Friday, March 18, 2011

Cute sayings

Over the years I have come across some cute sayings and thought I would share them with all of you.

"A clever woman sees through her husband but a wise woman sees him through." The two become one flesh so why wouldn't you want to see your husband through.

"Always say good-bye when leaving someone because good-bye is a contraction for God be with you."
I know you have heard different things over the years on why you shouldn't say good bye to people but this is good now you are really saying God be with you.

Also when someone sneezes we are all quick to say God bless you. Since God blessing you means prosperity I have been learning to say to that person "you are empowered to prosper.

"Marriage is the death of two wills and the covenant of one." Agreement in marriage is so very important.

"Never make a permanent decision in a temporary situation." Temporal means subject to change. So if things aren't going good for you don't make any quick decisions. Wait because it is only temporal.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow it empties today of its strength." We all know that it doesn't pay to worry. Wow if we could get paid to worry. Give your worries to the Lord.

"Let your pillow be you conscience." This one speaks for itself. When you lie down to sleep at night are you okay with everything you did that day? Did you speak words of love as you should? Did you show respect to those around you? Did you smile at the person that needed one? The list goes on and you know what I mean. We as Christians are suppose to always do the right thing. As long as we walk in love we can have a clear conscience.

You are loved, you are empowered to prosper, you are healed and you are redeemed. Have a great day!

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...