Thursday, April 16, 2020

God Take's Care of Us

Hebrews 13:5
"He Himself has said I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support."

If your heart is troubled you will find peace and comfort knowing that in God you are never alone.
God's presence is always with you. In His presence is rest.

He knows everything about you according to Psalm 39. He always knows our circumstances and whatever we are going through. He is our strength and peace. He will always bring darkness to the light. Jesus is the Light.

God is always our stronghold a present help in time of trouble. We don't need to be afraid. Never will He withhold His love for us. Nothing is to hard for Him.

God is our provider today, tomorrow and always. He loves you. Cast all of your cares on Him and just believe His love.

This doesn't just happen. For years we have been taught wrong when it comes to God. We have been taught to just trust Him or the popular sayin God is in control. That isn't totally correct. Before we can trust Him we have to know Him. We can't know Him through others. We need to know and experience Him on our own. 

The Bible says to be Born again according to John 3:3. Born again is kinda what they taught us before confirmation. The difference is when I as an example was taught in confirmation I learned it as the assignment it was. God wants your heart not your head. We learn head knowledge about Him in religion.

We have to accept Jesus in our hearts. Then we need to fellowship with Him by reading His Word and visiting with Him.

Some make that seem so hard to do. It's not. I have been a Christian now born again for some 35 plus years. I wouldn't change a thing. God the Father, Jesus & the Holy Spirit have never let me down. And never will. I trust them.

So if you don't know Jesus as you should just ask Him in your heart to be your Savoir and Lord.

When I got born again I bought Bibles & found good Christian television. We went to church but to be honest they were dry. I wanted the Word. We have been visiting a church body lately that believes the whole Word of God. That's important to me. They also follow and listen to the same Christian preachers I do.

I was born and raised a Catholic. When I was older I found the truth and it has set me free. Yes you can read the Bible and understand it all on your own.

God is waiting on you. He's at the door knocking. Open it and let Him in. Blessings.....

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...