembered.

Some look at Christmas and want to change it from Christmas to Holiday.

Some look at Christmas as what God meant it to be.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to us.

I have my tree up and the house decorated I even just had my Christmas party as I have for four years now. I know what Christmas means to me. I don't do much shopping but I love to go to the stores and walk around and listen to the music. Actually I sing along.

It is overwhelming to think of how much God love us but let me tell you that if you were the only person on this earth God would of still sent Jesus. That is how much He loves you.

My girls are grown and sometimes we aren't all together on Christmas. My husband and I are talking about taking in a movie. There might be somebody there I can witness to or just have a kind word for them.

So do you know Jesus as your Saviour? If you don't it is quite simple. Just talk to Him. Say a prayer something like this:

Father,  I thank you for sending Jesus for me. Forgive all my sins. Jesus come into my heart and be my Saviour.  Amen.

How hard was that? You probably said a prayer like that back in your younger day when your parents forced you to go to religion classes. The difference is that back then you said it because you were told to say it. Now you said it because you wanted to.

I pray you all have the best blessed Christmas ever!

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...