David and Goliath is a Bible story must remember. It's a story that we can learn from for our everyday life.
Since I have been born again all these years I have many victories that I have believed the Lord for over the years. We must always remember our past victories when ever trusting God for a new victory cause it will help our faith.
That's why it was so easy for David to defeat Goliath. He remembered when God delivered him from the paw of the lion and the bear. So what was Goliath to him. He was just another victory.
We have to always remember to look to God and not man. God says victory every time. Even Saul tried to put his Armour on David but David used God's Armour. David didn't run at his enemy with a close mouth either. We have to speak the Word. You can read what David said in 1 Samuel 17:45-47.
Never lose heart get fearful or quit when the heat is on. Open your mouth and let the Word flow. The victory will be yours every time.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
We are the Church
I just saw an article on Facebook. Why Christians stop going to church? Reasons like you don't get along with other Christians, my heart isn't in it anymore and I don't get anything out of the sermon.
I understand all three of those reason's. It's not that I don't get along with other Christians. When I am with other Christians that have the same Bible I have I wonder why they don't listen to the Word and take God's promises.
My heart isn't in it anymore. It's not that my heart isn't in it anymore my heart isn't into the sermon I am listening to. Most of the time it's to dry for me. I have noticed around here where I live the pastors are careful not to step on toes so they watch what they say. That is so wrong. God means for the Word to be preached the way He says. Step on toes. Expose the darkness. In the old testament God lived in the church buildings. In the new testament God lives within us. We are the church the building you attend is not. So many Christians don't know that.
Funny though I was just telling God this morning that I miss one of the church buildings I use to go to. Then I see this article. At this particular church we were involved in it and it was fun. My girls were younger and the music was just the best. A lot has changed now though at that church last time we visited.
One of the saddest changes going on in church buildings is the music. They have left the wonderful hymns behind. They sing great songs but the hymns should still be added to the list. The praise and worship is most important. At the last church we attended every Sunday was new songs and some hard to sing.
I listen to the Word on TV, the internet, and tapes. I listen all day long. We sometimes go to MN to living word church when Jesse Duplantis is there with Kenneth Copeland. Soon we will go for the whole week but right now we go on Friday and Saturday. It's a nice ride and fun.
I cut my baby Christian teeth on Kenneth and I thank You Father that you made it so I stumbled across and found him. He is Word of faith. He doesn't care who's toes he steps on. If it's in the Word he will preach it.
Hebrews 5:12 - You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God's word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. I have always desired more and more of the Word. I am a everyday Christian.
1 Corinthians 3:2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for solid food. In fact, you are still not ready.
I started with the milk of the Word but I graduated quickly to the meat of the Word. A lot of Christians don't desire the meat. They stay with the simple milk. They go to church on Sunday and Wednesday they volunteer and figure that is enough. Some do it because they still in the back of their mind think good works get them to heaven. They don't.
We are save by grace and yes it says faith without works is dead. Be sure your works are for the right reasons.
I learned about the words that I speak long ago. Thank You Jesus. God created the world with words. They are of great importance. It's exhausting trying to tell the same people all the time watch your words. God says we are ensnared by the words of our mouth. God says life and death are in the power of the tongue. But yet people open the mouth and puke words of death out. And the Bible is clear that if you are speaking death words your angels can't work for you. They only work when they hear the Word of God. Death words put the devil on notice.
I have changed a lot of things in my life by the positive words coming out of my mouth and believing what the WHOLE word of God says.
One of the worlds fearful sayings is "if worst gets to worst." You speak that all the time worst will get to worst. Another saying is that dessert "is to die for." Really you going to die for a dessert? Another one "it is what it is." No way. Somethings are the way they are like the time of the day. But think about it if your at a funeral are you going to say to the person that just lost a love one it is what it is?
I am a born again, spirit filled, tongue talking, devil chasing, believer in what ever God says christian. I am that whether I go to a church building or not. I will correct people with there words even if they are complete strangers. Without a doubt I know there are many people dead and they died because of the words they spoke all there life. How sad. You live today whatever you spoke yesterday.
I know I am doing it right because the Word of God says to judge people by there fruits. Stay away from negative people unless they are listening to you when you encourage them.
I know the Bible is the truth. Its the only faith in this world that has more then one author. All the other so called faith's have one man or one woman that wrote there bibles and say that you have to live by that book. Don't be deceived. Jesus is the only way. Don't leave this earth without Him.
I understand all three of those reason's. It's not that I don't get along with other Christians. When I am with other Christians that have the same Bible I have I wonder why they don't listen to the Word and take God's promises.
My heart isn't in it anymore. It's not that my heart isn't in it anymore my heart isn't into the sermon I am listening to. Most of the time it's to dry for me. I have noticed around here where I live the pastors are careful not to step on toes so they watch what they say. That is so wrong. God means for the Word to be preached the way He says. Step on toes. Expose the darkness. In the old testament God lived in the church buildings. In the new testament God lives within us. We are the church the building you attend is not. So many Christians don't know that.
Funny though I was just telling God this morning that I miss one of the church buildings I use to go to. Then I see this article. At this particular church we were involved in it and it was fun. My girls were younger and the music was just the best. A lot has changed now though at that church last time we visited.
One of the saddest changes going on in church buildings is the music. They have left the wonderful hymns behind. They sing great songs but the hymns should still be added to the list. The praise and worship is most important. At the last church we attended every Sunday was new songs and some hard to sing.
I listen to the Word on TV, the internet, and tapes. I listen all day long. We sometimes go to MN to living word church when Jesse Duplantis is there with Kenneth Copeland. Soon we will go for the whole week but right now we go on Friday and Saturday. It's a nice ride and fun.
I cut my baby Christian teeth on Kenneth and I thank You Father that you made it so I stumbled across and found him. He is Word of faith. He doesn't care who's toes he steps on. If it's in the Word he will preach it.
Hebrews 5:12 - You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God's word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. I have always desired more and more of the Word. I am a everyday Christian.
1 Corinthians 3:2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for solid food. In fact, you are still not ready.
I started with the milk of the Word but I graduated quickly to the meat of the Word. A lot of Christians don't desire the meat. They stay with the simple milk. They go to church on Sunday and Wednesday they volunteer and figure that is enough. Some do it because they still in the back of their mind think good works get them to heaven. They don't.
We are save by grace and yes it says faith without works is dead. Be sure your works are for the right reasons.
I learned about the words that I speak long ago. Thank You Jesus. God created the world with words. They are of great importance. It's exhausting trying to tell the same people all the time watch your words. God says we are ensnared by the words of our mouth. God says life and death are in the power of the tongue. But yet people open the mouth and puke words of death out. And the Bible is clear that if you are speaking death words your angels can't work for you. They only work when they hear the Word of God. Death words put the devil on notice.
I have changed a lot of things in my life by the positive words coming out of my mouth and believing what the WHOLE word of God says.
One of the worlds fearful sayings is "if worst gets to worst." You speak that all the time worst will get to worst. Another saying is that dessert "is to die for." Really you going to die for a dessert? Another one "it is what it is." No way. Somethings are the way they are like the time of the day. But think about it if your at a funeral are you going to say to the person that just lost a love one it is what it is?
I am a born again, spirit filled, tongue talking, devil chasing, believer in what ever God says christian. I am that whether I go to a church building or not. I will correct people with there words even if they are complete strangers. Without a doubt I know there are many people dead and they died because of the words they spoke all there life. How sad. You live today whatever you spoke yesterday.
I know I am doing it right because the Word of God says to judge people by there fruits. Stay away from negative people unless they are listening to you when you encourage them.
I know the Bible is the truth. Its the only faith in this world that has more then one author. All the other so called faith's have one man or one woman that wrote there bibles and say that you have to live by that book. Don't be deceived. Jesus is the only way. Don't leave this earth without Him.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Get the devil off your back
And it shall come to pass, when you become restless, that you shall break his yoke from your neck. (Genesis 27:40 NKJV)
Are you fed up with the enemy causing havoc in your life? Perhaps you are facing a situation that makes you want to shout enough is enough! That’s good, because when you’ve finally had enough of the constant battling in your life, you will throw off the devil’s yoke.
