Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kill, Steal & Destroy

John 10:10 says the thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I (Jesus) came that they might have life, and might have it more abundantly.

1 Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Don't let it be you roar back at him in Jesus name.

In this life we will be attacked. The Bible tells us so. We have authority to overcome it in Jesus name. Actually if you are being attacked that tells you the devil is mad because you are living for God. Don't worry though God is bigger than him and the victory and testimony is yours.
We will always win the battle. The battle belongs to the Lord. Don't give the devil an open door for attack. Make sure you are living for God and doing His will. Don't chum with the wrong people, watch the wrong movies, go to the wrong places.

We can't chum with the whole world. We aren't meant to do everything this world offer to us. I believe some things are just meant for us not to touch. When we don't follow God we open the door for the devil's attacks. Proverbs says that a bad friend corrupts good morals. I taught that to my kids but it holds true for everyone young and older. If we are hanging with the wrong people doing the wrong things we will get into trouble. When we are spending times with the wrong people the ones that we should be with encouraging are left behind.

So don't let the devil come your way to steal, kill or destroy. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and you can't go wrong.

While my children were growing up I had to forbid certain activities and friends. I don't for one minute regret how I raised my children. The little things that we think aren't important or don't matter really do.

For example one of my daughters use to spend some time in the summer with my sister. In that town was a restaurant they went to often. I was in that restaurant once and the hair on my arm stood up. I knew that some of their decorations or beliefs were evil. I always let her go stay with my sister but told her she wasn't allowed in that restaurant. Did she listen to me? Yes she did.

With the same sister my daughter would go to Great America. A theme park in IL. She had permission from me to go but she was told not to go on any rides that had the name devil in them. We think things like that don't matter. I believe they do.

We have to be parents to our children not friends. God put them in our care and He is their to help train them if we ask. Proverbs says to train them in the way they should go and they will not depart from it when they are older.

The second part of the Scripture John 10:10 Jesus says that we might have life and might have it more abundantly.

That word might say’s to me we have a choice to chose life. It also says that after we choose life we also have the choice to choose to have that life more abundantly.

It is our choice if we are going to take God at His word. Are we going to walk in everything God gave us? If we don't walk in it we are taking Jesus name in vain. Salvation, healing, prosperity and victory belong to us.

Jesus died a horrible death on the cross for all of us to have abundant life.

Abundantly means: In large quantities, rich, abounding with, marked with great plenty, amply supplied, occurring in abundance.

Abundance means: wealth, relative degree of plentifulness.

We need to accept the whole package in order to live abundantly on this earth.

The bible says that all our sins are forgiven and forgotten. We are saved by grace through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God. That gives us abundant life.

We are healed by Jesus stripes. The victory belongs to us before the devil tries anything. That gives us abundant life.

Ps 112:3 Wealth and riches are in our home. We have prosperity in this world. The wealth of the wicked is laid up for us. That gives us the abundant life. Don't be one of those Christians that think God doesn't have wealth for us. How can we help others if we don't have wealth?

We have authority over the devil that gives us life abundantly.

We have the favor of the Lord that gives us life abundantly.

We have the authority to lose and bind on this earth that gives us life abundantly.

The victory always belongs to believers that gives us life abundantly.

So when the devil steals from us we have to demand it back. The bible says in Proverbs 6:31 but when he is found, he must repay sevenfold; He must give all the substance of his house. Let’s demand everything he owes us back in Jesus name.

Let's remember to do what Eph. 6 tells us to do. Put on the full armor of God. (If you look at the blogs from 2010 and find Aug. 26 you will find a very good confession on the armour of God. Or you can just put armour in the search box at the top).

Be Blessed we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.

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