Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Blessed New Year

What will the year 2012 bring? What will any new year bring? If you have put your trust in God you don't have to wonder what the new year brings. It will be exactly what God has planned for you. He has ordained your days, ordered your steps and loves you more than you will ever know.

How do you know that God loves you? Look around and you will find the answer. You didn't literally see Jesus go to the cross for you but you know that the Word says He did. That is God's love that while we were yet sinners Jesus came and died.

I see God's love for me in the husband that He picked just for me. The two daughters that He in trusted to my care. God shows His love in the wonderful friends that He has given me. All day long I see God's love in my day. Little things as well as big things He does for me.

The Bible says that everything will work to our good because we love God and we are called for His purpose. What is God's purpose? We are suppose to be like Jesus. That means walking as He did. He wants us to show the love of Christ to others in our actions. It isn't always easy. In this world some people are just down right mean. Heck just spending time with siblings is sometimes a challenge.

So if you are a blood bought child of the King 2012 will be full of wonderful surprises. I believe 2012 will be the manifestation of allot of things that you have been trusting the Lord to do for you. If we are walking in His love and grace we can't go wrong. The Bible says that if we have accepted His Righteousness and His Grace we will reign with Jesus.

I am looking forward to seeing the many many blessings that He has for me. You need to do that also. Be in expectancy of what our wonderful God wants to do for you. He shows His love in the things that He does for us. That will always be His way.

In my 27 years of being a Christian my God has never let me down. Do you know Him? If you don't you need to. 2012 will be a better year for you when you have taken His promise of eternal life.

If you don't know Jesus just invite Him today. Ask Him to forgive your sins and be your Saviour.

Be Blessed in 2012!

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...