Lent the forty days before Easter. Lent or fasting it is the same thing. It is showing your flesh that you are in control. Giving up something that is near and dear to you as Jesus did for us on the cross. If you don't fast something that hurts your flesh then why bother at all.
What do you mean fast something that is near and dear to us? That means don't fast your vegetable's that you only eat once and awhile anyway. If you don't want to fast food think of something that takes allot of your time and keeps you from things that are more important. Maybe you spend to much time in front of the TV. Fast some or all of it.
When I fast I go for the things that are hard for me to stay away from otherwise. Cookies, Chocolate you no the junk food. When I say Lord I give them to you today it is easy to accomplish the fast. When I think what Jesus did for me going without sweets for a week or two isn't hard. It actually feels good.
Can we really ever no what Jesus has done for us? I don't think we can. If we really had a revelation of what the cross was totally all about we would live in this world with much more victory. We would go after the things that we want, need and dream about.
I was with someone the other day and she said you can't ask God for money. She said that you just thank Him for what He has given you. Yes we need to always 24/7 thank Him over and over. It takes money to live in this world and lots of it so yes we can go before the throne and ask God for money. I did correct her and did a little preaching on that subject.
When I was in school I remember that I kept to myself allot. I felt like a nobody and didn't say much.
I think allot of us grew up with a low self esteem and we have kept it into our adult years. We walk around just getting by. We need to get past that. I think that is why maybe we don't ask God for anything either. We just keep quiet. We think as long as I am getting along on what I have why bother God.
I am so thankful that God called me before the foundation of the earth that I would bear the name Christian and that my name would be written in the Lambs book of life. Over the years I have come out of my shell. I now speak up because I have some wonderful things to say. If you think about it others are always telling us what they think so why shouldn't we say what we think.
So my prayer for you is that if you are one of those persons with low self esteem and think you can't ask God for what you need and want just give it up to Him for lent. After lent don't take it back. Just walk with God knowing how much He loves you and wants to take care of you. He sent Jesus to prove it.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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