I’ve learned that if things aren’t too bad, people have a tendency to tolerate or endure trouble, thinking surely the Lord understands what they are going through and He will eventually just do something to fix the problem. However, when they become desperate enough, then they will do whatever is necessary to free themselves from the situation.
God declared through the prophet Isaiah, “Shake yourself from the dust, arise … Loose yourself from the bonds of your neck” (Isaiah 52:2 NKJV). Not only has He told us to free ourselves, He’s also given us the means to do it through His Word.
The Word of God is not a defensive weapon; it is referred to as “the sword of the Spirit.” It is an attack weapon! The Word is always available for you to use against your adversary, but you have to be comfortable enough to pick it up and apply it.
You have to reach the point where you grow restless over what is happening to you. When you become uncomfortable enough, you will rise up and use your authority in Jesus to throw off the enemy’s yoke.
So declare today “enough is enough,” and then rise up in the name of Jesus and walk in the freedom that He has already provided for you.
Confession: I rise up in the authority that has been given to me by Jesus Christ and declare “Devil, in the name of Jesus I break your yoke from my neck right now! I proclaim that you have no dominion over me.” Jesus has already set me free, and I choose to walk in that freedom today.
Author: Jerry Savelle January 3, 2018
Saturday, February 17, 2018
God is always my source no matter what the need. God is absolutely unlimited in His ability and His resources and it is His desire to supply our every need and desire. It is also His will we are having fun while we are fully supplied.
1 Corinth 2:9 "Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which has not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for them that love Him." (It literally says we don't believe this in our heart)
Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves and inheritance to his children's children, and the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.
I receive from Jesus what I never could have done or achieved on my own. He paid a costly price on Calvary's cross and gave me His place of blessing and favor so I can receive what I do not merit or deserve. Thank You Jesus!
God forever favors me.
My words are my own self fulfilling prophecies. My life is defined by every thought and word I have. Proverbs 23:7. Change your words and thoughts and change your life. Don't take or say the devil's suggestion's he put's in your mind. What we have today depends on what we said in our yesterday's. Always hire the life and faith team not the fear and death team. Don't repeat the words Satan whispers in your ear.
Light is the absence of darkness. Light is the yoke breaking presence of God! Bad situations just say let there be light!!
We need to learn that real Bible faith see's the invisible, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible.
God's way is never hidden in darkness from us it is hidden FOR us, ready to be revealed at the perfect moment in time.
Choose to be strong in faith and give glory to God in the midst of disappointment. Choose to be fully persuaded that God is able to perform what He's promised.
Jesus increased in wisdom and favor with God and man. Favor of God makes a winner out of you. In order to receive God's favor you have to believe He loves you. Change how you see yourself and how God see's you. God loves us through our faults. The favor of God will open doors no man can shut. Favor to God means when everything else says no God says yes. Decree favor. The favor of God is going before me. Favor is a gift from God. The favor of God will manifest in my life everyday. I am surrounded by the favor of God. It's on me. I am crowned with favor. I agree with God. The favor of God is for a life time. (Ps. 30:5). The favor of God is ever present in my life. Favor opens doors, creates opportunity. I live at the top of the barrel. I am a king and a priest. The faith of God is added to my faith.
Joy is choosing to see the beauty and blessings no matter what comes our way in life. It doesn't disappear because of circumstances. Happiness is circumstantial, but joy builds in your life over time.
Do your choices serve you or God? They need to serve God or they are the wrong choice.
Never run at your giant with your mouth closed.
When we pray the tide of the battle turns.
Hope is our blueprint of faith.
When someone says to you How are you? Answer back It is Well. Stay in God's rest. In every situation fight to stay in God's rest. Stay faithful and positive. I dwell in the secret place. Never be afraid of something that hasn't happened yet. Rest. Don't panic. God's got this. Psalm 112.
In any situation take a step of faith. Remember they had to put there feet in the water before it departed.
The more you know God the easier to live in this world.
Advocate means defense attorney. Propitiation means turn away deserved wrath by the satisfaction of rustic.
Be bold with your prayers - tell God to show up today.
Healing, provision, favor and long life are provided through the blood of Jesus. Always let there be light in the darkness for Jesus is the light. As Jesus is so am I. How's Jesus?
When you say you have it God already sees you with it. It is written always make a demand on your covenant. Faith is my title deed. Angels are always on assignment. Don't let giants live in your land. It is finished. Take your receipt to God.
God is always doing marvelous things and I am right there in the middle of it all. Goodbye is a contraction of "God be with you"
Humble is when you don't think you know it all. Psalm 139 is the blueprint of our lives. Blessing means empowered to prosper to succeed and to excel. I walk in the blessing.
Nobody is responsible for your happiness but you. Clean out old files in your brain and reprogram new info. The roadway of your thoughts is how the devil gets to you. Put up your detour sign. You will not devour me.
The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous.
Don't be bound together with unbelievers. Don't take ungodly advice. Egypt can't whip you.
In Him I am complete. You are the prophet of your life so what are you saying?
I am expecting my greatest blessings because great grace and favor is upon me. I will live at the top spiritually, physically, financially, and in my relationships etc.
I love You God because You first loved me. You sent Your only begotten Son, Jesus, to this earth out of Your love for me! I believe on Jesus and I'll never perish. I have everlasting life because of Your love. You did not send Jesus to condemn me, but to save me and I thank You for that. Glory. Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, Who has poured out Your great love into my heart. I have not been given a spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind.
Jesus did miracles as a MAN not as God.
It is well with my soul. Stay in God's rest. In every situation fight to stay in God's rest. Stay faithful and positive. I dwell in the secret place. Never be afraid of something that hasn't happened yet. Rest. Don't panic.
I am healthy, wealthy, and wise. I am a money magnet for God. I am a world changer. Don't live in the land of better dwell in the land of best.
Interrupt your bad thoughts by opening your mouth with the Word. Don't seek peoples approval. They will shut you down. When you have wars in your mind remember you are the gate keeper.
God never intends for us to be controlled by the limitations of this world.
My God neither slumbers or sleeps. Lord I praise You. Myself and family are placed in Your love. I place us there. We hear the voice of the Shepard and the voice of the stranger we will not follow.
Always invest in yourself. In every choice you make choose victory.
Definition of Integrity: Conduct that conforms to an accepted standard of right and wrong. Meaning you will take full responsibility for your actions. Devotion to telling the truth. We tell the truth even if it's not what people want to hear. Faithfulness to high moral standards. A strict code of behavior. Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching. Integrity unlocks the favor of God. If we live the life Job did God can brag on us also. David says in Psalms 25:21 May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord is in you. Proverbs 10:9 it promises that if we walk in integrity we will walk securely. Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. Quote from Don Galer: "Integrity is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do".
For God so love the world that He gave His only son. Jesus became sin for us. If you get a hold of that you will never be the same.
God is on my side for the blood has been applied. Every need shall be supplied nothing shall be denied. So I enter into rest I know I am blessed. I passed the test and I will have Gods best. Trina Hankins
God is absolutely unlimited in His ability and His resources (and it is always His desire) to supply my every need and desire.
I am redeemed from the curse. I am walking in my inheritance. Money and blessings chase me down. I am standing under an open heaven.
Did you know that in Hawaii, they use the same greeting "Aloha" whether you're coming in or going out. The word means, "Wishing you Love, Peace and Compassion." The Bible does say we are blessed coming in and blessed going out.
Religion is people reaching up to God. Christianity is God reaching down to people.
Show me Your Glory.
When we die our mind is still intact .We don't lose our mind it's our brain if we don't remember things. Get on your faith confessions.
1 Corinth 2:9 "Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which has not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for them that love Him." (It literally says we don't believe this in our heart)
Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves and inheritance to his children's children, and the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.
I receive from Jesus what I never could have done or achieved on my own. He paid a costly price on Calvary's cross and gave me His place of blessing and favor so I can receive what I do not merit or deserve. Thank You Jesus!
God forever favors me.
