Does God let bad things happen to you? NO!!!!! Why do so many people believe that? Someone said that even Jesus when He hung on the cross said God my God why have you forsaken me. Let's start there.
The Bible says we are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Don't ever think He is talking about the world here. He means lack of knowledge of His Word.
Here is the picture. Adam and Eve in the garden. Here comes the serpent (devil) to deceive her. They ate the apple (was it a apple). Right then and there the world was turned over to the devil. He deceived them well. God says get out you disobeyed Me. That is also where the term sweat and toil all the days of our life came in.
God didn't want to do that of course. He created them so He could have fellowship. Let's jump ahead.
So now Jesus is born and He is a man. Do you remember when Jesus was being tempted by the devil? The devil wanted to give Him all this domain if Jesus would only bow down. The domain he was talking about was the world because the devil was given authority when they ate the apple.
There was no stopping Jesus from dying on the cross. It had to be done. Everything happen the way that it should of happened. Just remember Jesus came to the earth as son of man not son of God. He died as a man. On the cross when Jesus said my God my God why have you forsaken Me? God had to forsake Him. He had all the sins of the world on Him. God hates sin!!!! Oh but the end result is Jesus says it is finished. God took Him back to heaven where He belongs. Jesus isn't being forsaken anymore.
Jesus gave us authority in His name. The devil still has control of this earth to try to kill, steal and destroy but the good news is that if you are a born again believer you have authority against him in Jesus name. The victory belongs to you...
God is wherever you are. If your at rock bottom God didn't put you there but He will be there with you. Jesus never hit rock bottom nor should we as believers.
In this world there is to much blaming God for things He didn't do. The second part of that is I hear people say the devil made me do it. Another cope out. I should warn you that saying the devil made me do it isn't a good thing. Saying that will bring the devil on scene.
Lots of time what we are blaming God or the devil for is self inflicted. If you walk in the street and don't watch for cars and get run over who's fault was it? If your speeding down the road and get killed in a accident who's fault is it?
One of my favorites in the blame game is when its says an act of God isn't cover in your insurance policy. Of course they are talking about tornado's and whatnot. Get a grip it's not God. The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy - John 10:10 - and that is followed by Jesus saying that I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly. Check out the word might there. Might have life means it's your choice. Got Jesus?
Think about it the next time you are blaming someone. Who's fault is it really?
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
I have been a Christian for many years now. I don't mess around with watching or listening to just any preacher. They have to pass the test. They have to show me that they believe the total Word of God and act on it. I don't care for unbelief. You shouldn't sit under unbelief anyway.
I was watching brother JD the other day. He said that he asked God how He see's the body of Christ. The answer was God see's us as stars. Some stars are bright, some are moving, some are still. It made lots of sense to me.
So what kind of star are you? I want to be a moving star. I don't want to sit still in the Kingdom of God. I want to do His work. After all we are Jesus on this earth and we should act like it. I am a lot bolder. Sometimes I see a stranger and know they need healing so I ask if I can pray for them. They let me. People want what we have we have to be bold enough to share it.
I have learned so much over the years through the Bible or tapes or TV. Why don't we put into action what we read or learn? Let's get to work doing what Jesus did while He was on earth.
God sent His Son (actually God came to earth) to die for our sins, sickness, disease, poverty, fear and bondage. Let's act like we believe that and share with others. Let's be stars that move doing His will.
Do you know that most people think saying GD is taking God's name in vain. Actually not walking in what Jesus died to give us is taking His name in vain. And no I didn't just tell you that it was okay to say it. When I hear someone say GD it hurts my ears. I love God. He loves me and He doesn't Dam anyone.
I was watching brother JD the other day. He said that he asked God how He see's the body of Christ. The answer was God see's us as stars. Some stars are bright, some are moving, some are still. It made lots of sense to me.
So what kind of star are you? I want to be a moving star. I don't want to sit still in the Kingdom of God. I want to do His work. After all we are Jesus on this earth and we should act like it. I am a lot bolder. Sometimes I see a stranger and know they need healing so I ask if I can pray for them. They let me. People want what we have we have to be bold enough to share it.
