Friday, September 25, 2020

Angel's Take Charge Concerning Us Always


Butch and I have believed in the Word of God for 35 plus years now. The Bible. So many promises in His word. We always love glorifying God for all of them. We love to glorify God when the enemy tries to steal from us.

We love Psalm 91 which is all about the protection that comes from God. The angels are sent to take charge of us to keep us safe in all our ways. 

In 2004 right after we moved to McRae place Butch was standing on the top part of the ladder you know the step that says this isn't a step. He was trying to put a big piece of wood in the attic garage. Yes I was in the house and could of helped him. Nope he didn't ask. I hear the noise from in the house and went to check on him. He is laying on the cement. I asked him are you okay and he said yes but I think I broke my arm. I immediately looked for the piece of wood. It was still up there and it was now caught on a little piece of wood trim. That trim held it up there along with the angels of course but really I don't know how because it should of fallen. Had it fallen on him it would of been more then a broken arm. 

Yesterday Butch was unloading a huge cord of wire at work. He wasn't at a loading dock. From what he said he should of been but no docks available. Of course he never waits for help either. I wasn't there but from what he says the wire fell from the truck taking him with it. Again the angels. He does have some of what he is calling road rash but we call on healing Jesus for that. Still not convinced about the angels? 

A family member was painting and on a ladder. I know she wasn't on the top of the ladder because she is a girl and girls tend not to do the stupid things the boys do. She fell. While she told me about it I didn't understand it until I saw the area she had been painting. Where she fell was right by a set of wood steps. They were wider then normal steps. In my calculation had she fallen she would of rolled each step twice that’s how wide they were. But she didn't fall down the stairs. Angels again. She told me she saw the angels. God doesn’t always let you see them. Such a blessing for her to see them. That accident made me cry a bit knowing how God saved her from them steps. His love for us. She was there alone for the week. Had she went down the steps it would of been a lot worse. We did have to believe for some healing as we do right now for Butch and God is always faithful. 

My stories could go on and on about the protection of God and His angels. In this day and age were living in we need first of all to have a relationship with Jesus. After that we need to believe in Psalm 91 His protection and of course the rest of His Word. Of course believing starts with being born again.

I use to say this world is getting more and more evil. The Bible says that will happen before Jesus comes. I can't say that anymore though because God in His loving kindness for all of us put Donald Trump an ordinary man in the white house. That man has been doing just as he promised he is draining the swamp. The swamp is deep and we are all about to see just how deep. He is saving the children and the number of kids they are finding in tunnels all over this world is sick and sad. And what they have done to these children is awful. 

The thief comes to steal kill and destroy. If you know Jesus if you have a relationship with Him you too can know that when your long life on this earth is over you have a place in heaven. Knowing Him protects you on this earth as well. The devil roams this earth LIKE a roaring lion looking for whom he can devour. Don't let it be you. Ask Jesus today into your heart.    

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