My words are my own self fulfilling prophecies. My life is defined by every thought and word I have. Proverbs 23:7. Change your words and thoughts and change your life. Don't take or say the devil's suggestion's he put's in your mind. What we have today depends on what we said in our yesterday's. Always hire the life and faith team not the fear and death team. Don't repeat the words Satan whispers in your ear.
Light is the absence of darkness. Light is the yoke breaking presence of God! Bad situations just say let there be light!!
We need to learn that real Bible faith see's the invisible, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible.
God's way is never hidden in darkness from us it is hidden FOR us, ready to be revealed at the perfect moment in time.
Choose to be strong in faith and give glory to God in the midst of disappointment. Choose to be fully persuaded that God is able to perform what He's promised.
Jesus increased in wisdom and favor with God and man. Favor of God makes a winner out of you. In order to receive God's favor you have to believe He loves you. Change how you see yourself and how God see's you. God loves us through our faults. The favor of God will open doors no man can shut. Favor to God means when everything else says no God says yes. Decree favor. The favor of God is going before me. Favor is a gift from God. The favor of God will manifest in my life everyday. I am surrounded by the favor of God. It's on me. I am crowned with favor. I agree with God. The favor of God is for a life time. (Ps. 30:5). The favor of God is ever present in my life. Favor opens doors, creates opportunity. I live at the top of the barrel. I am a king and a priest. The faith of God is added to my faith.
Joy is choosing to see the beauty and blessings no matter what comes our way in life. It doesn't disappear because of circumstances. Happiness is circumstantial, but joy builds in your life over time.
Do your choices serve you or God? They need to serve God or they are the wrong choice.
Never run at your giant with your mouth closed.
When we pray the tide of the battle turns.
Hope is our blueprint of faith.
When someone says to you How are you? Answer back It is Well. Stay in God's rest. In every situation fight to stay in God's rest. Stay faithful and positive. I dwell in the secret place. Never be afraid of something that hasn't happened yet. Rest. Don't panic. God's got this. Psalm 112.
In any situation take a step of faith. Remember they had to put there feet in the water before it departed.
The more you know God the easier to live in this world.
Advocate means defense attorney. Propitiation means turn away deserved wrath by the satisfaction of rustic.
Be bold with your prayers - tell God to show up today.
Healing, provision, favor and long life are provided through the blood of Jesus. Always let there be light in the darkness for Jesus is the light. As Jesus is so am I. How's Jesus?
When you say you have it God already sees you with it. It is written always make a demand on your covenant. Faith is my title deed. Angels are always on assignment. Don't let giants live in your land. It is finished. Take your receipt to God.
God is always doing marvelous things and I am right there in the middle of it all. Goodbye is a contraction of "God be with you"
Humble is when you don't think you know it all. Psalm 139 is the blueprint of our lives. Blessing means empowered to prosper to succeed and to excel. I walk in the blessing.
Nobody is responsible for your happiness but you. Clean out old files in your brain and reprogram new info. The roadway of your thoughts is how the devil gets to you. Put up your detour sign. You will not devour me.
The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous.
Don't be bound together with unbelievers. Don't take ungodly advice. Egypt can't whip you.
In Him I am complete. You are the prophet of your life so what are you saying?
I am expecting my greatest blessings because great grace and favor is upon me. I will live at the top spiritually, physically, financially, and in my relationships etc.
I love You God because You first loved me. You sent Your only begotten Son, Jesus, to this earth out of Your love for me! I believe on Jesus and I'll never perish. I have everlasting life because of Your love. You did not send Jesus to condemn me, but to save me and I thank You for that. Glory. Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, Who has poured out Your great love into my heart. I have not been given a spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind.
Jesus did miracles as a MAN not as God.
It is well with my soul. Stay in God's rest. In every situation fight to stay in God's rest. Stay faithful and positive. I dwell in the secret place. Never be afraid of something that hasn't happened yet. Rest. Don't panic.
I am healthy, wealthy, and wise. I am a money magnet for God. I am a world changer. Don't live in the land of better dwell in the land of best.
Interrupt your bad thoughts by opening your mouth with the Word. Don't seek peoples approval. They will shut you down. When you have wars in your mind remember you are the gate keeper.
God never intends for us to be controlled by the limitations of this world.
My God neither slumbers or sleeps. Lord I praise You. Myself and family are placed in Your love. I place us there. We hear the voice of the Shepard and the voice of the stranger we will not follow.
Always invest in yourself. In every choice you make choose victory.
Definition of Integrity: Conduct that conforms to an accepted standard of right and wrong. Meaning you will take full responsibility for your actions. Devotion to telling the truth. We tell the truth even if it's not what people want to hear. Faithfulness to high moral standards. A strict code of behavior. Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching. Integrity unlocks the favor of God. If we live the life Job did God can brag on us also. David says in Psalms 25:21 May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord is in you. Proverbs 10:9 it promises that if we walk in integrity we will walk securely. Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. Quote from Don Galer: "Integrity is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do".
For God so love the world that He gave His only son. Jesus became sin for us. If you get a hold of that you will never be the same.
God is on my side for the blood has been applied. Every need shall be supplied nothing shall be denied. So I enter into rest I know I am blessed. I passed the test and I will have Gods best. Trina Hankins
God is absolutely unlimited in His ability and His resources (and it is always His desire) to supply my every need and desire.
I am redeemed from the curse. I am walking in my inheritance. Money and blessings chase me down. I am standing under an open heaven.
Did you know that in Hawaii, they use the same greeting "Aloha" whether you're coming in or going out. The word means, "Wishing you Love, Peace and Compassion." The Bible does say we are blessed coming in and blessed going out.
Religion is people reaching up to God. Christianity is God reaching down to people.
Show me Your Glory.
When we die our mind is still intact .We don't lose our mind it's our brain if we don't remember things. Get on your faith confessions.
There is no Hebrew word for retirement. That means the world created that word. Also no Hebrew word for coincidence. That means again the world created that word. Also the word rights.
Take authority and deny the right for any unbelief in your ears.
Psalms 107 David says at least 4 times the same thing about God's loving kindness.
Joy is choosing to see the beauty and the blessings no matter what comes our way in life. It doesn't disappear because of the circumstances. Happiness is circumstantial, but joy builds in your life over time. The devil wants your joy.
Do the choices you make serve you? (If yes they are the wrong choices)
Never run at your giant with your mouth closed. Confess the Word and put the devil on the run.
Psalm 103:20 Angels have supper natural supper human strength. The Word says they excel in strength that do His commands harking unto the voice of God. If your speaking words of unbelief the Bible promises us the angels hands are tied. They harken to the voice of God's Word.
When women get distracted men get discouraged.
There is no disease so devastating to the human body that the same sacrifice at Calvary will not cancel it and wipe it away and heal that body as though sickness had never been there. Lester Summerall.
The Word produces your thinking; your thinking produces your emotions; your emotions produce your decisions; your decisions produce your actions; your actions produce your habits; your habits produce your character; and your character produces your destiny. Where you end up in life will be based on how you handle that progression.
Take authority and deny the right for any unbelief in your ears.
Psalms 107 David says at least 4 times the same thing about God's loving kindness.
Joy is choosing to see the beauty and the blessings no matter what comes our way in life. It doesn't disappear because of the circumstances. Happiness is circumstantial, but joy builds in your life over time. The devil wants your joy.
Do the choices you make serve you? (If yes they are the wrong choices)
Never run at your giant with your mouth closed. Confess the Word and put the devil on the run.
Psalm 103:20 Angels have supper natural supper human strength. The Word says they excel in strength that do His commands harking unto the voice of God. If your speaking words of unbelief the Bible promises us the angels hands are tied. They harken to the voice of God's Word.
When women get distracted men get discouraged.
There is no disease so devastating to the human body that the same sacrifice at Calvary will not cancel it and wipe it away and heal that body as though sickness had never been there. Lester Summerall.
The Word produces your thinking; your thinking produces your emotions; your emotions produce your decisions; your decisions produce your actions; your actions produce your habits; your habits produce your character; and your character produces your destiny. Where you end up in life will be based on how you handle that progression.
