Thursday, December 5, 2019

Out with the Old in with the New

January 2019 marks the start of the 43rd year for Butch at Mangers. The only thing is on January 18th he was told the place was closing the doors (Don't feel sorry for him he's not sorry). Butch knew this was coming with more cremations and so many casket companies competing with each other to sell there product. He worked until  Feb. 25th then all the employee's were dismissed. Boss Mike is driving the truck now until all caskets are sold then the doors will closed permanently.

Mangers was a great job and part of our lives for a very long time. I remember when he use to be gone overnight two nights a week. He enjoyed driving the truck. He made the decision right away though that he didn't want another driving job like that one. No more overnights.

God is our provider and I always thank Him for giving me a man that has never been afraid to work. The Bible says the man is the provider and Butch has and always will be just that. We know that our God is the One Who meets all our needs and jobs are some of God's avenues He uses.

When he was told the place was shutting down on the way home he stopped and applied for a job at Menards. He has talked about working there after he retires. They called him immediately. Not only that they kept on him. He figured he would look around and see whats out there.

He applied at some places where he would be doing woodworking. He had an interview with one company but it didn't pan out. Later found out it wouldn't be a healthy environment since painting was done in the same room the building was done. Bad fumes.

While he has been home he has been very busy. Making a stash of urns and other things. It is nice having him home but he is ready to work. We are going to start making furniture now. The first thing on the agenda is a wooden inside trash bin for me. Then who knows what will be next.

Unemployment what can I say - I can say a lot. Not fun at all. Its like a job in itself. All the forms, applying for jobs you don't want so you can show them your looking for a job. You have to prove four a week to them. And they do everything they can not to pay you. Money he earned by his company paying in all these years. I am glad that only lasted a few weeks. Done with that.

So as I always glorify my God Butch will be taking the job at Menards. The one we believe God had for him from the start. He will fit right in. Menards is getting a hard worker. So the next time your at Menards West and shopping you may just get to see him. He works in receiving but does go into the store on occasion. He was hired to work in the yard but they started him off in receiving and kept him there.

So while some will say to him I am sorry you lost your job we are happy about it and have had the peace of God since the day he was told. God has taken care of us for a long time and He will never stop. He has our back 24/7.

After 16 days off he will start at Menards on March 20th 2019.

We are so looking forward to this new adventure God has for us. Thank You Father God You are so good to us.

Thank you honey for being my best of everything. I love you!!

Saturday May 4th and Mangers still open. Butch enjoying his job at Menards.

Menards has been a good job. It's a lot more physical work and he can handle it but he shouldn't have to. They take advantage of him and his work ethic. Not only that the managers should be making sure his breaks and lunch are taken instead they are so busy they tell him he don't have to take them. So our God will move him out. Menards was a good fit for six months. In the six months he lost 60 pounds.

Been applying for certain jobs that come up. I know its not always fun starting new jobs. But when God picks it out it is all good.

God is good. Our son in law Andrew use to work at Gray-bar Electric. He started at the bottom and worked his way up to now he has his own business. Andrew told Butch to go apply for a job there. So he got all decked out and went and applied. The girl at the desk told him that they take applications on line only. She did go one step farther as God would have it and said let me see if someone can talk with you. We now know she went and got Bruce who is the person in charge of everything. Of course Butch was told to use Andrew's name and didn't. Bruce told him no positions open but go ahead and apply online.

 A month or more passed and Andrew asked Butch who he talked to at Gray-bar. As we said we now know it was Bruce. God used Andrew to get on the phone call Bruce and talk to him about Butch. Remember the girl at the desk went and got Bruce so when Andrew called him Bruce knew who he was talking about. My God is so good. Bruce called and set up a interview for Monday the 9th of Sept, 2019. Then the next day he was offered the job. My God is Awesome....He would be hired as a fill in driver.

Then came physical, drug test, background check and paperwork. He remained at Menards while waiting to here from Gray-bar. Bruce said don't give your notice till I tell you. So he didn't.

On the paperwork I saw a tentative start date of 9/30/19. I ran with that. When time passed and we knew there wasn't enough time to give a 2 week notice I just kept saying I am still going with the date of the 30th. 

The words coming from our mouth are so important. Been preaching that for years to people and it falls on closed ears. I stuck with that date even though Butch figured it would be later start because of giving a two weeks notice. Butch started leaving his phone home so I could take the call. I told him I would come see him at work when they call. So be ready if you see me at Menards they have called with the start date.

On 9/24 I was driving and his phone rang. I missed the call but she left a voice mail. I called her right back claimed favor and asked if she could give me the info. She did. Do I really have to say when he is starting? You got it 9/30. I stuck with that date even though Butch figured it would be later start because of giving a two weeks notice.