I have learned so much over the years through the Bible or tapes or TV. Why don't we put into action what we read or learn? Let's get to work doing what Jesus did while He was on earth.
God sent His Son (actually God came to earth) to die for our sins, sickness, disease, poverty, fear and bondage. Let's act like we believe that and share with others. Let's be stars that move doing His will.
Do you know that most people think saying GD is taking God's name in vain. Actually not walking in what Jesus died to give us is taking His name in vain. And no I didn't just tell you that it was okay to say it. When I hear someone say GD it hurts my ears. I love God. He loves me and He doesn't Dam anyone.
Hidden Wealth
Isaiah 45:3 "And I will give you the treasures (hoarded treasures) of darkness, And hidden wealth of secret places, In order that you may know that it is I, The Lord the God of Israel, who calls you by your name.
Now that is a promise. I was trying to think about hoarded treasures.We had a neighbor once upon a time who was the queen of rummage. Her big old front porch packed full of stuff, her garage and of course the attic in her home. Her treasures.
Most of the time we have treasures that we are unaware of. When God says Treasure I am sure He is talking about things much bigger than rummage. I rummage once in a while and find some good stuff. I bought a air popcorn machine for a 1.00 years ago which has been a treasure to me. I wanted to see if I would like it before I made an investment. God always thinks bigger than we do. God wants us to be kings in the market place. He wants us thriving not just surviving. He wants to give us treasures.
We all have things that we would consider treasures. My husband would say his woodworking tools, I would say everything God has given me are treasures. My husband and my girls are on top that list of treasures.
What are your treasures? I have lots. I have been a believer for 30 plus years. I am overwhelmed at God's goodness. He has the same for you.
Joel Osteen was talking about our ancestor's blessings. We can fulfill our Christian ancestor's dreams. They had their own dreams and did as the Bible says and they sowed a money seed for them. Sometimes seeds take a while before they harvest, before we see them. Release any generational blessings that belong to you.
In order that you may know that it is I, The Lord the God of Israel, who calls you by your name. God does call us by our name if we belong to Him. Do you belong to Him? If not just ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your Savior. The only way to heaven is knowing Jesus personally. Be blessed it's God's will for you!!!!!
Now that is a promise. I was trying to think about hoarded treasures.We had a neighbor once upon a time who was the queen of rummage. Her big old front porch packed full of stuff, her garage and of course the attic in her home. Her treasures.
Most of the time we have treasures that we are unaware of. When God says Treasure I am sure He is talking about things much bigger than rummage. I rummage once in a while and find some good stuff. I bought a air popcorn machine for a 1.00 years ago which has been a treasure to me. I wanted to see if I would like it before I made an investment. God always thinks bigger than we do. God wants us to be kings in the market place. He wants us thriving not just surviving. He wants to give us treasures.
We all have things that we would consider treasures. My husband would say his woodworking tools, I would say everything God has given me are treasures. My husband and my girls are on top that list of treasures.
What are your treasures? I have lots. I have been a believer for 30 plus years. I am overwhelmed at God's goodness. He has the same for you.
Joel Osteen was talking about our ancestor's blessings. We can fulfill our Christian ancestor's dreams. They had their own dreams and did as the Bible says and they sowed a money seed for them. Sometimes seeds take a while before they harvest, before we see them. Release any generational blessings that belong to you.
In order that you may know that it is I, The Lord the God of Israel, who calls you by your name. God does call us by our name if we belong to Him. Do you belong to Him? If not just ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your Savior. The only way to heaven is knowing Jesus personally. Be blessed it's God's will for you!!!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
The Bank
The other day when I was at the bank they were having trouble with their computers. Not a big deal it all worked out. I was standing there thinking though every time we have checks we run to the bank to deposit them.
We trust that we can put it in the bank then they will let us spend it. How simple is that? Let's change that now and think about trusting our God. If we can trust a secular bank how much more can we trust God whose loves us and gave us His Word packed full of promises.
