Friday, December 28, 2012

Are you rooted

Ever notice on plants how you can trim them over and over again and they don't die? What would happen though if you pulled the roots? If your going to transplant nothing would happen. What if the roots were pulled out and just left there? Yes you know it the plant would die. Roots are the strongest part of the plant. It is what makes the plant live. The leaves just come and go.

Are you rooted? Rooted in Christ. If you are then you too are solid because we all know Jesus is the solid rock on which we stand all other ground is sinking sand.  (I love that song and I love to hear it sung by Joseph Prince).

Allot of things happen in this world that we need to just let fall off. You all know what I am talking about. As long as we live in this world their will always be humans. As long as their are humans we have to be very good at letting things fall off. God created each human with a different personality.

When having a Christmas gathering one year my family was in the living room. I was in the kitchen when my nephew walked in. He is in the service so he isn't home much. Anyway he had this look on his face that made me ask what was wrong. He answered "all those personalities in one room." I knew exactly what he was talking about. That is when you have to practice letting things fall. You all have families so you know I am right.

I am trying to be better at letting things fall. I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength. He is my root system. I don't know how people live in this world without Him.

So again are you rooted? Jesus is coming and we all need to be ready for Him.


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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...