You're destined to live an overflowing life. You're destined to be healed, to be at peace, to be wealthy. You're destined to be happy. You're destined to be sound. That's what you were born to enter into. Life in the overflow! That's your destination: Prosperity Overflow. And prosperity isn't just money its everything running smooth in your life. Body, soul and spirit.
The God who see's beyond today knows whats best for me.
Fear is faith in whatever scared you that it will hurt you. Fear is perverted faith. You must settle what your going to believe - God's Word or your word or the world's word.
Hope is your blueprint of faith.
When we pray and confess and believe the tide of the battle turns. (2016 presidency at 7Pm the tide of the battled turned and Trump won.)
Healing, provision, favor and long life are provided through the blood of Jesus. Let there be light in the darkness. As Jesus is so am I. How's Jesus? He is complete. When you say you have it God already sees you with it. It is written always make a demand on your covenant. Faith is my title deed. Angels are always on assignment. Don't let giants live in your land. It is finished. Take your receipt to God. God is always doing marvelous things and I am right there in the middle of it all.
A clever woman see's through her husband but a wise women see's him through.
Goodbye is a contraction of "God be with you"
Marriage is the death of two wills and the covenant of one.
Humble is when you don't think you know it all.
Psalm 139 is the blueprint of our lives.
Blessing means empowered to prosper to succeed and to excel. I walk in the blessing.
Nobody is responsible for your happiness but you.
Clean out old files in your brain and reprogram new info.
The roadway of your thoughts is how the devil gets to you. Put up your detour sign. You will not devour me.
The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous.
Don't be bound together with unbelievers and don't take the counsel of the ungodly.
The world can't whip you. Make a demand on your covenant.
Angels have strength, they inspire, they warn, they always have there swords out. They are behind me and in front of me. They carry out God's judgement on the ungodly. Angels always come to the aid of the righteous. We are righteous by the blood.
I am healthy, wealthy, and wise. I am a money magnet for God. I am a world changer.
Interrupt your bad thoughts by opening your mouth with the Word.
Don't seek peoples approval. They will shut you down. Don't live in the land of better dwell in the land of the best.
When you have wars in your mind remember you are the gate keeper.
God never intends for us to be controlled by the limitations of this world.
My God neither slumbers or sleeps. Lord I praise You. Myself and family are placed in Your love. I place us there. We all hear the voice of the Shepherd and the voice of the devil we will not follow.
Don't live in the graveyard of your past. Devil has no power unless you give it to him. Don't listen to other people's failures just because they can't handle something don't let them put that on you. Peace is not freedom from trouble its peace with out pain. Peace in the heart not your circumstances. Don't have peace in things you have or money. Have peace in God. Peace without pain by His stripes I am healed.
Whatever I do I prosper.
Hebrews 10:34 we know Him who said, vengeance is Mine, I will repay. And again, "The Lord will judge His people."
See yourself as God's special treasure. You a person of destiny. God's hands are not tied. You are handpicked by God. We shouldn't be our worst critics but our best cheerleader. How we treat ourselves sets the example for how others will treat us. You are a master piece created by the most famous artist of them all so understand your value. We paint a picture with our lifestyle and our children put their own frame around it. The God who holds the universe in the palm of His hand has faith in you. Victory starts in your mind. See yourself successful. Let God stretch you. He has new levels in every area of your life. You are the spice of life created to bring zest and flavor to the world around you just by being yourself. God is with me. He believes in me. I can trust Him. My next swing could be my home run. Victoria Osteen.
"We tithe the FIRST and the BEST. The BLESSING OF INCREASE is on the REST." Gloria Copeland.
Be careful who you rent space to in your mind. Tear up the lease.
Don't let negative thoughts box you in. Get rid of wrong mindset. Rock the box.
I come out from the kingdom of confusion and live fully in the Kingdom of heaven on earth.
Ask the Lord what to say to your mountains.
Just when the enemy thinks he has won King Jesus has more moves. God shows up and shows off. Kathy DuPlantis.
Root word of heal is relax.
On Easter Sunday Mac Hammond said that you know the Bible is the correct faith because the Bible is the only book that was written by more then one author. All the other faiths has one man or woman who wrote the bible for there faith.
Failure is not an option....
Hobart (Where we live for now)
H - Helping
O - Others
B - Become
A - All rightstanding
R - Reverence God
T - Till Jesus comes
God wants to meet all your physical and tangible needs until you are so full, you have no more capacity to hold anything more. Totally filled, packed full and overflowing to the point of bursting at the seams and spilling over (Things will happen so fast). Are you ready to reach out and receive that?
When you renew your mind to a world of abundance and overflow that you've never known before, you will begin to see yourself moving ahead toward your desired destination! Rick Renner has his own translation of Philippians 4:19 based on his studies: "My God will supply your needs so completely that He will eliminate all your deficiencies." Praise God! That's the overflowing we need to journey toward. Yes and Amen!
Your tongue is meant to navigate you out of troubled waters. Steer you the right way. Negative words are bad seeds. So steer your words the right way. All positive words.
I believe God is going to show me His glory each and every day of my life.
When you are trusting God for a victory remember the other victories God led you out of like David did.
I am a child of God so I have inheritance written next to my name. I was born into it.
Fear is simply what Satan says. Don't listen. Get up everyday, love God and do your best. He will do the rest!
Romans 8:17 We are joint heirs with Jesus. Stop running and stand still. When you are in Christ Jesus is the jar and we are the pennies. We are in Him. Our feet touch earth our hearts touch heaven.
Believing God is simple, yet we make it complicated. We can become so secure in Christ that as long as we know our heart is right, we know whatever people think of us is between them and God and not our concern.
Get into agreement with God not the devil. Give God your reputation and let Him be in charge of it. Invite Jesus in every area of your life. Give God not only what you are but especially give Him what you are not. It is easy to offer Him our strengths, but we should also offer Him our weakness because His strength, is made perfect in our weakness. Don't hold anything back; give God everything! The Lord doesn't see only what we are right now, He see's what we can become if He is patient with us. He knows the plans He has for us, and they are plans for progress and success, not defeat and failure. Jeremiah 29:11.
Faith is the doorway to enjoying life. Know who you are in Christ and others will be drawn to you. People feel good when they are with confident people. Confident people never lack friends.
God can and will open the right doors for you. Jesus didn't have mans approval just Gods and that's all we need. You have favor ask God to promote you.
Even Jesus walked away from the demands of the crowds for renewal and we should also.
Nobody is responsible for your happiness but you. Don't let your feeling's be your god. Clean out the old files in your mind and reprogram new information. Those who are easily offended and touchy are insecure people.
Strife is initiated by demonic spirits sent out be Satan. Their job is to prevent joy, peace, progress and prosperity. There sent to destroy businesses, churches, ministries, marriages and all other such institutions and relationships. Don't get caught in that trap.
The person who can anger you has power over you.
Deal with disappointment and keep a good attitude. God has to be behind our success or we will never be satisfied. People rejecting you is not your problem it is theirs. Don't let your thoughts dwell on them. Live to please God, not people. I have His approval and that is all I need.
God will speak to you if He has a word for you. Others can give you advice but the Word comes from God.
If I just touch the hem of His garment I will be healed. Powerful faith words. Make a demand on your covenant. Mark 4.
Angels have strength, they inspire, warn they always have there swords out. They are behind me and in front of me and my family. They carry out God's judgement on the ungodly. Angels come to the aid of the righteous in trouble. Psalm 103.
Josh 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it, for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. (Now were under grace)
We don't give to be rich - Jesus already made us rich. We don't do good works to be righteous - Jesus already did that too.
Egypt which is the world can't whip us. We don't live in the Babylonian system.
Apply the anointing of Jesus to your business's.
Get your identity from who you are. Not from your material wealth.
Some things will only change for you because of the favor we have as Christians.
When they dropped the man through the ceiling for healing they made a demand on there covenant. Luke 5:17-18.
For the rest of our life the heavenly empowerment is on us.