Learning to trust God is a everyday occurrence. We have to wake up every morning and put Him in charge and trust Him. God wants to bless us not because of what we have done but because of what Jesus did. What we deserved (sin) went on Jesus at the cross. What Jesus deserved (King) went on us as He died on the cross. If your born again though you are no longer a sinner. Jesus blood gave us right standing. We are made the righteousness of God!
So meditate on that and trust God more and more. You are blessed let's act like it!!!!
I heard another teaching about giving your receipt to God. When the bill comes in the mail just lift it up an say Jesus you got mail. Then trust Him for the money to pay for it...
God loves you!
We trust that we can put it in the bank then they will let us spend it. How simple is that? Let's change that now and think about trusting our God. If we can trust a secular bank how much more can we trust God whose loves us and gave us His Word packed full of promises.
Learning to trust God is a everyday occurrence. We have to wake up every morning and put Him in charge and trust Him. God wants to bless us not because of what we have done but because of what Jesus did. What we deserved (sin) went on Jesus at the cross. What Jesus deserved (King) went on us as He died on the cross. If your born again though you are no longer a sinner. Jesus blood gave us right standing. We are made the righteousness of God!
So meditate on that and trust God more and more. You are blessed let's act like it!!!!
I heard another teaching about giving your receipt to God. When the bill comes in the mail just lift it up an say Jesus you got mail. Then trust Him for the money to pay for it...
God loves you!
Monday, September 15, 2014
What is the Blessing of the Lord?
The Bible is of course a very interesting book. You can go on forever looking at cross references of Scriptures. Lets look at the Blessing of the Lord.
In Genesis 3:17 God tells Adam because he listen to his wife and ate from the tree God said cursed is the ground because of you; (Darn that Adam) In toil (sorrow) you shall eat of it all the days of your life. God says you had it all in the garden of Eden but you disobeyed Me and now you will sweat to earn your way.
Proverbs 10:22 It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it. Here God uses the same word sorrow as He did when talking to Adam.
If you know your Bible you can go from Genesis all the way through and know what God says about blessing us. In Deuteronomy 28 is the blessing and curses chapter. That's where we make the choice which one we want blessings or cursing. Got Jesus?
So after God told Adam he would sweat and toil in sorrow all the days of his life in Proverbs 10:22 It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it. In my life God has many avenues to bless us from the world - our jobs, business's or maybe selling all our husbands junk that they don't need (just kidding honey). But it clearly states He will add no sorrow to it. God wants to bless us and we don't have to sorrow through our jobs and business's to get it.
Proverbs 10:22 is cross referenced with Genesis 24:35 And the Lord has greatly blessed my master, so that he has become rich, and He has given him flock and herds and silver and gold and servants and maids and camels and donkeys. Of course in this day and age things have changed from camels and donkeys to other things like cars and boats, summer cabins, weekend trips etc.
Proverbs 10:22 is also cross referenced with Genesis 26:12 Now Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold, and the Lord blessed him. We all know about giving. Tithing is a command from God that is followed by a promises of what God will do after we give. Same way with the Scriptures that talk about giving offerings.When we give Offerings we are sowing. It says Isaac sowed in that land and reaped a hundredfold return.
Our problem is we limit God. If you give your tithes and offerings as the Bible clearly states to do the 100 fold return and more belongs to you. Why don't we have it? We limit our God. We put Him in a box and take just what we need to have to get by. Sometimes we even only take Him out of the box when we need Him. Also religion taught us that you don't ask God for money or material needs. Wrong...
Proverbs 10:22 is also cross referenced with Deut 8:18 "But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you the power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers as it is this day. God is no respecter of people. What He did for Abraham He will do for us. We are a seed of Abraham and his blessings belong to us!!!! I am taking them how about you?
Genesis 24:35 is cross referenced with Genesis 24:1 Now Abraham was old, advanced in age; and the Lord has blessed Abraham in every way. See here it doesn't matter how old you are. What do you want from God? Remember Abraham received Isaac in his old age.
