Monday, June 20, 2011

Let God Change You

I heard someone talk about change the other day in a whole different way. He was teaching the Word and said that he has learned powerful truths about God's word from lots of people. He went on to say that the one person that he has learned the most from was his one year old son.

He talked about change and compared it to changing a diaper. If we don't change a baby's diaper it will stink. I know that we all know that. Most of us don't like that word change but it is a good word. I like change and being a Christian I have seen it quite often. The same old thing all the time doesn't make you grow.

Anyway one day he was taking the child out of his crib and he said let daddy change your diaper. We should always let God change us. Our plans are not always His plans. The Bible says that our steps are ordered by the Lord. I tell God in the morning what my plans are and then I tell Him that He can change them if He needs to. Sometimes He does but sometimes He doesn't.

We should always welcome change in our lives. It makes us grow. It makes us better. It teaches us to learn other things. It helps us not to stink. Without change life would become dull to all of us. So let God have His way and change you if He needs to. He knows best and loves you very much.

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...