Love God and He will see you through. The fourth man is always with you.
God is on my side for for the blood has been applied. Every need shall be supplied nothing shall be denied. So I enter into rest I know I am Blessed. I passed the test and I will have God's best. Trina Hankins.
When you are giving partners with a ministry what ever gift they operate in belongs to you.
Always believe for sudden-lee's - restoration - breakthroughs - financial increase - healing.
The law of the Spirit of life (Blessing) - Faith - Life - Righteousness - Healing - Divine Health - Prosperity - The peace of God - Love - Angelic Powers (No we don't personally have powers, We have the Angels working for us when we speak positive words)
The law of sin and death (the curse) - Fear - Sin - Death - Sickness - Poverty - Worry - Anxiety - Hate - Demons
Satan challenges the promises of God with fear. Don't let him. Satan can't create he can only destroy. He is a counterfeiter, a deceiver. By speaking words of faith, fear will depart. You can step through the door from fear into absolute faith and put a stop to Satan's destructive maneuvers in your life. Stand up boldly and say, "I've been made the righteousness of Almighty God. I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. Sin shall have no dominion over me, for He that is within me is greater than he that is in the world. Jesus bore my sickness and carried my diseases. By His stripes, I am healed. Therefore, I boldly say that the Lord is my helper and I will not fear. What can man do unto me?"
Deut. 28:1,7 says if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command thee....The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.
The devil doesn't know what is going on til we open our mouth. Don't let the devil win. Watch your words. Talk negative only to God.
God has all the technology inside of Him so if it's inside of God it's inside of us now. Why do we sweat the small stuff then. The same power that rose Jesus from the dead lives inside of us.
The God who see's beyond today knows whats best for me.
Fear is faith in whatever scared you that it will hurt you. Fear is perverted faith. You must settle what your going to believe - God's Word or your word or the world's word.
Hope is your blueprint of faith.
When we pray and confess and believe the tide of the battle turns. (2016 presidency at 7Pm the tide of the battled turned and Trump won.)
Healing, provision, favor and long life are provided through the blood of Jesus. Let there be light in the darkness. As Jesus is so am I. How's Jesus? He is complete. When you say you have it God already sees you with it. It is written always make a demand on your covenant. Faith is my title deed. Angels are always on assignment. Don't let giants live in your land. It is finished. Take your receipt to God. God is always doing marvelous things and I am right there in the middle of it all.
A clever woman see's through her husband but a wise women see's him through.
Goodbye is a contraction of "God be with you"
Marriage is the death of two wills and the covenant of one.
Humble is when you don't think you know it all.
Psalm 139 is the blueprint of our lives.
Blessing means empowered to prosper to succeed and to excel. I walk in the blessing.
Nobody is responsible for your happiness but you.
Clean out old files in your brain and reprogram new info.
The roadway of your thoughts is how the devil gets to you. Put up your detour sign. You will not devour me.
The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous.
Don't be bound together with unbelievers and don't take the counsel of the ungodly.
The world can't whip you. Make a demand on your covenant.
Angels have strength, they inspire, they warn, they always have there swords out. They are behind me and in front of me. They carry out God's judgement on the ungodly. Angels always come to the aid of the righteous. We are righteous by the blood.
I am healthy, wealthy, and wise. I am a money magnet for God. I am a world changer.
Interrupt your bad thoughts by opening your mouth with the Word.
Don't seek peoples approval. They will shut you down. Don't live in the land of better dwell in the land of the best.
When you have wars in your mind remember you are the gate keeper.
God never intends for us to be controlled by the limitations of this world.
My God neither slumbers or sleeps. Lord I praise You. Myself and family are placed in Your love. I place us there. We all hear the voice of the Shepherd and the voice of the devil we will not follow.
Don't live in the graveyard of your past. Devil has no power unless you give it to him. Don't listen to other people's failures just because they can't handle something don't let them put that on you. Peace is not freedom from trouble its peace with out pain. Peace in the heart not your circumstances. Don't have peace in things you have or money. Have peace in God. Peace without pain by His stripes I am healed.
Whatever I do I prosper.
Hebrews 10:34 we know Him who said, vengeance is Mine, I will repay. And again, "The Lord will judge His people."
See yourself as God's special treasure. You a person of destiny. God's hands are not tied. You are handpicked by God. We shouldn't be our worst critics but our best cheerleader. How we treat ourselves sets the example for how others will treat us. You are a master piece created by the most famous artist of them all so understand your value. We paint a picture with our lifestyle and our children put their own frame around it. The God who holds the universe in the palm of His hand has faith in you. Victory starts in your mind. See yourself successful. Let God stretch you. He has new levels in every area of your life. You are the spice of life created to bring zest and flavor to the world around you just by being yourself. God is with me. He believes in me. I can trust Him. My next swing could be my home run. Victoria Osteen.
"We tithe the FIRST and the BEST. The BLESSING OF INCREASE is on the REST." Gloria Copeland.
It is well when asked anything. That should be your answer. Stay in God's rest. In every situation fight to stay on God's rest. Stay faithful and positive. I dwell in the secret place. Never be afraid of something that hasn't happened yet. Rest. Don't panic. Rest. Psalm 112.
When we rest God works.
When we rest God works.
Before you can receive financial favor from God you have to establish Him as your only source. Yes we have favor from man and the world but don't get mixed up God is provider. He just uses man for our benefit. His riches in Glory. He owns it all. You have to be convinces that He wants you blessed with everything. Allow God to fill your hands with wealth. Be excepting. Jerry Savelle.
And when your a tither your have rights.
And when you give above the tithe with offerings sow your seed. Don't forget to put in the sickle and show God what you want.
And when your a tither your have rights.
And when you give above the tithe with offerings sow your seed. Don't forget to put in the sickle and show God what you want.
Be careful who you rent space to in your mind. Tear up the lease.
Don't let negative thoughts box you in. Get rid of wrong mindset. Rock the box.
I come out from the kingdom of confusion and live fully in the Kingdom of heaven on earth.
Ask the Lord what to say to your mountains.
Just when the enemy thinks he has won King Jesus has more moves. God shows up and shows off. Kathy DuPlantis.
Root word of heal is relax.
On Easter Sunday Mac Hammond said that you know the Bible is the correct faith because the Bible is the only book that was written by more then one author. All the other faiths has one man or woman who wrote the bible for there faith.
Failure is not an option....
Hobart (Where we live for now)
H - Helping
O - Others
B - Become
A - All rightstanding
R - Reverence God
T - Till Jesus comes
God wants to meet all your physical and tangible needs until you are so full, you have no more capacity to hold anything more. Totally filled, packed full and overflowing to the point of bursting at the seams and spilling over (Things will happen so fast). Are you ready to reach out and receive that?
When you renew your mind to a world of abundance and overflow that you've never known before, you will begin to see yourself moving ahead toward your desired destination! Rick Renner has his own translation of Philippians 4:19 based on his studies: "My God will supply your needs so completely that He will eliminate all your deficiencies." Praise God! That's the overflowing we need to journey toward. Yes and Amen!
Your tongue is meant to navigate you out of troubled waters. Steer you the right way. Negative words are bad seeds. So steer your words the right way. All positive words.
I believe God is going to show me His glory each and every day of my life.
When you are trusting God for a victory remember the other victories God led you out of like David did.
I am a child of God so I have inheritance written next to my name. I was born into it.
When we die our mind is still intact.We don't lose our mind it's our brain if we don't remember things. Get on your faith confessions.
Romans 8:17 We are joint heirs with Jesus. Stop running and stand still. When you are in Christ Jesus is the jar and we are the pennies. We are in Him. Our feet touch earth our hearts touch heaven.
Believing God is simple, yet we make it complicated. We can become so secure in Christ that as long as we know our heart is right, we know whatever people think of us is between them and God and not our concern.
Get into agreement with God not the devil. Give God your reputation and let Him be in charge of it. Invite Jesus in every area of your life. Give God not only what you are but especially give Him what you are not. It is easy to offer Him our strengths, but we should also offer Him our weakness because His strength, is made perfect in our weakness. Don't hold anything back; give God everything! The Lord doesn't see only what we are right now, He see's what we can become if He is patient with us. He knows the plans He has for us, and they are plans for progress and success, not defeat and failure. Jeremiah 29:11.
