Monday, December 14, 2020

2020 Christmas Gathering

Dec 14th, 2020

After all these years we are still having Christmas gatherings on the second Saturday of Dec. It isn't always the same home but as we move we still have them. Lots of memories. One in particular at McRae Place was a snowy day. Kim was still living at home and left that evening to go to a Christmas party in Little Chute. I didn't want her to go she did but wasn't gone long at all. 

At this party we were still doing open house 2 till 10. People come in and out as they choose. However as the snow came and came quickly everyone talked about leaving but they didn't leave. Most of the guests lived closed to us. We always have wonderful parties and everyone enjoys them. The next day there was lots of snow. Our front door where the night before people were coming and going was completely blocked. Kimberly went out to see if her car had to be dug out. Sometimes snowed in is fun. I loved it more when the kids were younger. Schools would cancel and we all stayed in. 

Another time Butch actually left the party for a bit to unload a semi at Manger's with Tony. We lived at the time right by the truck stop so Butch ran and picked up Tony and brought him to the party for a bit after they unloaded. McRae Place was closer to everything.

So we just had our party a few nights ago at Pebblestone Circle. The parties always were the neighbors. This time we invited a small group from church. We love to entertain to have people come over and bless them. We normally have the same menu. Tenderloin, potato bake, and whatever they bring since they insisted on bringing a dish to pass. Always good food.

Now its time for shopping. Merry Christmas. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Angel's Take Charge Concerning Us Always


Butch and I have believed in the Word of God for 35 plus years now. The Bible. So many promises in His word. We always love glorifying God for all of them. We love to glorify God when the enemy tries to steal from us.

We love Psalm 91 which is all about the protection that comes from God. The angels are sent to take charge of us to keep us safe in all our ways. 

In 2004 right after we moved to McRae place Butch was standing on the top part of the ladder you know the step that says this isn't a step. He was trying to put a big piece of wood in the attic garage. Yes I was in the house and could of helped him. Nope he didn't ask. I hear the noise from in the house and went to check on him. He is laying on the cement. I asked him are you okay and he said yes but I think I broke my arm. I immediately looked for the piece of wood. It was still up there and it was now caught on a little piece of wood trim. That trim held it up there along with the angels of course but really I don't know how because it should of fallen. Had it fallen on him it would of been more then a broken arm. 

Yesterday Butch was unloading a huge cord of wire at work. He wasn't at a loading dock. From what he said he should of been but no docks available. Of course he never waits for help either. I wasn't there but from what he says the wire fell from the truck taking him with it. Again the angels. He does have some of what he is calling road rash but we call on healing Jesus for that. Still not convinced about the angels? 

A family member was painting and on a ladder. I know she wasn't on the top of the ladder because she is a girl and girls tend not to do the stupid things the boys do. She fell. While she told me about it I didn't understand it until I saw the area she had been painting. Where she fell was right by a set of wood steps. They were wider then normal steps. In my calculation had she fallen she would of rolled each step twice that’s how wide they were. But she didn't fall down the stairs. Angels again. She told me she saw the angels. God doesn’t always let you see them. Such a blessing for her to see them. That accident made me cry a bit knowing how God saved her from them steps. His love for us. She was there alone for the week. Had she went down the steps it would of been a lot worse. We did have to believe for some healing as we do right now for Butch and God is always faithful. 

My stories could go on and on about the protection of God and His angels. In this day and age were living in we need first of all to have a relationship with Jesus. After that we need to believe in Psalm 91 His protection and of course the rest of His Word. Of course believing starts with being born again.

I use to say this world is getting more and more evil. The Bible says that will happen before Jesus comes. I can't say that anymore though because God in His loving kindness for all of us put Donald Trump an ordinary man in the white house. That man has been doing just as he promised he is draining the swamp. The swamp is deep and we are all about to see just how deep. He is saving the children and the number of kids they are finding in tunnels all over this world is sick and sad. And what they have done to these children is awful. 

The thief comes to steal kill and destroy. If you know Jesus if you have a relationship with Him you too can know that when your long life on this earth is over you have a place in heaven. Knowing Him protects you on this earth as well. The devil roams this earth LIKE a roaring lion looking for whom he can devour. Don't let it be you. Ask Jesus today into your heart.    

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Northern Ave Sept 2020

 I was in the old neighborhood buying Hansen’s pizza’s the other day. As usual I rode by the old homestead. To my surprise hanging on the 24 by 32 garage we built was a great big Trump flag. I rode around the block just hoping someone would be out so I could take a picture. 

That home at 515 was just the best starter home for the four of us. We had purchased a Mobil home but decided that wasn’t the best fit. Kim was born when we lived in the Mobil home and I was a stay at home mom. Lots of memories. 

Since I rode by been thinking about the home. Butch had built me these big deep cabinets for the bathroom since it was so huge. I recall the birthday I bought him a new fishing pole and was able to hide it on him on top that cabinet. Come his birthday I told him to go get it. After that though he started looking for presents on top of it. Lost a great hiding place. 

I still to this day miss the three seasons porch that is still on the front of it. When the kids were younger they played out there a lot. Kim could be left unattended out there too even though she was little. There bedroom window was off the porch so with no screen on it they would crawl back and forth through the window and make forts. 

We built Jodi a bedroom in the basement. She enjoyed that but now realize she should of stayed upstairs and shared a room with Kim.

We went through an open house years back and the concrete still has Jesus loves you engraved in it. And I believe where the kids put there names and hand prints on the outside was still there. We thought we would live there forever. Next home for us will have a screen in porch. 

