Sunday, January 9, 2011

Clearence Sales

Christmas celebrations done for another year.  New Year resolutions made. Stores trying to get rid of  old inventory so lots of sales going on.

 Last night my sister and I went to Shopko while our guys were watching football. I enjoy looking around even when I don't really need anything.

I found a foosball table top game as well as a air hocky game. Orginal price was $35.00. They were on sale for $7.50 each. What the heck I bought both of them.

We got back to the house and I told the guys what I had bought. My husband insisted that I was just telling him a story. After a while I went out to the truck and brought them in.

Now the fun part. We opened the foosball box and you guessed it, it was unassembled. My sister just grabbed the instructions and started to assemble it. She got so far with it and her husband stepped into help. I had to tell my husband to get over there and help them.

It was so funny I took  pictures of the three of them working on putting this foosball table together. I never laughed so hard.

When it was all together we played a few games. It was quite fun. Not a bad investment on my part.

God gave us all gifts. Putting things together with instructions isn't one of my gifts. My husband is good at reading instructions and then putting things together but it isn't one of his favorite things to do.

Watching my sister and her husband working together as a team told me that it was a gift they both have. The patience they showed was amazing. 

Like I said I never laughed so hard and my sister was laughing also. The bible says that laughter works good like medicine.

When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried. That's what I thought. You can't remember can you? Want some good medicine? Go and find the funniest movie you have or rent one and just let go. Laughter is so good for you.

Also don't be so hard on yourself when you are trying to do something and your not enjoying it. Just know that it isn't one of the gifts God gave you. Whatever you are good at and enjoy doing that is your gift.

Remember that Christmas is only over for you if you don't have Jesus in your heart. When Jesus is in your heart you will have Christmas everyday.

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...