Saturday, December 20, 2014

The devil made me do it

Does God let bad things happen to you? NO!!!!! Why do so many people believe that? Someone said that even Jesus when He hung on the cross said God my God why have you forsaken me. Let's start there.

The Bible says we are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Don't ever think He is talking about the world here. He means lack of knowledge of His Word.

Here is the picture. Adam and Eve in the garden. Here comes the serpent (devil) to deceive her. They ate the apple (was it a apple). Right then and there the world was turned over to the devil. He deceived them well. God says get out you disobeyed Me. That is also where the term sweat and toil all the days of our life came in.

God didn't want to do that of course. He created them so He could have fellowship. Let's jump ahead.

So now Jesus is born and He is a man. Do you remember when Jesus was being tempted by the devil? The devil wanted to give Him all this domain if Jesus would only bow down. The domain he was talking about was the world because the devil was given authority when they ate the apple.

There was no stopping Jesus from dying on the cross. It had to be done. Everything happen the way that it should of happened. Just remember Jesus came to the earth as son of man not son of God. He died as a man. On the cross when Jesus said my God my God why have you forsaken Me? God had to forsake Him. He had all the sins of the world on Him. God hates sin!!!! Oh but the end result is Jesus says it is finished. God took Him back to heaven where He belongs. Jesus isn't being forsaken anymore.

Jesus gave us authority in His name. The devil still has control of this earth to try to kill, steal and destroy but the good news is that if you are a born again believer you have authority against him in Jesus name. The victory belongs to you...

God is wherever you are. If your at rock bottom God didn't put you there but He will be there with you. Jesus never hit rock bottom nor should we as believers.

In this world there is to much blaming God for things He didn't do. The second part of that is I hear people say the devil made me do it. Another cope out. I should warn you that saying the devil made me do it isn't a good thing. Saying that will bring the devil on scene.

Lots of time what we are blaming God or the devil for is self inflicted. If you walk in the street and don't watch for cars and get run over who's fault was it? If your speeding down the road and get killed in a accident who's fault is it?

One of my favorites in the blame game is when its says an act of God isn't cover in your insurance policy. Of course they are talking about tornado's and whatnot. Get a grip it's not God. The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy - John 10:10 - and that is followed by Jesus saying that I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly. Check out the word might there. Might have life means it's your choice. Got Jesus?

Think about it the next time you are blaming someone. Who's fault is it really?


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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...