Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Our Homes

Let's see what happens when this girl Ann (With Jodi) meet this guy Butch? Glory! Almost 35 years later!

Ann with Jodi

Butch and Ann dating
Ann and Jodi

Butch and Ann Wedding

We got married on July 1st 1983. A very hot and humid day. My little Jodi was so cute.

For a very short time we stayed living in the apartment I had been renting.

At the Apartment the year before Marriage

Then came a Mobil home. A great place to live but NOT permanent by any means. The short time we were there we made many memories. I was a stay at home mom and loving it. A year and a half later were moving on. Pictures from Mobil Home.

Butch - Ann - Grandma Tillie and Baby Kim
Jodi on left - Kim on right

Jodi in yellow walker - Kim in other one

Jodi on left  - Kim on right

Kim - Grandma Joy and Jodi

All different Homes

Jodi and Ann at Bay Beach - Kim and Ann at Trailer 

Look at these two fakers - Jodi and Jonelle

Christmas at the Trailer

Baby Jodi





Right after we got married we got saved. We gave our hearts to God and then of course invited Him into our marriage. As baby Christians we prayed He answered. The decision to sell the Mobil Home wasn't a hard one. We were aware of all the trailers for sale right there in our park. We were also aware of the fact that God will and can do anything. We asked Him to sell it quickly and that He did. Two weeks now to find a new home and move. We hadn't even looked around yet.

My dad's wife had told us about a home on the west side of Green Bay. It had been for sale for a bit and two different people had tried to buy it with no luck. She also told us about the home itself. The more I heard the more I couldn't wait to see it. I knew it belonged to us. We called and set up an appointment.

The seller was disappointed that it was taking so long to sell. The person who had told us about the home (a relative) said she will never let you move in early. She will want papers signed. The day to go look at the home came and we said a prayer was believing God and went to check it out. Love at first sight. It was beautiful. The owner knew we had a time limit to move and she said when the bank tells her we have financing with there mouth we can move in before closing. We were moving a few days later. To God be the glory great things He has done. Wait we were told she will never let us move in. God wins always.....

Northern Ave was a older home with two bedrooms and one bath. All dark woodwork that had just been refinished. It was cozy. The bathroom was in between the two bedrooms. The bathtub was the old fashion kind you could lay back in comfortably. The basement was part finished so we added a wall, some paneling and carpet and Jodi had her bedroom down there. The cutest kitchen ever even though it was small. We built a 24 by 32 new garage. Butch didn't want to leave that garage behind. Of course I didn't want to leave the sun porch behind either. I still miss it. It was nice for all of us and we enjoyed it. 851 sq feet. Parks, bike rides, walks, and downtown fireworks on the 4th as we sat right in our front yard.

Our monthly payment including insurance and taxes was under $500.00. Butch was pleased. Life was simple then. We had everything. I would take that time back when my kids were younger in a heartbeat.

Testimony on building the garage: We were young in our marriage. We got born again right after we married and started tithing. I was a stay at home mom. Thank You Jesus. The Scripture in Romans 4:17 says to call those things that be not as though they were. After all that is how God created the world. He said and it was. One of our neighbors was going to be building a garage. The wood was dropped off and laying in his yard. Every time I saw it I thanked God for our own wood pile in our yard to build our garage.

Butch had a life insurance policy that he had taken out years back and the rep kept calling and wanting to sit down with us. The fourth time he called I set an appointment. He came and told us that the policy was overpaid two thousands dollars. We cancelled that policy and took out a family policy. Then you know what we built the garage. I watched my husband choke up when he gave that testimony to others. Glory.....Pictures taken at Northern Ave. My girls. How cute.





Live Lobsters sent from Maine

My Two Girls - I am So Proud

New Garage and my Honey

Northern Ave Bottom - Top is Erie Street

Jodi and Kim

Jodi and Kim

My Kitchen at Northern Ave

My two Girls
Me, my two girls and Grandma Joy
Kim - First and second day of Kindergarden

Butch and Ann

Jodi on left - Kim on right
Kim K-3

Jodi Kindergarden

Nine years later and were on the move again. We sell everything ourselves so the spec sheet went on the front door and we waited. Six months later as we were sitting having lunch a young couple came to the door. We showed them the home. SOLD in Jesus Name. Glory to God! They told us they had been visiting there parents two blocks down. Normally they just turn around in the driveway and leave. They found our home because they came straight down the road because it was easier for them with having a boat on the back. God's timing is wonderful.

