Thursday, December 20, 2012

Door Number 1

I was listening to a preacher the other day. He was talking about the TV show the price is right. If you know the show then you know that Bob Barker calls your name saying come on down. When that person is called out they come down screaming and shouting with happiness. The thing is they don't even know what is behind the doors. They are just happy that their name has been called.

As Christians lets imagine we have Door number 1-2 & 3. Door number 1 is God. Door number 2 is the promises of God. Door number 3 the promises of God fulfilled. Now that is something to be happy about.

So what is wrong with us? If we are Christians we know what is behind the door. Why don't we scream and shout with happiness. Life. Life gets in the way. We have to really know and believe God has our back 24/7. We need to roll all our cares on Him and not try to take them back. Even if we can figure things out on our own God does a much better job. From the biggest care to the smallest care He has it all in control. 

So rejoice the prize belongs to us. Our name has been called out. Salvation, Healing, Prosperity, Deliverance and what ever else we need belongs to us if we have accepted Jesus. Do you know Him today? If not you can.


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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...