Genesis 26:12 is cross referenced with Job 42:12 And the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginnings and he had 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 yoke of oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys.
I could go on and on but gave you enough to chew on. So really just start believing God. My husband and I have been giving for many many years now. We have seen the hand of God work for us. Most of it though has come through avenues where we have to sweat and toiled for it. Not anymore. God wants to bless us past our jobs that cause sorrow. I am grateful to Him for the avenues like our jobs but lets look for more.
Now for those who think that God wants us giving but then to remain poor. I pray for all of you. Jesus died on the cross for me. He took my sins, sickness, disease, fear, bondage and poverty. Don't get me preaching again about it. Its all in the Word you just have to read it, do it and expect it.
Thank You my Heavenly Father, Thank You Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.
If you don't know Jesus as your Savior just ask Him to forgive your sins and take over your life. Yes its that simple. Religion has made it seem harder than it is. Also get in a good church that teaches the Word and allows the Holy Spirit to move. Also hook into TV and internet ministries.
In Genesis 3:17 God tells Adam because he listen to his wife and ate from the tree God said cursed is the ground because of you; (Darn that Adam) In toil (sorrow) you shall eat of it all the days of your life. God says you had it all in the garden of Eden but you disobeyed Me and now you will sweat to earn your way.
Proverbs 10:22 It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it. Here God uses the same word sorrow as He did when talking to Adam.
If you know your Bible you can go from Genesis all the way through and know what God says about blessing us. In Deuteronomy 28 is the blessing and curses chapter. That's where we make the choice which one we want blessings or cursing. Got Jesus?
So after God told Adam he would sweat and toil in sorrow all the days of his life in Proverbs 10:22 It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it. In my life God has many avenues to bless us from the world - our jobs, business's or maybe selling all our husbands junk that they don't need (just kidding honey). But it clearly states He will add no sorrow to it. God wants to bless us and we don't have to sorrow through our jobs and business's to get it.
Proverbs 10:22 is cross referenced with Genesis 24:35 And the Lord has greatly blessed my master, so that he has become rich, and He has given him flock and herds and silver and gold and servants and maids and camels and donkeys. Of course in this day and age things have changed from camels and donkeys to other things like cars and boats, summer cabins, weekend trips etc.
Proverbs 10:22 is also cross referenced with Genesis 26:12 Now Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold, and the Lord blessed him. We all know about giving. Tithing is a command from God that is followed by a promises of what God will do after we give. Same way with the Scriptures that talk about giving offerings.When we give Offerings we are sowing. It says Isaac sowed in that land and reaped a hundredfold return.
Our problem is we limit God. If you give your tithes and offerings as the Bible clearly states to do the 100 fold return and more belongs to you. Why don't we have it? We limit our God. We put Him in a box and take just what we need to have to get by. Sometimes we even only take Him out of the box when we need Him. Also religion taught us that you don't ask God for money or material needs. Wrong...
Proverbs 10:22 is also cross referenced with Deut 8:18 "But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you the power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers as it is this day. God is no respecter of people. What He did for Abraham He will do for us. We are a seed of Abraham and his blessings belong to us!!!! I am taking them how about you?
Genesis 24:35 is cross referenced with Genesis 24:1 Now Abraham was old, advanced in age; and the Lord has blessed Abraham in every way. See here it doesn't matter how old you are. What do you want from God? Remember Abraham received Isaac in his old age.
Genesis 26:12 is cross referenced with Job 42:12 And the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginnings and he had 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 yoke of oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys.
I could go on and on but gave you enough to chew on. So really just start believing God. My husband and I have been giving for many many years now. We have seen the hand of God work for us. Most of it though has come through avenues where we have to sweat and toiled for it. Not anymore. God wants to bless us past our jobs that cause sorrow. I am grateful to Him for the avenues like our jobs but lets look for more.
