Thursday, December 4, 2014


I have been a Christian for many years now. I don't mess around with watching or listening to just any preacher. They have to pass the test. They have to show me that they believe the total Word of God and act on it. I don't care for unbelief. You shouldn't sit under unbelief anyway.

I was watching brother JD the other day. He said that he asked God how He see's the body of Christ. The answer was God see's us as stars. Some stars are bright, some are moving, some are still. It made lots of sense to me.

So what kind of star are you? I want to be a moving star. I don't want to sit still in the Kingdom of God. I want to do His work. After all we are Jesus on this earth and we should act like it. I am a lot bolder. Sometimes I see a stranger and know they need healing so I ask if I can pray for them. They let me. People want what we have we have to be bold enough to share it.

I have learned so much over the years through the Bible or tapes or TV. Why don't we put into action what we read or learn? Let's get to work doing what Jesus did while He was on earth.

God sent His Son (actually God came to earth) to die for our sins, sickness, disease, poverty, fear and bondage. Let's act like we believe that and share with others. Let's be stars that move doing His will.

Do you know that most people think saying GD is taking God's name in vain. Actually not walking in what Jesus died to give us is taking His name in vain. And no I didn't just tell you that it was okay to say it. When I hear someone say GD it hurts my ears. I love God. He loves me and He doesn't Dam anyone.

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 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...