The 1989 and 93 grand ams were bought at this home.

Such great memories. Jodi and Kim were younger. Butch at that time driving for Mangers was out of town two days a week every week. It was a treat for us if he was gone just one night. 

Since then I have been thinking about the things we still have from living there all these years later. We have our glider rocker. Kimberly's acrylic mickey mouse blanket and her blessing dolls along with Joseph, Tracy and Gerbert. The Terry Redlin I bought Butch for Christmas is now hanging in the man cave. We have the food dehydrator and still use it. I have some Christian books too. We have one dresser left from a bedroom set. We actually have both dressers but gave one to Mom. Kimberly just painted the dresser green. It looks very nice. Jodi has one from when butch was a boy. I am sure there is more stuff and will add as I think of it. 


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

1981 and God is Good

1981 seems so long ago. I was a bartender then and my Jodi was Five. 

In today's world I would never suggest you can meet the man of your dreams in a bar but back then everything was possible. Along comes Butch. Shy and bashful and never says much but did tell me right after deer hunting, he would like to take me on a date. Sounded good to me. Deer hunting came and gone, and we had our date. The book is opened, and new wonderful chapters have begun. 

He met Jodi and it was a hit. I watched him with her and knew I had found a gem. We were married less than 2 years later. A family of three. 

We made Jesus our Savior and Lord right after that and invited God into our marriage. Kim was born. Now were a family of four but actually five adding the Holy Spirit. 

Our life was simple. Trust God. He has never let us down.

Through our 37 years of marriage, it has been the best ride we have ever been on. 

So, on this day July 1st as we celebrate 37 years of marriage, children, dreams, friends and our wonderful Father in heaven all I can say is thank You Jesus. Thank You Father for putting Butch in my path before I knew You. 

Happy anniversary to my love from your love. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

God Take's Care of Us

Hebrews 13:5
"He Himself has said I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support."

If your heart is troubled you will find peace and comfort knowing that in God you are never alone.
God's presence is always with you. In His presence is rest.

He knows everything about you according to Psalm 39. He always knows our circumstances and whatever we are going through. He is our strength and peace. He will always bring darkness to the light. Jesus is the Light.

God is always our stronghold a present help in time of trouble. We don't need to be afraid. Never will He withhold His love for us. Nothing is to hard for Him.

God is our provider today, tomorrow and always. He loves you. Cast all of your cares on Him and just believe His love.

This doesn't just happen. For years we have been taught wrong when it comes to God. We have been taught to just trust Him or the popular sayin God is in control. That isn't totally correct. Before we can trust Him we have to know Him. We can't know Him through others. We need to know and experience Him on our own. 

The Bible says to be Born again according to John 3:3. Born again is kinda what they taught us before confirmation. The difference is when I as an example was taught in confirmation I learned it as the assignment it was. God wants your heart not your head. We learn head knowledge about Him in religion.

We have to accept Jesus in our hearts. Then we need to fellowship with Him by reading His Word and visiting with Him.

Some make that seem so hard to do. It's not. I have been a Christian now born again for some 35 plus years. I wouldn't change a thing. God the Father, Jesus & the Holy Spirit have never let me down. And never will. I trust them.

So if you don't know Jesus as you should just ask Him in your heart to be your Savoir and Lord.

When I got born again I bought Bibles & found good Christian television. We went to church but to be honest they were dry. I wanted the Word. We have been visiting a church body lately that believes the whole Word of God. That's important to me. They also follow and listen to the same Christian preachers I do.

I was born and raised a Catholic. When I was older I found the truth and it has set me free. Yes you can read the Bible and understand it all on your own.

God is waiting on you. He's at the door knocking. Open it and let Him in. Blessings.....

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

January 28th 2020

So far this winter it has been very mild. We had a few colder days earlier but has been mild now. We do have lots of snow. Not as much as up north though.

To me its all downhill now. February is a short month even though its only three days shorter.

Back when we had a mortgage it made the first of march come quicker and payment due. Praise God no more mortgage.

Jodi & Andrew are enjoying Isla the new puppy. She is a handful. Training dogs is just like training a child.

Butch and Andrew haven't been able to get to the new land to do any work cause of all the snow. Pretty soon though and then the fun will start.

Kim is starting her inside garden plants. She gets so excited. She wants to know what we need for our garden. We are planning one since now Butch has time to tend to one. He is the garden man. That's where Kim got it from. This will be our third summer here and the second summer we had a in ground garden. Not doing that again. Will come up with a new idea.

Butch's job going very well. I am still thanking our God. Of course I thank Him all the time. Praise is good. He has so gotten use to his schedule that he doesn't even nap when he gets home. He is sometimes up at 2am waiting for the alarm to go off. He comes home around 1ish, we visit then he might go in the basement for an hour or so working on urns then we have dinner around 4 he showers and then anytime after that he will sleep in the chair or the bed.

My schedule is different. I love the new schedule. I usually stay up in the morning but by 5:30 6 I might lay on the couch for a bit. He calls every morning around 7:30. I love that too.

He has three weeks vacation this year. That's different for him. We don't have any plans yet. As long as we have Zoe we normally stick close to home. When Zoe goes to join Ali we will travel more.

I am waiting for spring but will not wish the time away. Zoe too wants to be outside more.

We are going to the Jeff Allen show on Friday. Jeff Allen is a comedian and since we know he travels sometimes with the Gaithers we knew its clean fun.

My God. Amazing. It will be wonderful waiting on Him to see what He has for us in 2020.

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal ...