Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas in Bethlehem

Micah 5:2 “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."

This is one powerful Scripture about the birth of our Saviour. It proves Big things come in little packages. Bethlehem use to be called the city of David. That is where David's great grandmother met his (David's) future great grandfather Boaz. (Boaz was one of the richest men in the Bible. Read the book of Ruth). Jesse and David born here also. It was here that David was Sheppard over flocks by night. Here Samuel anointed David king over all Israel. Why is the history so important today.

In Bethlehem we see the Glory of Christmas, the greatness of Jesus and the grace of God!

Bethlehem reminds us that God keeps His promises. Micah wrote this book 750 years before Jesus was born.

Did you know that the Roman empire had never taken a census before they had taken the one that sent Joseph from Nazareth back to Bethlehem? Researchers find no reason why Caesar wanted the census done. It is also interesting that there hasn't been one done since then. Goes to show God can and will work through anyone. The census caused a big up roar since it caused every person not just Joseph to return to there home town. It didn't matter how far you lived away either you had to report back if you had been born in Bethlehem. So what do you think? Was it coincidence or providence?

Caesar was actually used by God to make sure the birth took place in the right place. Here is where it proves that God keeps His promises He had Micah write it down in Chapter 5.

Bethlehem tells us God comes in person. In that Scripture Micah says whose orgins are from of old from ancient times. The Hebrew word for ancient times means the days of eternity.

Jesus is going to be born but not created. We were all born and created before we were born we did not exist. We were created to exist. Micah says that this baby isn't coming to earth prior to existence He is coming from eternity to earth because His existence is from eternity to eternity. The Creator is going to become a creature.

Just think about it the One who said let there be light is going to be the light of the world. The One who hung the stars in the space is going to become the bright and morning star. The one who created every man was going to become a man Himself. John 1:1 says in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Messiah isn't just going to be divine He will be human also. God came to us in person. He was born to a mother out of the womb just like we were. He had a father just like we do. He was flesh and bone as we are. He ate and drank just like we do. He did everything human as we do. Whatever we go through in this life Jesus went through it also.

As a man He was baptized in water. As God He was baptized in the Holy Spirit. As a man He was hungry but as God He fed 5,000 people with a few loaves and fishes. As a man He wept at the tomb of Lazarus but as God He raised Him from the dead. As a man He died a horrible death on a cross but as God He came back from the grave.

Even though it took the disciples three years in the end they knew they had walked with God. When we touch Jesus we touch God. When we talk to Jesus we talk to God.

That baby that couldn't feed himself or do anything else because He was a baby. He was God.

Bethlehem was such a special place and still is. There is a song because it was so special.

God saves His people. In that Scripture why does it say that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem Ephrathah? Back in the day cities sometimes had two names. Bethlehem means house of bread and Ephrathah means fruit fields. You got it Communion. God said I want Jesus born in a city where we not only just remember His birth but we will remember His body and His blood. God used an ungodly man to send Joseph and Mary to the place where He wanted Jesus to be born. God knew that His being born there would mean He is the Bread of life and the wine of salvation.

When Jesus said to His disciples I am the bread of life He was thinking about Bethlehem. When He said I am the true vine and my Father the vine dresser He was thinking about Bethlehem. Do you know they still have those wine fields in Bethlehem all these years later?

God doesn't miss a beat. He Had it all figured out how He would come to earth. According to Psalms 139 He has our life planned out the same way. Do you know Him today? Christmas isn't just in December it is all year with Jesus in your heart. He loves you.

So at Christmas time let's not just get lost in the hustle and bustle of Santa and gifts. Santa is portrayed to live at the North Pole but Jesus is everywhere. Santa rides in a sleigh but Jesus walks on water. Santa comes once a year (even though he sometimes is threaten all year long) but Jesus is 24/7. Santa is portrayed to brings gifts but Jesus is the gift. He is the reason for the season.

Santa isn't a part of our Christmas. Years ago I had someone tell me that my youngest daughter wouldn't have an imagination if I didn't let here believe in him. What a crock. When my daughter was little and I told her about a Jesus she couldn't see Him either so she had to imagine that He was there.

In Luke 2:11 it says for today in the city of David (Bethlehem) there has been born for you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. (Did you know that this is the only time in the whole Bible in one Scripture that it has Saviour, Christ & Lord all together?)

Do you know Him today? Reach out to Him because He is reaching out to you.

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...