Faith is the doorway to enjoying life. Know who you are in Christ and others will be drawn to you. People feel good when they are with confident people. Confident people never lack friends.
God can and will open the right doors for you. Jesus didn't have mans approval just Gods and that's all we need. You have favor ask God to promote you.
Even Jesus walked away from the demands of the crowds for renewal and we should also.
Nobody is responsible for your happiness but you. Don't let your feeling's be your god. Clean out the old files in your mind and reprogram new information. Those who are easily offended and touchy are insecure people.
Strife is initiated by demonic spirits sent out be Satan. Their job is to prevent joy, peace, progress and prosperity. There sent to destroy businesses, churches, ministries, marriages and all other such institutions and relationships. Don't get caught in that trap.
The person who can anger you has power over you.
Deal with disappointment and keep a good attitude. God has to be behind our success or we will never be satisfied. People rejecting you is not your problem it is theirs. Don't let your thoughts dwell on them. Live to please God, not people. I have His approval and that is all I need.
God will speak to you if He has a word for you. Others can give you advice but the Word comes from God.
If I just touch the hem of His garment I will be healed. Powerful faith words. Make a demand on your covenant. Mark 4.
Angels have strength, they inspire, warn they always have there swords out. They are behind me and in front of me and my family. They carry out God's judgement on the ungodly. Angels come to the aid of the righteous in trouble. Psalm 103.
Josh 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it, for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. (Now were under grace)
We don't give to be rich - Jesus already made us rich. We don't do good works to be righteous - Jesus already did that too.
Egypt which is the world can't whip us. We don't live in the Babylonian system.
Apply the anointing of Jesus to your business's.
Get your identity from who you are. Not from your material wealth.
Some things will only change for you because of the favor we have as Christians.
When they dropped the man through the ceiling for healing they made a demand on there covenant. Luke 5:17-18.
For the rest of our life the heavenly empowerment is on us.
Love God and He will see you through. The fourth man is always with you.
God is on my side for for the blood has been applied. Every need shall be supplied nothing shall be denied. So I enter into rest I know I am Blessed. I passed the test and I will have God's best. Trina Hankins.
When you are giving partners with a ministry what ever gift they operate in belongs to you.
Always believe for sudden-lee's - restoration - breakthroughs - financial increase - healing.
The law of the Spirit of life (Blessing) - Faith - Life - Righteousness - Healing - Divine Health - Prosperity - The peace of God - Love - Angelic Powers (No we don't personally have powers, We have the Angels working for us when we speak positive words)
The law of sin and death (the curse) - Fear - Sin - Death - Sickness - Poverty - Worry - Anxiety - Hate - Demons
Satan challenges the promises of God with fear. Don't let him. Satan can't create he can only destroy. He is a counterfeiter, a deceiver. By speaking words of faith, fear will depart. You can step through the door from fear into absolute faith and put a stop to Satan's destructive maneuvers in your life. Stand up boldly and say, "I've been made the righteousness of Almighty God. I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. Sin shall have no dominion over me, for He that is within me is greater than he that is in the world. Jesus bore my sickness and carried my diseases. By His stripes, I am healed. Therefore, I boldly say that the Lord is my helper and I will not fear. What can man do unto me?"
Deut. 28:1,7 says if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command thee....The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.
The devil doesn't know what is going on til we open our mouth. Don't let the devil win. Watch your words. Talk negative only to God.
God has all the technology inside of Him so if it's inside of God it's inside of us now. Why do we sweat the small stuff then. The same power that rose Jesus from the dead lives inside of us.
Your tongue is meant to navigate you out of troubled waters. Steer you the right way. Negative words are bad seeds. So steer your words the right way. All positive words.
I believe God is going to show me His glory each and every day of my life.
When you are trusting God for a victory remember the other victories God led you out of like David did.
I am a child of God so I have inheritance written next to my name. I was born into it.
Do not live at the foot of the cross. Climb it. My thoughts are higher where Jesus is concerned. He is risen.
We don't owe God anything under grace. Jesus did it all.
Isaiah 30:21 And your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," when ever you turn to the right or the left.
Enlarge our borders. The wagons are here. Thank You for blessings we don't labor for.
I laugh at obstacles and impossibilities.
Be forgiving, have grace for others.
Be happy, be thankful.
Your personality is what others know about you. Your character is what your wife and God know about you. The husband is the builder. The wife is the watcher. Man called to be the leader but most of the time the women are more spiritual leaders. Women created out of men. Rib equals side - side equals for advice.
I believe God is going to show me His glory each and every day of my life.
When you are trusting God for a victory remember the other victories God led you out of like David did.
I am a child of God so I have inheritance written next to my name. I was born into it.
Do not live at the foot of the cross. Climb it. My thoughts are higher where Jesus is concerned. He is risen.
We don't owe God anything under grace. Jesus did it all.
Isaiah 30:21 And your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," when ever you turn to the right or the left.
Enlarge our borders. The wagons are here. Thank You for blessings we don't labor for.
I laugh at obstacles and impossibilities.
Be forgiving, have grace for others.
Be happy, be thankful.
Your personality is what others know about you. Your character is what your wife and God know about you. The husband is the builder. The wife is the watcher. Man called to be the leader but most of the time the women are more spiritual leaders. Women created out of men. Rib equals side - side equals for advice.
Did you know that a medical study group says that when you reach a certain age that if you consider yourself old your thinking process causes your body to release a chemical that actually causes aging. The Bible says our youth is renewed like the eagles. Just believe it.
What ever you allow and do your in agreement with. Be careful. Your life will go the way of your thoughts.
Through one man's (Adam) sin we all became sinners. Through one Mans (Jesus) sacrifice we were all made righteous. Jesus came to this earth as a man.
What ever you allow and do your in agreement with. Be careful. Your life will go the way of your thoughts.
Through one man's (Adam) sin we all became sinners. Through one Mans (Jesus) sacrifice we were all made righteous. Jesus came to this earth as a man.
God is constantly providing and working miracles through you and for you by His Spirit (Gal 3:5). Receive His inexhaustible supply today!
When we go in Jesus Name were saying Father I come to You presenting today all that Jesus is - not what I am.
God is waiting to surprise you with amazing things. I am always ready to receive them?
(God told Jerry Savelle that every Christian should be saying in 2018 show me Your Glory. God will call all His goodness to pass before us. The Glory and the goodness of God is the same. To keep on our lips and in our prayers show me the Glory).
Show me Your Glory! That means I'm expecting the demonstration of the power and the goodness of God. Show me Your Glory. I want to see Your presence and Your power everyday of my life throughout every year. And the goodness of God I believe I receive.
I am surrounded by favor I decree the favor of God. I am always in the right place at the right time cause my steps are ordered by the Lord and my family's steps.
God will not with hold anything from me because I walk uprightly.
God's praise is in our lung's. (That's a fact. So nothing else that doesn't belong there can be there).
I am a capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman. I am far more precious than jewels. My value is far above rubies or pearls.
Strength and dignity are my clothing and my position is strong and secure. (I am crowned with beauty and compassion).
Any attack that the devil had planned against me or my family is always diverted in the name of Jesus. I use my words to agree with God’s Words, and therefore I or them cannot be defeated and we cannot be terrorized.
I rise up in the authority that has been given to my by Jesus Christ and declare "Devil, in the name of Jesus I break your yoke from my neck, (Names here and our children's) neck including spouses right now! I proclaim that you have no dominion over us." Jesus has already set us free, and we choose to walk in that freedom. The gates of hell will not prevail in Jesus name. Your under my feet. Seven fold return on what you have stolen from us in Jesus Name.
Every time I speak God’s Word, the angels hear it and they hearken to the voice of His word; they hasten to carry out that Word and bring it to pass. (Psalm 103:20)
I am a child of God. I am in the family. I am in the lineage of David. I am in the lineage of Abraham. I've been adopted into royalty. I have been chosen by God. I am loved by God.