Now for those who think that God wants us giving but then to remain poor. I pray for all of you. Jesus died on the cross for me. He took my sins, sickness, disease, fear, bondage and poverty. Don't get me preaching again about it. Its all in the Word you just have to read it, do it and expect it.
Thank You my Heavenly Father, Thank You Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.
If you don't know Jesus as your Savior just ask Him to forgive your sins and take over your life. Yes its that simple. Religion has made it seem harder than it is. Also get in a good church that teaches the Word and allows the Holy Spirit to move. Also hook into TV and internet ministries.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
To God be the Glory great things He has done!
Married 31 years today. Thank You Jesus. We made Jesus part of our marriage many many years ago.
Are you thinking about getting married? Just a reminder though it isn't about the wedding it's about the marriage. So don't fret and spend all kinds of money if it's not in your heart to do so. It's amazing to me that young couples still spend way to much on weddings.
In today's world for the cost of the wedding you could have bought things like a whole house of furniture or a vehicle or maybe a vacation to some place you have been dreaming of for years. Like I said its all fine if you remember why your having a wedding.
Our 31 years has been great. We actually got saved right after we got married and then invited Jesus into our marriage.
My husband is the best. That isn't even a good enough word to describe him. He has been taking care of me and the girls all these years and not looking for anything in return. God is first in his life then me and the girls. The girls are married now but yet he still takes care of them.
Butch and I invited God into our marriage long ago. Has it been bumpy? No it hasn't. He has always loved me and I love him today so much that I still want to melt when he wraps them strong arms around me and kisses me.
I know that God is real. Years back though I use to tell people that I knew there was a God because He gave me Butch. I have watched God do things in my life that proves He is real simply because of the way it happened. Butch is one example.
To many divorce's in this world. People say we grew apart. That's not true. Marriage is what you put into it. Everything in life is a choice and it's your choice. You choose to grow apart or you choose to grow together. You choose Jesus or not. Everywhere we go there are choice's right or wrong.
To those intending to marry I say make sure that God is invited in. Actually it is the Holy Spirit that is on earth with us to be with us in our daily walk. Of course that is after you invite Jesus into your heart as your Savior. As long as God is first place in your hearts and you invite the Holy Spirit daily into your marriage it's all good.
I will say it again and again To God be the Glory Great things He has Done and will continue to do!!
Blessings everyone!!!!
Are you thinking about getting married? Just a reminder though it isn't about the wedding it's about the marriage. So don't fret and spend all kinds of money if it's not in your heart to do so. It's amazing to me that young couples still spend way to much on weddings.
In today's world for the cost of the wedding you could have bought things like a whole house of furniture or a vehicle or maybe a vacation to some place you have been dreaming of for years. Like I said its all fine if you remember why your having a wedding.
Our 31 years has been great. We actually got saved right after we got married and then invited Jesus into our marriage.
My husband is the best. That isn't even a good enough word to describe him. He has been taking care of me and the girls all these years and not looking for anything in return. God is first in his life then me and the girls. The girls are married now but yet he still takes care of them.
Butch and I invited God into our marriage long ago. Has it been bumpy? No it hasn't. He has always loved me and I love him today so much that I still want to melt when he wraps them strong arms around me and kisses me.
I know that God is real. Years back though I use to tell people that I knew there was a God because He gave me Butch. I have watched God do things in my life that proves He is real simply because of the way it happened. Butch is one example.
To many divorce's in this world. People say we grew apart. That's not true. Marriage is what you put into it. Everything in life is a choice and it's your choice. You choose to grow apart or you choose to grow together. You choose Jesus or not. Everywhere we go there are choice's right or wrong.
To those intending to marry I say make sure that God is invited in. Actually it is the Holy Spirit that is on earth with us to be with us in our daily walk. Of course that is after you invite Jesus into your heart as your Savior. As long as God is first place in your hearts and you invite the Holy Spirit daily into your marriage it's all good.
I will say it again and again To God be the Glory Great things He has Done and will continue to do!!
