Thursday, August 5, 2010

What is a Friend

Proverbs 17:17 says that A friend loves at all times. The Bible also says that a friend sticks closer than glue.(Not sure where that one is found)

 Recently I had asked our best friends to write a forward for a book I am writing. What is a friend? A friend is someone that thinks more highly of you than you do. I know that I don't always live up to what they had to say about me. That's OK though it gives me a goal to work towards. They have been such a good influence on my husband and I. We learn so much from both of them.

When we get together we know that Jesus is present because it says where two or more are gathered He is in the midst. Friends will be with you for your ups as well as your downs. Where one is weak the other is strong. God has seasons for everything and through the years I have called others friends.

Others we call friends that come and go are put in our path for a season they either need what we can offer them or we may need what they can offer us. Never underestimate what you can offer the world. The bible also says that we are a friend of God. The God of the universe calls us His friend.

You wonder can it get any better than that. Yes it can because not only does the God of the universe know your name He loves you so much He sent Jesus to die on the cross. Jesus didn't just take our sins to the cross He took everything we will ever need in this lifetime. Our sins are forgiven but He didn't stop there. Jesus died for everything, our sickness, proverty, our fear, whatever is not good in this world Jesus took it to the cross for us. Now He sits at the right hand of God making intercesion for us. He is praying for you. Aren't you glad you know Him?

My prayer for you is that in your lifetime in this world that you would have wonderful best friends like my husband and I are blessed with. Ask God to send you a friend that sticks closer than glue if you need one. Ask Him for whatever you need.

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...