Tuesday, April 3, 2018

We are the Church

I just saw an article on Facebook. Why Christians stop going to church? Reasons like you don't get along with other Christians, my heart isn't in it anymore and I don't get anything out of the sermon.

I understand all three of those reason's. It's not that I don't get along with other Christians. When I am with other Christians that have the same Bible I have I wonder why they don't listen to the Word and take God's promises.

My heart isn't in it anymore. It's not that my heart isn't in it anymore my heart isn't into the sermon I am listening to. Most of the time it's to dry for me. I have noticed around here where I live the pastors are careful not to step on toes so they watch what they say. That is so wrong. God means for the Word to be preached the way He says. Step on toes. Expose the darkness. In the old testament God lived in the church buildings. In the new testament God lives within us. We are the church the building you attend is not. So many Christians don't know that.

Funny though I was just telling God this morning that I miss one of the church buildings I use to go to. Then I see this article. At this particular church we were involved in it and it was fun. My girls were younger and the music was just the best. A lot has changed now though at that church last time we visited.

One of the saddest changes going on in church buildings is the music. They have left the wonderful hymns behind. They sing great songs but the hymns should still be added to the list. The praise and worship is most important. At the last church we attended every Sunday was new songs and some hard to sing.

I listen to the Word on TV, the internet, and tapes. I listen all day long. We sometimes go to MN to living word church when Jesse Duplantis is there with Kenneth Copeland. Soon we will go for the whole week but right now we go on Friday and Saturday. It's a nice ride and fun.

I cut my baby Christian teeth on Kenneth and I thank You Father that you made it so I stumbled across and found him. He is Word of faith. He doesn't care who's toes he steps on. If it's in the Word he will preach it.

Hebrews 5:12 - You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God's word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. I have always desired more and more of the Word. I am a everyday Christian.

1 Corinthians 3:2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for solid food. In fact, you are still not ready.

I started with the milk of the Word but I graduated quickly to the meat of the Word. A lot of Christians don't desire the meat. They stay with the simple milk. They go to church on Sunday and Wednesday they volunteer and figure that is enough. Some do it because they still in the back of their mind think good works get them to heaven. They don't.

We are save by grace and yes it says faith without works is dead. Be sure your works are for the right reasons.

I learned about the words that I speak long ago. Thank You Jesus. God created the world with words. They are of great importance. It's exhausting trying to tell the same people all the time watch your words. God says we are ensnared by the words of our mouth. God says life and death are in the power of the tongue. But yet people open the mouth and puke words of death out. And the Bible is clear that if you are speaking death words your angels can't work for you. They only work when they hear the Word of God. Death words put the devil on notice.

I have changed a lot of things in my life by the positive words coming out of my mouth and believing what the WHOLE word of God says.

One of the worlds fearful sayings is "if worst gets to worst." You speak that all the time worst will get to worst. Another saying is that dessert "is to die for." Really you going to die for a dessert? Another one "it is what it is." No way. Somethings are the way they are like the time of the day. But think about it if your at a funeral are you going to say to the person that just lost a love one it is what it is?

I am a born again, spirit filled, tongue talking, devil chasing, believer in what ever God says christian. I am that whether I go to a church building or not. I will correct people with there words even if they are complete strangers. Without a doubt I know there are many people dead and they died because of the words they spoke all there life. How sad. You live today whatever you spoke yesterday.

I know I am doing it right because the Word of God says to judge people by there fruits. Stay away from negative people unless they are listening to you when you encourage them.

I know the Bible is the truth. Its the only faith in this world that has more then one author. All the other so called faith's have one man or one woman that wrote there bibles and say that you have to live by that book. Don't be deceived. Jesus is the only way. Don't leave this earth without Him.


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