I couldn't get to Menards fast enough. I was on the East side of Green Bay. Excitement was in the air. I took time to call our friends Jim & Cynthia and tell them the news. Some of the time driving went fast since I was talking on the blue tooth. I saw him in the distance and called his name. I didn't care who heard me or what they thought of me. I was surprised that he heard me. He must of been waiting and expecting me. I raised my arms in praise as I walked towards him. He got a bit teary eyed when I told him. I told him his start date he turned around went back to work to give his notice. Sunday would be his last day. I suggested that he give it for Saturday so he has a rest up day before new job. He didn't because I am sure he didn't want to leave them in a pinch.

This was on Tues. He gave a five and a half days notice. Gray-bar actually called Menards checking on Butch on 9/13 so they had plenty of notice.

We are excited. Five days a week, more money and no weekends. His shift will be 4am till 1. He had been on the 5am shift most at Menard's so we just get up an hour earlier as well as to bed a bit earlier. God was grooming him for new job while working at Menards. He will be doing some warehouse work and some driving truck. You can know he is excited about that. On the road again. He won't be driving that far this time.

On Sept 30th we will get up at 2:45 and Butch will start a new chapter of our life together. Thank You Father!

Thank You Father! It is only because of You that he starts a new better job 4 years before retirement. And he starts it with no DEBT! Wonderful benefits come with this new job. This was only the hand of our God. God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

Our God is Awesome. We have lived the last 35 plus years walking in God's provision. He has never let us down.

Butch is enjoying his job. I love it too. Five days a week 4AM til 12:30 or 1.

He had no idea that the job he had right out of High School for 42 years driving truck delivering caskets for Manger's would end before retirement. But God had better plans.

Now less than 4 years to retirement he has the best job. He is completely a different person. This job is both a little physical and a little driving truck. Not sure he will retire now.

This job fits him. He likes the people he works with as well as the schedule he works. He has met a lot of new friends. Were in bed by 6 or 7 but that's okay. He sleeps and I watch a movie.

I get up with him in the morning and make breakfast and get him off. Sometimes I go back to sleep around 6 til he calls around 7.

2019 has been a different year for us with job changes. God is faithful. I look forward to 2020 to see what our wonderful God has for all of us.

We are still making and selling urns to a few faithful funeral homes. Since he isn't driving and hauling caskets anymore he isn't in the FH anymore. But like I said some still ordering. He is making bigger things now.

Never under estimate God. Never try to figure out what He might do next. He wants to bless you and have you trust Him for everything.

He started gray-bar on Sept 30th. He already earned Thanksgiving and the next day Friday as a paid holiday. So of course he receives Christmas and New Years paid also. Not only that Christmas eve day and New Years eve day he got done two hours early with pay. He was also told right after he started working there that after the first of the year he has 2 weeks paid vacation. Not only that Graybar decided to add another week to any employee working there less then 4 years. So now he has 3 weeks. That's my God. He continues to change policies for the good for Butch. That's favor....

Very good health insurance for both of us. 401K too.

After a year at Gray bar he gets to buy stock in the company. We will be doing that.

The one thing I didn't care for at Manger's was no seniority. Butch the longest worker there and the glue holding it together received the same thing everyone else did. He worked there 42 years and only had 2 weeks vacation a year. Of course they gave a Christmas bonus so that could be a third week. Less than a year before they shut down I was telling him that if your in the wrong job God can't bless you like He wants to. Our God has certainly proven that. Even at Menards he earned 3 vacation days quickly. Thank You Father.

We are happy living in Hobart. We are content right now. We did see the showcase homes this year and saw a floor plan we like. We know if we build we have a builder. Specs home are nice for us because we like to see what we are getting. We will see what Papa has.

I still miss certain things at each home we have lived in. I was thinking it would be so nice to have a bit of each previous home in the next one. Like the piano window as well as the sun porch from Northern ave. The privacy fence at Erie st along with the pond and flowers in the back yard. McRae place the Oak cabinets, doors and molding. It makes for a much brighter home. I can't say I miss my cast iron sink anymore because Butch just installed one here for me. Loving it. We have had regular ceilings, cathedral ceilings and now 9 foot ceilings. Not sure what we will pick.

Our God is Awesome. We have live the last 35 plus years walking in God's provision. He has never let us down nor will He. Blessings chase us down. We are blessed coming in and going out. The head and not the tail. We walk in the blessing.

36 years of marriage, two daughters, our son in law Andrew, three brand new spec homes, five brand new vehicles and every need always met. Thank You Jesus. 


It's March 25 and in few more days it will be six months for Butch at Gray-bar. Spring is in the air now the weather is beautiful and warming up.

He loves getting home earlier and I like it to. I still get up and make him breakfast do my praying and some chores and maybe go back to sleep for a bit.

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