Monday, February 14, 2022

Our Family

 Wow it's been too long since I posted. What's new? Lots. Its February of 2022 and the weather is starting to warm up. By that I mean temperatures aren't in the minus anymore. We always love the days getting longer. It will be spring before we know it.

Let's do some catch up. Kim moved in with us in the fall of 2020. I always love that my girls know where home is when they need it. Wherever Butch and I live is always there home too. She stayed just over a year. She bought a cute home on the west side of Green Bay. She loves it. This isn't the first time she thought about living in the neighborhood she was a child in. She has a whirlpool tub and dangles that in front of me. One of these days I will use it. Her home is actually in the neighborhood where she grew up. She lives right across the street from the park that the four of us use to ride bikes to. Butch and I have been buying spec homes so long that we never have a chance to have grown trees. The leaves falling in Kim’s new neighborhood are so pretty. I do miss that a bit. 

Our next home may not be a spec home. We have been making a list of things we want and we are willing to look at existing homes to get what we want. Our home on the west side of Green Bay has a three season porch on the front. I still miss that. So that is a given in our next home. If we build a home we want the McRae home floor plan pretty much. I always wanted a whirlpool tub and may have that the next time. We want two fireplaces - a wood burning one and a gas one. I myself love the smell of the wood fires we have in the driveway but I don't like the bugs. We have a nice size garage but we need a bit bigger too.

Jodi and Andrew still haven't started building but are talking about it now. They did build a pole building on the property and Andrew with Butch's help sometimes has been working and getting it ready. I am excited for them. 

When we moved in 2017 to this home I decorated and redecorated. I wasn't use to having the dark wood I always had oak wood. We finally have our home decorated very nicely so we are content here till we move again.  

We have had our church family over for a couple of parties and we have been to some of there's. We enjoy getting together with them and not just on Sundays. Thank You Father for leading us to all of them. 

Blessings to all of you.

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...