Confess this: I will never be on a walker. I'll never be in wheelchair. All the days of my life I'll walk. I'll walk strong I'll walk far. I'll be 90 and say ah you young ones I'll take the stairs. I have an appetite for healthy food and water especially veggies. I like to walk. I like to move. I like to dance. I like to go. I like activity. My God created me to be active to be healthy and to be strong, to live and walk in divine health and to be good looking with a full head of hair all the days of my life in Jesus Name I pray. Amen.....I am getting older but don't age......
I am redeemed from the curse. Galatians 3:13 is flowing in my blood stream. It flows to every cell of my body, restoring life and health. Mark 11:23; Luke 17:6.
My physical body is quickened and enlivened by the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within me. I draw on that power always, by faith, believing that it restores and revives every cell of my body. I determine everyday to cooperate with that resurrection life by trusting in the Word of God. Resisting all negativity and stress, I walk in God's peace, with a positive, joyful attitude, knowing that He cares for me. (Romans 8:11)
I am fit, I am firm, I am muscular. I am in the best shape of my life. I am at my perfect weight of ____ pounds. I eat whatever I want to and maintain my perfect weight. I eat only when I am hungry and stop when I am full. I have a fast metabolism. I am not lazy. I am discipline. I am beautiful inside and out. I am complete spirit, soul and body.
Psalm 103:5 You satisfy my years (desires) with good things, so that my youth is renewed like the eagle.
I am not under condemnation! I am blessed beyond measure!
I have victory over death and receive the manifestation of the love of Jesus.
I declare the Glory of the Lord in my life: The manifested presence, power, and goodness of God. The presence of God, heavy with everything good is always upon me.Visitations, Manifestations and Demonstrations belong to me.
I receive signs, wonders, and miracles in my life and my family's life. I overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony. This is the victory that overcomes the world, even my faith. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, the recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of Jubilee.
We are walking in the supernatural. Supernatural health, wealth, provision, protection, direction and wisdom belong to us (Names here)
We are healed from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.
I and my family are delivered from destruction and walk in divine protection.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against us, we condemn, for this is the heritage of the Lord, and our righteousness is of Him.
I am led, directed and guided by the Holy Spirit. I and my family hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, and a stranger’s voice I and my family shall not follow. Butch and I are prospering and increasing every day, we and our children.
Because we are tithers, the windows of heaven are opened over us pouring out a blessing we can't contain. The devil is rebuked for our sakes. He shall not destroy the fruit of our ground and neither shall our vine cast her fruit before the time in the field. Nations call us blessed because we are a delight some land.
Because we are sowers, the hundred fold return is working on our behalf every day. We are furnished in abundance for every good work. God is able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessing come to us in abundance, so that we may always, and under all circumstances, and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. Because we are investors, our investments are producing mighty fruit.
God is bringing into our hands seed.
The Lord commands THE BLESSING upon all of us in our storehouses and upon all we set our hands to do.
(Names here) spirits are strong, our emotions are settled, our minds are sharp and our bodies are healed. We are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
We are like trees planted by the rivers of water who bear fruit in our season. Our leaves do not wither and whatsoever we do shall prosper.
Our steps are ordered by the Lord and we declare the end from the beginning, in Jesus’ Mighty Name.
(Names here) spend our time wisely and never forget You. We call those things that be not as though they were. (I still remember the first time I use that Scripture. Our Northern Ave garage). Thank You that everything works to our good because we love You.
Thank You that our family love, honor and respect each other. We have family get together's often.
Thank You for our mortgage paid in full in Jesus Name. Thank You wealth and riches are in our home. We walk in the blessing....We get blessings we didn't labor for. We always expect and see our blessings...
I am marked for Blessings. I am marked for prosperity. I am marked for divine health. ETC...My family too.
Thank You that our youth is renewed like the eagles. Thank You that (Names hers) are careful about what we put in our mouth. We don't eat when were not hungry and we stop when we are full. We don't let others influence what we eat or drink. We exercise. We don't spend all our time on electronic's or in front of the television.
Thank You that angels are on assignment and every need we have no matter what it is spiritual, physical, financial or safety it is met in Jesus Name. Thank You that we are all hid in Your Shadow: (Names here) and all our stuff.
Thank You that we have new cars and or trucks paid for when we need them. We walk debt free.
Thank You for my husband's job at Gray bar. He is always the head and not the tail. He receives everything You want to give him through that job. If You have anything else for us for a way to bring in finances I call it in right now in Jesus name.
Thank You for all our jobs and business's and blessings.
Thank You Father it is Your will to live debt free. My Children and their husbands live debt free.
Thank You as Jesus is so are we. Jesus is in us therefore we are successful.
Thank You that we (Names here) are property of the Most High - we are Kings kids. Everything working to our good.
Thank You for our marriage built on the rock Jesus. Thank You Father that (Names here) respect and love one another with Your love. We never take each other for granted. We listen to each other. Thank You for (Children's marriages name them). They are built on the rock Jesus. Husband's will love their wives as Jesus loves His church. Wives will respect and honor their husbands.
Isaiah 46:4 - I will be your God through all your lifetime, yes, even when you hair is white with age. I made you and I will care for you. I will carry you along and deliver you and be your Savior.
Isaiah 58:8 - "Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your healing (restoration, new life) will quickly spring forth; Your righteousness will go before you [leading you to peace and prosperity[, The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
Thank You Father that You have washed me in the Blood, rinsed me in Glory, and spin dried me in the Faith. I thank You that the happiest people in the world are the ones who simply enjoy life and trust you to take care of them.
We should pray that what's already waiting for us in heaven would begin to manifest here in our lives on earth. Eternal life has already began. I take it! Thank You Father that what's already waiting for us in heaven manifest itself here in our lives on earth.
Thank You as Jesus is so am I. I and my family are as healthy as God.
I don't desire to eat so much I become overweight. I present my body to God; my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which dwelleth in me. I am not my own; I am bought with a price; therefore, in the name of Jesus I refuse to overeat. Body, settle down, in the name of Jesus, and conform to the Word of God. I mortify the desires of this body and command it to come into line with the Word of God.
Psalm 118:17 - I (We) shall not die, but live, And tell of the works of the Lord. Glory!
God is waiting to surprise you with amazing things. I am always ready to receive them?
(God told Jerry Savelle that every Christian should be saying in 2018 show me Your Glory. God will call all His goodness to pass before us. The Glory and the goodness of God is the same. To keep on our lips and in our prayers show me the Glory).
Show me Your Glory! That means I'm expecting the demonstration of the power and the goodness of God. Show me Your Glory. I want to see Your presence and Your power everyday of my life throughout every year. And the goodness of God I believe I receive.
I am surrounded by favor I decree the favor of God. I am always in the right place at the right time cause my steps are ordered by the Lord and my family's steps.
God will not with hold anything from me because I walk uprightly.
God's praise is in our lung's. (That's a fact. So nothing else that doesn't belong there can be there).
I am a capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman. I am far more precious than jewels. My value is far above rubies or pearls.
Strength and dignity are my clothing and my position is strong and secure. (I am crowned with beauty and compassion).
Any attack that the devil had planned against me or my family is always diverted in the name of Jesus. I use my words to agree with God’s Words, and therefore I or them cannot be defeated and we cannot be terrorized.
I rise up in the authority that has been given to my by Jesus Christ and declare "Devil, in the name of Jesus I break your yoke from my neck, (Names here and our children's) neck including spouses right now! I proclaim that you have no dominion over us." Jesus has already set us free, and we choose to walk in that freedom. The gates of hell will not prevail in Jesus name. Your under my feet. Seven fold return on what you have stolen from us in Jesus Name.
I am a child of God. I am in the family. I am in the lineage of David. I am in the lineage of Abraham. I've been adopted into royalty. I have been chosen by God. I am loved by God.
