Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hidden Wealth

Isaiah 45:3 - And I will give you the treasure of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places in order that you may know that it is I the Lord God of Israel who calls you by your name.

Another translation says I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

As Christians do we believe what that says? Some of us do. Others think that God wants us to be poor or barely getting by in this world. How that must hurt God's heart when we don't take what He wants to give us.  

I hear people say it isn't all about money.  Yes it is. Take a married couple for example that never has enough money. What happens? Stress, fighting and maybe divorce. That can't be God's will since He said that He hates divorce. We will always need money to live on this earth and much more than we needed before.

There are so many Scriptures that speak of God's faithfulness to us when we are faithful to Him.

Without money how would we preach the gospel? We wouldn't. How would churches make it? Without money we would have to live sponging off of everybody else.

God's prosperity starts with tithing. Ten percent isn't really allot when you look at it. It is only ten cents on every dollar. Our paychecks for example are many one dollar bills so it just looks like a lot more. It is still just ten cents on every dollar. That is all God wants back from us. He gave us the ninety percent to spend.

We need to all be tither's in this day and age. We have the promise from Malachi that after we tithe God will open the windows of heaven and pour us blessing we don't even have room to contain. He goes on to say He will rebuke the devour for our sake.

We have to start somewhere and tithing is a good place to start. Then there are offerings to give. One of promises that follow is: Give and it shall be given onto you good measure, pressed down shaken together will man give onto you.

Man will give onto you. The word says that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous. Who is righteous? We are if we made Jesus our Saviour.

I looked up some of the definition's for the words in that Scripture. Here is what I found.

The definition of treasure is money, jewels or precious metals stored up or hoarded. Something of great worth or value. A collection of precious things. A person esteemed as rare or precious.

The definition of wealth is abundance of valuable material possessions or resources. Abundant supply.
Abundance of valuable material possessions or resources.

Abundance means a large amount of something, an abundant amount of something. Some synonyms for abundance are: barrel, basketful, heap, multiplicity, plenitude, ton and truckload.

Hidden means being out of sight or not readily apparent. Concealed.

Secret means kept from knowledge or view.

Hidden wealth of secret places. Psalm 91 verse 1 talks about dwelling in the secret place of the Most High God. The meaning of dwell is to live as a resident. We are residents of the Most High God. Our home is with Him when we leave this earth. Heaven has a street of gold. There is wealth there. Since we have never seen the wealth in Heaven it is hidden to us. The same God has hidden wealth for us on this earth.

Ever notice how when you are praying for something and after you get done you also think you know how God will bring it in for you? Notice that He doesn't bring it the way you thought. He brings it in a whole different way. He does it His way. Hidden Wealth in secret places.

I have a home business that I am so glad God didn't hide from me. It's wonderful. We have a Godly president of the company. He started this business not because he needed the money but because he wanted to help others make it in this world. I intend to be a millionaire in this business. Why? So I can always have money to help others. That should always be our heart.

Everybody needs to have there own business. In this one I market for things all of us are already using. No change in buying habits. I would love to give more info so email me if you are serious about changing your family finances. (email at the top of page) The only person that gets rich at your job is your boss. Owning your own business means owning your time.

I don't know about you but I am about to have the wealth in hidden places.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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