Yes 515 Northern Ave in GB was a blessing for us. We lived there 1985-1994. (Wasn't really sure about these dates being exact but I am close). (Northern Ave cost 37,500. We sold it for 65,000. I must of met every realtor in town as they came to me and told me they wanted to list it and we could get much more for it.

This time though we were going to rent while looking for a home in East Depere. We moved into 1323 Rose Lane in DP. A nice duplex. Brand new beautiful but just temporary. (I think rent was 740 or 840?)

We started looking at homes and it wasn't good. We had just sold a home we loved and took care of and for a decent price. The homes in DP didn't even compare to Northern Ave and cost lots more. Now I see why the realtors said we could get much more for Northern. Oh Well. I am so glad to know with God all things are possible. I might of been discouraged a bit but I couldn't let it get to me. I wrote out my confession saying everything we wanted in our next home and read it everyday praising God. I have written out a bunch of confessions over the years and called those things that be not as though they were. God is always faithful.

 Jodi's Graduation at Rose Lane
Kim and Jodi

We stumbled across two spec homes in East Depere built in older neighborhoods. The first one was very nice but to small. The second home wasn't finished yet, but Butch didn't care for the eye sore home next to it. We continued to look. Some time passed and the spec home Butch said no to was now finished. We looked at it again and Butch said yes. After we moved in the neighbors said that the starting price for this home was $100,000. They said it was for sale for a year but not sure about that. I do know that at the time that price was to much for us. We paid $81,000. Thank You Jesus.

We moved into 430 N Erie St in DP on June 9th, 1995. 1100 sq foot ranch home. Another two bedroom and one bath home. The bedrooms were huge this time. We bought all new appliances at this home, and we built a second garage with money that Butch received after his dad died. Butch had no idea his dad had that kind of money. But God did. We put up a fence and a pond in the back yard. Nice place to live. Walking distance to a bunch of places. I still miss the voyager park walk. We drive there once in a while and walk. When we lived there, I worked at Seroogy's Chocolates just 4 blocks away. Jodi lived here for just a season and was out on her own. Kim went to Green Bay Christian School K - 4. January of 4th grade she switched to DP. She went all the way through elementary, middle and high school in DP.  Oh yeah, the eye sore home was condemned. Isn't my God awesome.

As I am writing this Erie Street is for sale again. They had ten showings and three offers in one day. Since there will be a bidding war it will probably sell for 160,000. I am so glad that our blessing keeps blessing others. We have kept an eye on that home and they hadn't done anything to it so they are selling it on everything we did to it. They just kept it up.

Quick testimony: While working at Seroogy's  I heard Joe talking about mortgage rates and how you should rewrite your 30 year mortgage. I questioned him more about it and did just that. I went to the bank and refinanced. We had been living there for already four years and had taken a thirty year mortgage. We went from a 26 year to a 15 year. The payment basically stayed the same but now we would own the home sooner. The following year Joe said the same thing. I went back to the bank. This time we went from a 14 year loan to a 10 year loan with everything staying pretty much the same. Lots of interest gone. Glory.......Pictures from Erie Street.

Jodi - Ali - Kim

Butch - Kim - Ann - Jodi - Ali
Christmas at Erie all of us

Butch and Ann 

Ann and Butch

Jodi - Kim - Ann

Our Pond

Our first dog Ali she was a blessing          
Butch and Ann (Nine years at Erie Street and look 3 different paint colors.
Planting the yard
Jodi and Kim

Butch at Erie Street
My Girls Seniors and Ali 
Happy Family

Jonelle and Telly's Wedding

2004 and were moving again. Erie St sold two weeks after we listed it for sale by owner. (Sold for $145,) We sold Erie St on my birthday (Ann) and bought the next home eight days later on Butch's birthday. Jim and Cynthia came that day and rejoiced with us.

The young couple that bought our home had to give a 45 day apartment notice so this time we had plenty of time to look. We didn't look far though. We went to Bellevue. There was a whole block where they were building spec homes. Looked at a few and they were to small and wouldn't work for us. The basements weren't big enough for Butch to work in. Then we walked into1583 and Butch said this one will work. It was totally different from the other ones. Whole different floor plan then the other homes.