Blessings everyone!!!!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Enlarge our Borders
1 Chronicles 4:10 - Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that Thou would bless me indeed, and enlarge my border, and that Thy hand would be with me, and that Thou would keep me from harm, that it may not pain me!" And God granted him what he requested.
Our God is no respecter of people. What He did for Jabez He will do for you. Put your name in that Scripture.
What borders do you need enlarged? What are your dreams? Some people think that we are just put here on this earth to live, marry, raise a family and work everyday. We were actually put here to fellowship with God. I am learning that God has so much more for us. He wants our dreams fulfilled and our borders enlarged.
Romans 8:32 - He who did not withhold or spare (even) His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all (other) things? Amp version
It is so easy in this world to be need minded. That of course isn't God's way. He always has it all in control. So stop being need minded and place your order. If you go into a restaurant your not going to get to eat unless first you place your order. Same with God.
We have His favor in this world. Anywhere we go it follows us if we believe it. We can decree in Jesus name the blessing of God empowers us to prosper, and the favor of God provides us the opportunities to make it happen!
Roman's 8:37 - "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us"
The definition of "more that a conqueror" is one who arrives at the end of the fight and is handed the title and trophy, without doing a thing!! That is what Jesus did for us!! Rejoice!!
Let's believe the unbelievable and receive the impossible. I will see my dreams come to pass in Jesus name. Amen! Let go and let God!!!
Our God is no respecter of people. What He did for Jabez He will do for you. Put your name in that Scripture.
What borders do you need enlarged? What are your dreams? Some people think that we are just put here on this earth to live, marry, raise a family and work everyday. We were actually put here to fellowship with God. I am learning that God has so much more for us. He wants our dreams fulfilled and our borders enlarged.
Romans 8:32 - He who did not withhold or spare (even) His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all (other) things? Amp version
It is so easy in this world to be need minded. That of course isn't God's way. He always has it all in control. So stop being need minded and place your order. If you go into a restaurant your not going to get to eat unless first you place your order. Same with God.
We have His favor in this world. Anywhere we go it follows us if we believe it. We can decree in Jesus name the blessing of God empowers us to prosper, and the favor of God provides us the opportunities to make it happen!
Roman's 8:37 - "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us"
The definition of "more that a conqueror" is one who arrives at the end of the fight and is handed the title and trophy, without doing a thing!! That is what Jesus did for us!! Rejoice!!
Let's believe the unbelievable and receive the impossible. I will see my dreams come to pass in Jesus name. Amen! Let go and let God!!!
Cold Winters in Wisconsin
Living in Wisconsin has it's ups and down in the winter time. It has been very cold here for to long. My husband said we are having a winter just like we did in 1983. Even though I got married that year I don't remember it to much.
In 1983 I was a stay at home wife and mother. I had just gotten born again so I was soaking up all I could about God. 30 years later it is interesting to see where we started and where we are now.
God is so awesome! It amazes me that some people don't care to know Him as I do. They fall back on there religion which is mans way.
I have learned so much from different preachers that I enjoy listening to. I know that I am the righteousness of God because of what Jesus did for me. I know that what I deserve in this life is on Jesus and what He deserves is on me! Did you get that? Everything that Jesus has is ours for the taking. I know that in Him I am the head and not the tail above and not beneath. Blessed coming in and blessed going out. Bottom line I am blessed I am blessed!!
Accept Him today and you will never be the same.
In 1983 I was a stay at home wife and mother. I had just gotten born again so I was soaking up all I could about God. 30 years later it is interesting to see where we started and where we are now.
God is so awesome! It amazes me that some people don't care to know Him as I do. They fall back on there religion which is mans way.
I have learned so much from different preachers that I enjoy listening to. I know that I am the righteousness of God because of what Jesus did for me. I know that what I deserve in this life is on Jesus and what He deserves is on me! Did you get that? Everything that Jesus has is ours for the taking. I know that in Him I am the head and not the tail above and not beneath. Blessed coming in and blessed going out. Bottom line I am blessed I am blessed!!
Accept Him today and you will never be the same.
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