Sunday, August 8, 2010


Do you know how to pray? Are you hard on yourself when you think that you aren't praying enough? God's grace and mercy is new every morning so stop being so hard on yourself.

I was watching one of my favorite Christian speakers the other morning on TV. He is a man of integrity and I believe and respect what he has to say. He said that he doesn't pray very often. He just talks to the Lord. That took a load off of my shoulders because I don't always pray as I should and then I condemn myself about it. I do however talk to the Lord all day long. God is a fellow shipping God, He longs to talk with us. He is the only one that you can count on all the time. Just reach out and talk with Him like you would talk to a friend that you can see. God is unseen but always there. He loves our fellowship and you will feel better when your done.

I had somebody tell me in my own home that she didn't think we should talk about religion. First off when she said that to me I hadn't been talking about religion I had been talking about Christianity. There is a big difference between the two. I might be stepping on toes now but I need to. Religion is mans way and Christianity is God's way.

My prayer for you today is that you just let go and just talk to God about everything. Cry if you need to but just let go. He wants all your burdens, wants and desires. He is waiting on you.

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...