Back when we lived on Northern Ave I had a cleaning business. I use to clean brand new three bedroom, two bathroom with a fireplace homes. They were different in the fact that the entry to the basement was right when you came in the front door. They put carpet on the stairs so it looked like it was another living section yet you just went into the basement. I started believing my Lord for a home like that. As nice and beautiful as Northern and Erie St were it was McRae that gave us the home I believed my Father for. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a fireplace. Lots more too but that is what I asked for.

We moved into 1583 McRae Place on May 21st 2004. This one is a three bedroom and two bath with a fireplace. Another ranch home with open concept just short of being 1500 sq feet. It's the first home we ever had with a fire place. Big yard at this place. We built a shed, planted a garden and some fruit tree's. Lots of work buying a new home. We bought all new appliances again. Jodi was here for a very short season and Kim lived here off and on four times. They are both married now. Home is always open though. (The cost of McRae was 150,000. We tried to offer less but they said no. However they threw in central air. Nobody else on the block got that). Pictures of McRae.

Living and Dinning

Living Room


Master Bedroom

Master Bath 
1583 McRae Pl in Bellevue


Spare Bedroom 

Spare Bath 



Kim - Dad - Jodi 

Kim - Ann - Jodi 
Jodi and Kim


Jodi and Kim 2004

Were moving again. Butch and I went looking at open houses for kicks and giggles. Ya right. What was he thinking. I wanted what I saw.

We looked at homes in Hobart. Yup love at first sight just like when I looked at Northern Ave, Erie Street and McRae. This home would take us back to dark woodwork throughout the home just like on Northern. I spent the last 22 years with light oak so I gotta say there was a transition time for me.

We moved to 521 Pebblestone Circle in Hobart on July 14th 2017. Another ranch this one just over 1700 sq feet just upstairs. (Cost 249,000)

Butch finally got his real hardwood floors without having to be the one to install them. We gained home space but lost yard space. One of the reasons for the move was for a smaller yard. This yard is just the right size. The garage is bigger plus we have a bump out so no need for a shed.

We have a finished family room which we haven't had in the two previous homes. Also a storage room. Butch has two rooms for woodworking. One to do the work the other one for wood storage and extra stock and such. The basement should stay a lot cleaner.

When we purchased this home it was one of the cheaper homes that they offered even though it was costly. Also there weren't to many left with the family room. This home was staged to sell yet lasted a while on the market. Even after we decided to buy it we waited. (See God wanted us to close the same day Bill and Carol did. He is always amazing me...)

I live in the Kingdom of God and operate my life according to the Kingdom so I forget the things the world would have us do. Lexington homes said we had to prove to them we would be able to get the full amount of the loan. They didn't care about the fact that we were in the process of selling our debt free home.

Off to the credit union I went to get qualified for a loan we didn't really need because all the equity is in the other home. We qualified for the loan of course. Dale said he had never seen the credit union approve a loan like ours. I didn't look much at the paper work and what our payment would because I know my God is faithful and is sending the buyer for our McRae home. However when the home sells we would need a very very small loan Praise God to buy this new home. Yes of course I believe it will be debt free in no time (less than a year living here and were already five thousand paid. It will be paid quickly in Jesus Name. We started paying even before the payment was due. Glory to my God). God is always faithful. Our stuff always gets paid off early. From now on though we will believe God for cash to buy anything.

I knew without a shadow of a doubt that taking out the whole loan was not the Lord's will and I told Him that. I had to keep from getting discouraged.

After trying to sell the home ourselves with no luck (not time yet but Butch said we have to do something) we listed it with a realtor that would make 2.1 percent if she sold it. It cost us 500.00 dollars to get it on the MLS. With that being said the people that bought McRae saw our sign in the front yard.  Five hundred dollars that didn't need to be spent.

July 1st was our 34th wedding anniversary. On July 2nd we were having an open house. It was the last one I was planning until after we were all moved out. It was a busy open house. Lots of foot traffic. In walks Bill and Carol from Il.  He talked with us and told us who they were and what they needed. Wait for it here it comes. When they told me that the closing for there home in IL. was on the 14th of July I knew they were our buyers. They loved our home and told us they would bring there daughter Jane through a bit later that day. After all she was the one who found it. She had friends in our neighborhood.