Confess this: I will never be on a walker. I'll never be in wheelchair. All the days of my life I'll walk. I'll walk strong I'll walk far. I'll be 90 and say ah you young ones I'll take the stairs. I have an appetite for healthy food and water especially veggies. I like to walk. I like to move. I like to dance. I like to go. I like activity. My God created me to be active to be healthy and to be strong, to live and walk in divine health and to be good looking with a full head of hair all the days of my life in Jesus Name I pray. Amen.....I am getting older but don't age......
I am redeemed from the curse. Galatians 3:13 is flowing in my blood stream. It flows to every cell of my body, restoring life and health. Mark 11:23; Luke 17:6.
My physical body is quickened and enlivened by the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within me. I draw on that power always, by faith, believing that it restores and revives every cell of my body. I determine everyday to cooperate with that resurrection life by trusting in the Word of God. Resisting all negativity and stress, I walk in God's peace, with a positive, joyful attitude, knowing that He cares for me. (Romans 8:11)
I am fit, I am firm, I am muscular. I am in the best shape of my life. I am at my perfect weight of ____ pounds. I eat whatever I want to and maintain my perfect weight. I eat only when I am hungry and stop when I am full. I have a fast metabolism. I am not lazy. I am discipline. I am beautiful inside and out. I am complete spirit, soul and body.
Psalm 103:5 You satisfy my years (desires) with good things, so that my youth is renewed like the eagle.
I am not under condemnation! I am blessed beyond measure!
I have victory over death and receive the manifestation of the love of Jesus.
I declare the Glory of the Lord in my life: The manifested presence, power, and goodness of God. The presence of God, heavy with everything good is always upon me.Visitations, Manifestations and Demonstrations belong to me.
I receive signs, wonders, and miracles in my life and my family's life. I overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony. This is the victory that overcomes the world, even my faith. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, the recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of Jubilee.
We are walking in the supernatural. Supernatural health, wealth, provision, protection, direction and wisdom belong to us (Names here)
We are healed from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.
I and my family are delivered from destruction and walk in divine protection.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against us, we condemn, for this is the heritage of the Lord, and our righteousness is of Him.
I am led, directed and guided by the Holy Spirit. I and my family hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, and a stranger’s voice I and my family shall not follow. Butch and I are prospering and increasing every day, we and our children.
Because we are tithers, the windows of heaven are opened over us pouring out a blessing we can't contain. The devil is rebuked for our sakes. He shall not destroy the fruit of our ground and neither shall our vine cast her fruit before the time in the field. Nations call us blessed because we are a delight some land.
God is bringing into our hands seed.
The Lord commands THE BLESSING upon all of us in our storehouses and upon all we set our hands to do.
We command our harvest to come. Harvest - come to us now! Harvesting angle's go get it and bring it to us right now in Jesus Name. Amen.
We Receive: Jobs, better jobs and business's. We receive raises and bonus's. Benefits, sales and commissions. Settlements, estates and inheritances. Interest and income. Rebates and returns. Checks in the mail. Supernatural wealth transfer. Bills paid off. Debt demolished. Royalties received. Property acquired. We are getting our buildings, land, houses, vehicles, equipment and airplanes.
(Names here) spirits are strong, our emotions are settled, our minds are sharp and our bodies are healed. We are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
We are like trees planted by the rivers of water who bear fruit in our season. Our leaves do not wither and whatsoever we do shall prosper.
Our steps are ordered by the Lord and we declare the end from the beginning, in Jesus’ Mighty Name.
(Names here) spend our time wisely and never forget You. We call those things that be not as though they were. (I still remember the first time I use that Scripture. Our Northern Ave garage). Thank You that everything works to our good because we love You.
Thank You that our family love, honor and respect each other. We have family get together's often.
Thank You for our mortgage paid in full in Jesus Name. Thank You wealth and riches are in our home. We walk in the blessing....We get blessings we didn't labor for. We always expect and see our blessings...
I am marked for Blessings. I am marked for prosperity. I am marked for divine health. ETC...My family too.
Thank You that our youth is renewed like the eagles. Thank You that (Names hers) are careful about what we put in our mouth. We don't eat when were not hungry and we stop when we are full. We don't let others influence what we eat or drink. We exercise. We don't spend all our time on electronic's or in front of the television.
Thank You that angels are on assignment and every need we have no matter what it is spiritual, physical, financial or safety it is met in Jesus Name. Thank You that we are all hid in Your Shadow: (Names here) and all our stuff.
Thank You that we have new cars and or trucks paid for when we need them. We walk debt free.
Thank You for my husband's job at Gray bar. He is always the head and not the tail. He receives everything You want to give him through that job. If You have anything else for us for a way to bring in finances I call it in right now in Jesus name.
Thank You for all our jobs and business's and blessings.
Thank You Father it is Your will to live debt free. My Children and their husbands live debt free.
Thank You as Jesus is so are we. Jesus is in us therefore we are successful.
Thank You that we (Names here) are property of the Most High - we are Kings kids. Everything working to our good.
Thank You for our marriage built on the rock Jesus. Thank You Father that (Names here) respect and love one another with Your love. We never take each other for granted. We listen to each other. Thank You for (Children's marriages name them). They are built on the rock Jesus. Husband's will love their wives as Jesus loves His church. Wives will respect and honor their husbands.
Isaiah 46:4 - I will be your God through all your lifetime, yes, even when you hair is white with age. I made you and I will care for you. I will carry you along and deliver you and be your Savior.
Isaiah 58:8 - "Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your healing (restoration, new life) will quickly spring forth; Your righteousness will go before you [leading you to peace and prosperity[, The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
Thank You Father that You have washed me in the Blood, rinsed me in Glory, and spin dried me in the Faith. I thank You that the happiest people in the world are the ones who simply enjoy life and trust you to take care of them.
We should pray that what's already waiting for us in heaven would begin to manifest here in our lives on earth. Eternal life has already began. I take it! Thank You Father that what's already waiting for us in heaven manifest itself here in our lives on earth.
Thank You as Jesus is so am I. I and my family are as healthy as God.
I don't desire to eat so much I become overweight. I present my body to God; my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which dwelleth in me. I am not my own; I am bought with a price; therefore, in the name of Jesus I refuse to overeat. Body, settle down, in the name of Jesus, and conform to the Word of God. I mortify the desires of this body and command it to come into line with the Word of God.
Psalm 118:17 - I (We) shall not die, but live, And tell of the works of the Lord. Glory!
Romans 1:16,17 I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Jesus is the only way to salvation. This I know. We are saved by grace not by works that any man should boast. One thing to remember though is after we are saved we are still under that grace. We shouldn't be so hard on ourselves if we miss it. Just repent and move on.
Don't be fooled by religion that preaches "you must come to this church, pay your tithes, do this, and do that. And if you do all these things, then God will accept you." That's anti-Gospel! That puts the burden of salvation on your back. Its on Jesus back by grace.
We should tithe and give offerings and such but we are still saved if we don't. Grace = Gospel.
True Christianity is the only faith on earth that has a Savior. When we stand before God it is not our works its Jesus who saved us. God came to earth as Jesus.
Sozo - the greek word from which "salvation" was translated means more than just forgiveness of sins. It's also healing, deliverance, and prosperity.
James 5:14-15 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save [sozo] the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
Our sins keep getting forgiven even after the new birth when we get born again.
Jesus is the only way to salvation. This I know. We are saved by grace not by works that any man should boast. One thing to remember though is after we are saved we are still under that grace. We shouldn't be so hard on ourselves if we miss it. Just repent and move on.
Don't be fooled by religion that preaches "you must come to this church, pay your tithes, do this, and do that. And if you do all these things, then God will accept you." That's anti-Gospel! That puts the burden of salvation on your back. Its on Jesus back by grace.
We should tithe and give offerings and such but we are still saved if we don't. Grace = Gospel.
True Christianity is the only faith on earth that has a Savior. When we stand before God it is not our works its Jesus who saved us. God came to earth as Jesus.
Sozo - the greek word from which "salvation" was translated means more than just forgiveness of sins. It's also healing, deliverance, and prosperity.
James 5:14-15 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save [sozo] the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
Our sins keep getting forgiven even after the new birth when we get born again.
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