Anyway Bill did bring Jane back later that day but he returned back to our home right after the open house was over at 2 (he saw all the others looking at our home and didn't chance waiting til later). His question was how low will you go? Butch and I had already talked about it so I said a price in Butch's ear and he said yes. Bill said very attractive price. ($220,) I know Bill would of given us the price we were asking. We blessed Bill that day and he knew it. He shook on it and they all came back later to fill out paper work. We got a great price for our home. Carol kept telling me while we were filling out the paper work that she was going to love my home. I know I did.

What an anniversary present. God gives greater gifts on special days just believe. God is interested in us having material wealth. It's what you do with that wealth that concerns Him. In 34 years God has and will continue to bless us over and over. Just remember you can't share if you don't have. And why shouldn't our homes be beautiful and look just like heaven. The Holy Spirit abides in my home as well as my heart.

It's all a miracle. We could of moved without having McRae sold. Did we want that. Of course not. I didn't want to have to come back and check on things and mow the grass. Of course picking from the garden would of been nice.

 Since nowadays they wire money and Bill was a cash buyer they closed on their home in IL. on the 14th at 9 AM and then the money was wired to us for closing the same day at 1. I knew God did this. All of this. So at 11:30 when I got a call from the title insurance company saying the money hadn't been wired yet I didn't FEAR. I was just going to sit in there parking lot till they called to say the money was in. And of course it came in a few minutes after the 11:30 call. God used everyone to work together on this and it all came together. Shelly at the title company took the time to call the title company in IL. to see what the hold up was. I was in touch with Bill and Carol and there realtor in IL. during the week checking on things. God used everyone to just keep telling me it will all be okay.

And my favorite part. Dale at the credit union is a believer too. He was the one that had to do the paper work to approve the total loan for Lexington. He did just that. He knew with the sale of our home though we would need a much smaller loan. July 3rd I went to the credit union to see him. I sat down in front of him and said Houston (now you know in the world what follows that?) and I paused and then said WE HAVE A MIRACLE. I wish I would of took a picture. His face just changed and he said do tell. So him and I sat down to do the paper work now for the much much smaller loan. I went back to check on the paper work a few days later and he said he was still in awe of what God has done.

We didn't have to pay the 2.1 however I did feel like the person that listed the home should get what I call a big tip. She advertised the open houses we had and a few other things. Bill and Carol had called her since she was the number on the sign in the front yard. She was the one that told them of the open house coming up. She even called them back to remind them about it. Carol told me she didn't need to be reminded.

The company we listed with had a moving truck that you could use and just pay for the gas. We marked our dates. Seven trips times 32 miles each trip means the MLS money we paid wasn't a total loss. Andrew brought one load in his covered trailer or it would of been 8 trips. We had it the evening of the 13th so we were able to pack it all up with some help. We parked it by the new home and went to closing then back and unloaded the first of 7 loads.

Family and friends came and helped us moved. They loaded the truck they loaded there cars. They helped us get the job done. We were all done by about 2 on Saturday. Called Bill and turned everything over to them. Thank You Father for Bill and Carol buying our home. I thanked Bill also. It all worked to our good. Jim and Cynthia came Sunday to help us get organized.

My God put this all together. Bill and Carol selling there home at just the right time.  Closings planned on the same day.  Another thing is when we decided to sell our home I called the title insurance company I was going to use. She said it would take 4 to 6 weeks to process paper work after we sell. Bill was a cash buyer and didn't want any inspection or appraisal so it was one week from the day I dropped off paper work that we signed off on McRae place. Also as I said realtors told us we were priced to high. Its sad when they call it a selling market when what they are really saying is that if your giving your home away it will sell quickly. My God knew its worth and so did Bill and Carol. They were impressed how well it was taken care of. That's my God.

For the sale of both Erie St and McRae Place realtors told us we were priced to high. But my God knows value. Were not greedy at all it always works to our good. You should get what your home is worth. I am so glad God is fair.

From Erie St to McRae the monthly mortgage rate was $700.00 or so for 15 years. At Pebblestone however the payment is $360.00 for 15 years. Of course have already paid lots more than that. Like I said the 5 year plan. God is good.

God blessed all of us just because we believed.

Romans 8:28 says all things work to good to those that love the Lord and are called for His purpose. (And we love Him)
Romans 4:17 call those things that be not as though they were. (Butch and I were confessing just what we wanted. We called it in).
Psalm 139 says it all. Read it in the living translation and be blessed.

All three brand new spec homes were basically the same. All open concept.

We have our list already going for the next home. We might even have it built for us so we can everything we want in it. There is something at every home we have lived in that we miss and so next home with have it. I will tell you though that we are content in this home for now. We are already however confessing for our next one.

How much does God love us? The Bible says that He sent Jesus to show us His love. I don't ever want to get ahead of God. I want to be lead by Him. I am getting better at that. With this move this time though I did get ahead of Him. I have talked with Him about it. What I want to point out to you is His love. Even though I got ahead of Him He saw us through. He will always see us through. He is a loving God. If I did it over I would sell the home we live in then buy one.

We are enjoying our new home.

May 13th the day we bought it
What a Pretty Site 

May 13th
The Walk Through be Closing

The Walk Through

Beautiful - Thank You Jesus!

Dining Room with my new table

Dinning and Kitchen


Living Room

Living Room

TV Room

Butch's Second Room for Work

Man Cave

Work Room - Where the Urns are Made
Man Cave 

Work Room - The Blessing of our Hands - Thank You Jesus!

Some updated family pictures. Tucker and Shia belong to Jodi and Andrew. Oliver was there's also. Henry and Nora belong to Kim. 

My Jodi 2016

My Kim 2017
33 years at Jim and Cynthia's (2016)
Jodi and Andrew 2015
Jodi and Oliver (2015?)

Jim and Cynthia 2017

Winter 2010 Butch and Kim



Henry and Nora

Kim and Zoe - She was a baby
Oliver - Heaven

Henry and Nora

Our Zoe 

Some of the confessions that Butch said everyday while we were believing God for new home.

"Heavenly Father thank You. Your grace, mercy and goodness are everlasting. Thank You that You always have our back. You are for us not against us. Thank You for our promise land flowing with milk and honey according to Deut. 26:15. Thank You that we are tithers and the windows of heaven are open to us pouring out blessings there is no room to contain Malachi 3:10. 3:11 says You rebuke the devil for us. Deut. 6:11 says You will give us houses we didn't build full of good things we didn't buy. Thank You. Thank You for the buyer for 1583 McRae Place and our price. Thank You that the appraisal comes in at our price. The Angels have been assigned to bring the buyer according to Psalm 103:20. Thank You we call those things that be not the way they should be and McRae place is sold according to Romans 4:17. Closing on McRae is by July 12th or 13th (It really never occurred to me that it could also be on the 14th. My God amazes me). Thank You that You planned our days before we were born Psalm 139:6. Our seed is planted. Give and it shall be given on to us Luke 6:38". In Jesus name. Amen!  (Fulfilled July 2nd and manifested July 14th 2017).

(The person that sold us the new home said the appraisal would never come in at our price even if someone was willing to pay it. (She said that after we bought otherwise we wouldn't of bought from her). With her saying that I added it to our confession. My God took care of it with Bill not wanting one. He thinks of everything. According to realtors it doesn't matter if you updated windows, carpet, built a shed or kept your home in the best shape. And having a finished family room doesn't make any difference to God either. Glory to my God! He handled it all). (Same thing when we sold Erie St the realtors told us we were over priced.)

We had another confession that we said with the above confession on everything we needed for the move to new home. It was all fulfilled. Thank You Jesus we have a contract signed in blood.

The only thing I would do different on the next move is this. We tend to buy quickly. That's okay. After we bought this home though I saw some I would of liked to check out.

36 years marriage, two daughters, one son in laws, three brand new spec homes, five brand new cars and every need always met. Thank You Jesus.

I love to brag on my God. He is awesome. I can't wait to see our next home.

All glory and honor to my God!!!!!

UPDATE: Paid this home off in Sept of 2019 right before Butch started at Graybar. Glory glory glory. Our God is Awesome. Butch starts his new job which he loves debt free. Thank You Jesus.

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...